
“Listen!” Mr. Lee said seriously at the beginning of his first class, “I will put a lie into each of my classes. Your job is to try and catch me in the Lie of the Day.”

That was really a clever way to fix our attention on the dry and boring subject — geography. Then in the following weeks, we didn't let off every single word of what he was saying in class and challenged(质疑)his lectures. When his class ended with nobody seeing through the lie, Mr. Lee would say, “Ah ha! Each of you has a lie in your notes. Discuss among yourselves what it might be, and I will tell you at the end of this term.”

Mr. Lee’s special style of teaching worked. All of us reviewed and discussed about our notes actively.

One Monday at the end of the term, Mr. Lee listened carefully to what we were questioning for almost ten minutes. Then he finally said, “Do you still remember the first lesson how I said that every lecture has a lie?”

Confused, we said yes.

"Well, that was a real big lie. In fact, all the lectures I’ve given before are completely true. But I am glad you worked so hard. Move on ...”

Hearing this, all eyes in the classroom went wide.

While my knowledge of geography has been forgotten over time, the lessons have stayed with me. "Experts" can be wrong and say things that sound right, so build a habit of evaluating (评估)new information and check it against things you already accept as a fact.

1.We can know that Mr. Lee was ________.

A.wise B.serious C.boring D.confusing

2.In Mr. Lee’s class, ________.

A.he always told lies B.the students always questioned him

C.everyone had to write down all of his words D.it was difficult for the students to see through the lie

3.The underlined sentence in the passage means________.

A.the students opened their eyes B.Mr. Lee opened the students’eyes

C.the students got shocked and amazed D.the students had a look at the classroom

4.From the passage, we can infer that________.

A.Mr. Lee was an expert

B.it’s easy to forget the knowledge of geography

C.Mr. Lee succeeded drawing the students’ attention

D.the students would never check what the teachers said again

5.The best title of the passage could be ________.

A.A Real Lie B.Learn to Question

C.A Special Teaching Style D.The First Geography Lesson


I'm sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you take old things and turn them into new things. It sounds like magic. But it's actually very scientific.


The first thing you have to do is to collect items (物品) that can be recycled. Only certain materials can be recycled. These include things made of paper, metal, glass and plastic.

Daily things:

Can you think of everyday items made of these materials? Soda cans are good example. They are made of metal. Magazines and newspaper are made of paper. So are milk boxes. Some bottles of juice are made of glass. Bags are made of plastic. There are many things that can be recycled.


These things are usually signed with the recycling loop. It has 3 arrows (箭头) that go in a triangular (三角形) circle. This shows that cycle (循环) continues. Items are thrown away but continue their lives as something else.


Let's go back to the process of recycling. ①The items are put in a recycling bin. ②A truck carries the items to a recycling factory. ③The materials are separated and squashed (被压扁成) into square cubes. ④Companies buy and turn them into new products.

1.What is "recycling" according to the passage?

A.It's a magic performance. B.It's a way of burning old things.

C.It's a way to make old things useful. D.It's a scientific research.

2.Which material is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Rubber. B.Metal. C.Glass. D.Plastic.

3.Which of the following things can not put into a recycling bin?

A.Newspaper. B.Milk boxes. C.All bottles. D.Soda cans.

4.What does the "3 arrows" shows?

A.Things have some valuable stamps. B.Things are in a triangle circle.

C.Things are recycled and reused. D.Things are thrown away.

5.What is the passage is mainly about?

A.Recyclable material. B.Recyclable daily things.

C.The recycling process. D.Recycling in a scientific way.

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