
Twenty years ago, an old man who is 1.

over 50 years older, went to see his daughter. 2.

The daughter was happy to see her mother 3.

and picked up the phone and said, “Hello,

bring me any good food.” A moment later, 4.

an beautiful girl brought the food here. 5.

What magic the phone is!” the old man 6.

said to himself. After a little days, he went 7.

back to his home town with the phone.

He picked the phone as soon as he gets home 8.

and said, “Hello, some delicious food, please.”

Then he waited there. He waited or waited. 9.

But nobody brought him something. 10.


The game of telephone is a classic ice breaker and party game. It’s easy to set up and a lot of fun to play. You and your friends will try to pick a word or phrase, “pass it on” by whispering(耳语) it to someone next to you, and have fun seeing how much it changed during the game. All you will need to play is a couple of friends, a word or phrase, and a whisper.

Get everyone in place.

Although the game of telephone is simple to play, you will need to arrange(安排) the players in a way that supports the game. Have everyone stand in either a line or a circle. Players should be spaced far enough apart that they won’t overhear the word when it isn’t their turn. Proper position is important when playing telephone.

Start the game.

Choose a person to start the game. Make the person think of a word or give a certain word to him or her. And he or she should whisper it to the person next to them. The pronunciation of the word should sound like many others’ as the idea is to see how much it changes by the game’s end. Once the word has been told to the next person, they will whisper it to the person next to them.

Continue whispering the word.

Players continue listening to the word and repeating what they think they heard to the person next to them. This is done until the last person in the line or circle is told the word. Every person should have heard the word or phrase by the end of the game.

See how much the word changed.

Once the last person hears the word or phrase, they will say what they think they heard out-loud. This is compared to the original word that the game started with. This is the moment when all the players get to learn just how much the word or phrase changed through their “telephone line”.

1.The writer wants to tell us how to ______ by writing this passage.

A. hold an interesting party B. learn words and phrases C. play a party game D. how to make friends

2.Picture ______ is the right way of playing the game of telephone.

A. B. C. D.

3.The words in Group ______ may be heard in the game of telephone.

A. duck-dark-park-luck B. except-expect-expert-express

C. good-well-better-best D. luck-lucky-luckily-unluckily

4.When the ______ person hears the word or phrase, he or she should speak it out loudly.

A. first B. second C. middle D. last

5.According to the passage, statement ______ is TRUE.

A. The people who are in this game should stand next to each other closely.

B. We need some friends, a word or phrase and a telephone to play the game.

C. When you pass the word to the person next to you, you should shout it aloud.

D. The game of telephone can be played both in birthday parties and New Year parties.

Alex Harley was born in the northeast of New York in 1921,but he spent most of his early life with his mother’s family . Their history, she said, began with Toby. He was a slave from Africa and his name was Kinray.

Alex Harley went to school and then to college .In 1939 ,he joined the US coastguard. As he was a Black ,his job was to wait on tables and washed dishes. In his spare time, he learned to write stories. He served in the coastguard for 20 years. . After he retired he put all his time into writing.

Alex Harley remembered the stories his grandmother had told him. He began to study his family story. After a lot of research, Harley decided that Toby probably was Kinta Kinte for the West African Mandingo people. Kinta Kinte was caught near the Village of Juffure on the Gambia River. He was sold as a slave in Annapolis, Maryland in 1767 . Then Harley made a trip to Gambia and talked with a history expert in Juffure. The African historian made his conclusion stronger.

Alex Harley wanted to tell the experiences of the Black people in 18th-and-19th-century America. He spent 10 years researching and writing his family story for the book “Roots”, It was published in 1979. It won a special Pulizer Prize. A few years later, a film series based on Harley’s book was shown on American television.

1.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

a. He made a trip to Gambia.

b. Alex Harley knew the stories about their family

c. Ante lived near the Gambia River.

d. Harley retired from the US coastguard.

e. Toby was sold as a slave

f. He began to study his family history.

A. e,c,b ,f,d,a B. . c,e,b,d,f,a

C. e,b,d,c,a,f D. c,b,d,e,a,f

2.Where did Harley spend most of this childhood?

A. In Gambia B. In the north of the US

C. In Maryland D. In the south of America

3.When did Harley learn to write stories?

A. In 1959 B. After 1921 C. Before 1939 D. In the army

4.Which conclusion did he draw after doing a lot of research?

A. Toby was a history expert.

B. Toby’s hometown was near Gambia River.

C. Toby was an African historian.

D. Toby’s hometown was Annapolis.

5.Which of the following might have happened after watching “Roots” on TV?

A. Every American talking about their family story.

B. None of the Americans talking about their family history.

C. Many Americans became interested in researching their family history.

D. Only the Black people became interested in researching their family history.

Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.

Story A

I remember catching a “thief” in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didn’t want his wife to see him! We soon let him go.

Story B

Another day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He

wrote on the back of an envelope(信封), “Give me the money! Or I’ll kill you.” And gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him $100,000 and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the man’s house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator(电梯). He couldn’t believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!

1.What does Mr. Smith do?

A. A bank clerk. B. A policeman. C. A thief. D. A teacher.

2.Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop ___________.

A. by exchange B. by chance C. by accident D. by mistake

3.Why did the man return the sweater to the shop?

A. Because he didn’t want his wife to see it.

B. Because he liked money more than the sweater.

C. Because he hated it.

D. Because he liked money best.

4.Bob was caught so quickly because ___________.

A. his address was found on the envelope he used

B. he received a phone call from the bank clerk

C. the police waited for him outside the elevator

D. Bob was cleverer than the police

5.What do you think of Bob?

A. He is brave. B. He is careful. C. He is careless. D. He is smart.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel. My wife and I arrived on Saturday, May 15th and stayed for a week. Though we were treated well and found the service excellent, we think there are one or two things we should bring your attention.

1. We hoped for a nice holiday from our busy work lives, and your ad said “comfortable and quiet”. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However, we were always waken up by the noise every morning. Is it really necessary for the workers to start their repair work so early?

2. We hoped to swim in your “wonderful pool”. To our disappointment(失望), we found that it was closed for the whole time of our stay.

I hope you do not mind my writing to you about these things, but I would be happy if you could give me some explanation(说明). As I said at the start, it is a pity, and your service is so good in other places.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Tom Green

1.Who is Mr. Tom Green probably writing this letter to?

A. His friend. B. The owner of a hotel.

C. A reader. D. His father.

2.When did they get to the hotel?

A. On May 15th. B. A week ago.

C. Last year. D. On a cold morning.

3.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph (段落)?

A. The hotel was very comfortable and quiet.

B. The workers in the hotel were very hard-working.

C. He thought the hotel didn’t provide them with a quiet place.

D. The service in the hotel was very excellent.

4.What did Mr Green think about the swimming pool?

A. He felt disappointed because the swimming pool was closed for the whole time of their stay.

B. He felt disappointed because the swimming poop was too small.

C. He felt excited about it because he had a good time there.

D. He found it really wonderful, just like the words in the ad.

5.What kind of letter is it?

A. An invitation letter. B. A thank-you letter.

C. A sorry letter. D. A complaint letter.

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