
One afternoon ,Mrs Stone decided to visit her friend Mrs King . Mrs king lived in a nice house with a large garden far from the city center .Mrs Stone took her dog with her . While the women were having coffee outside the house , the dog was running around in the garden . The two friends were very unpleasantly surprised when the dog appeared after some time with a dead rabbit in his mouth. Mrs King began to feel sick because she knew that her neighbor kept rabbits in a hutch (兔窝 ) in his garden . As the dog and the rabbit were both covered with earth and dirt , the women took the rabbit and carefully cleaned it in the bathroom .When it got dark ,they went quietly through the trees into the neighbor’s garden and put the dead rabbit into the hutch .

The next afternoon .Mr king’s neighbor , the one with the rabbit ,found her in the garden called her over . She walked towards the neighbor and she felt very afraid because she knew that she did something wrong “You know what ? ”her neighbor said , “ Yesterday morning I found one of my rabbits dead in the hutch . So I put it in the ground in the garden and this morning ,”he started to whisper( 耳语 ), “It’s back to the hutch ! I’m going to take it to a right pet cemetery ( 墓地)      

1 . Who was the owner of the dog ?


2 .Why were Mrs Stone and Mrs King very unpleasantly surprised ?


3 .Where did Mrs Stone and Mrs King put the dead rabbit ?


4.The rabbit wasn’t bitten to death by the dog , was it ?


5.How would Mrs King’s neighbor deal with the rabbit ?




 Mrs Stone 

 Because the dog appeared with a dead rabbit in it’s mouth.

 They put it back into the butch.

 No/ No ,it wasn’t

 He would take it to a right pet cemetery.



 根据.Mrs Stone took her dog with her .描述,可知这条狗的主人是Mrs Stone。

 根据The two friends were very unpleasantly surprised when the dog appeared after some time with a dead rabbit in his mouth.可知答:Because the dog appeared with a dead rabbit in it’s mouth.

 根据When it got dark ,they went quietly through the trees into the neighbor’s garden and put the dead rabbit into the hutch .描述,可知答:They put it back into the butch.

 根据Yesterday morning I found one of my rabbits dead in the hutch .描述,可知这只兔子不是被狗咬死的,英语反义疑问句的回答只依据事实,只要事实是肯定的就用肯定回答。事实是否定的,就用否定回答。一般为:肯定回答:Yes, +主语(通常是代词)+助动词;否定回答:No, +主语(通常是代词)+ 助动词 not.(的缩写形式).注意助动词和人称代词人称与数上同问句保持一致。故答:No/ No ,it wasn’t。

 根据I’m going to take it to a right pet cemetery ( 墓地)可知答:He would take it to a right pet cemetery.





Mr. Carrey worked at a big company. He went to work by bus. One day when he was standing at the bus-stop, he watched cars go by. Many of the cars were new Sherry 700s, and most of them were yellow.

Mr. Carrey was a person who did not like to be different from other men. He always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same things after work as they did.

Two months later, Mr. Carrey bought a new yellow Sherry 700. He was very pleased with it, and drove to work in it the next morning. When he saw all the other Sherry 700s, in front, behind and on both sides of him, he was even more pleased with his car.

Mr. Carrey parked his car in a big car-park near the office building, and walked to his office. But when he came back at five o’clock, there were so many yellow Sherry 700s in the car-park that Mr. Carrey did not know which car was his. He tried his key in some of the cars, but people passing by gave him a look which he did not like. So he stopped.

Mr. Carrey could do nothing but wait nearly forty minutes until his car was the only yellow Sherry 700 left in the car-park.

1.Mr. Carrey bought a new yellow Sherry 700 because__________________ .

A.he did not like taking a bus

B.he liked to be different from other men

C.he liked to do the same things as other people

D.the bus did not always come on time.

2.In the car-park, “people gave him a look” because _____ .

A.he could not open the door of his car

B.he was trying to open the door of more than one car

C.he was in the wrong car-park

D.he had a new yellow car

3.Mr. Carrey had to wait until _____ in the car-park.

A.there was only one car left

B.there was no one about to look at him

C.there was only one yellow Sherry 700 left

D.there were no yellow Sherry 700s left


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