“I'm hungry,”Pat said to his friend, Mike.“Let's have a meal somewhere.”

  They walked down the road until they came to an expensive restaurant(餐馆).

  “This will be fine,”Pat said.“Just the place we want.”

  He opened the door and they went inside. The head waiter came up to them at once.

  “A table for two?”he asked.

  “Yes. The best table you have.”

  He took them to a table near a window. He handed them the menu(菜单) and went away.

  Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then asked for the most expensive dishes(菜肴).

  An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their last dish.

  Suddenly Pat looked carefully at the dish.

  “What's this?”he cried, and pointed at something small and black in the dish. The head waiter hurried towards their table.

  “Look at this!”Pat said to him in a very loud voice.“There's a dead fly in my dish. How terrible! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong.”

  The head waiter was very embarrassed(难堪的).“Please, sir, do not speak so loudly. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid such an accident may happen, even in the best restaurants. You need not, of course, pay for your meal.”

  Soon after this, Mike an Pat were walking past another restaurant.

  “Let's go in and have a drink,”Pat said.“I've got one fly left.”

1.Where did Pat and Mike go for dinner?

[  ]

A.An expensive restaurant.

B.A cheap restaurant.

C.A take-away food shop.

D.Their friend's restaurant.

2.Why could they have the most expensive dishes?

[  ]

A.Because they were rich enough to pay for them.

B.Because they had just got a lot of money.

C.Because they had a way not to pay for them.

D.Because their friend would pay for them.

3.What does the underlined word“fly”mean?

[  ]


4.Where did the fly come from?

[  ]

A.It flew there from the kitchen(厨房).

B.It flew there from out of the window.

C.Pat brought it there.

D.Mike brought it there.

5.What do you think of Pat and Mike?

[  ]

A.They should be admired(羡慕).

B.They should be respected(尊敬).

C.They should be hated.

D.They should be liked.


  Sam and Pat 1 ndline  brothers.They're 2 ndline  the same class.Sam works harder and studies better 3 ndline  Pat.One day the teacher asks the students 4 ndline  a composition(作文).The name of the composition is"My mother".Sam 5 ndline  the composition and is 6 ndline  hand it in(上交) to the teacher.Pat says,"Sam,let 7 ndline  have a look."Pat reads it and copies(抄写) it.

  The next day,the teacher asks Pat" 8 ndline  is your composition 9 ndline  as Sam's,Pat?"

  "Because we have the same 10 ndline ."says Pat.


A.be      B.is  C.are          D.the

[  ]


A.to      B.in  C.at          D.going to

[  ]


A.than     B.of  C.to           D.and better

[  ]


A.sing     B.read  C.see          D.to write

[  ]


A.does     B.looks  C.writes         D.reads

[  ]


A.that     B.will  C.have         D.going to

[  ]


A.us      B.me  C.I           D.you

[  ]


A.Why     B.Who  C.Where         D.How

[  ]


A.is      B.the same  C.same         D.for

[  ]


A.composition B.teacher  C.brother       D.mother

[  ]


Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in his car. One evening as he was traveling along a road and looking for a small hotel, he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?” “Yes. I’ll show you the way, ” answered the old man. He got into Pat’s car, and they drove about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here. ” Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isn’t a hotel, is it?” he said to the old man. “No. This is my house. Let me show you the way to the Sun Hotel now. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on your left.”

1 Pat wanted to find a hotel because it was     .

A. raining     B. getting dark  C. so cold    D. too hot

2 Pat stopped his car because he wanted to     .

A. ask the way B. have a rest   C. mend it  D. have supper

3 Pat was     miles from the Sun Hotel when he met the old man.

A. three    B. nine       C. twelve     D. twenty-one

4 How did the man go back home after he met Pat?

A. By bus.    B. On foot.    C. By bike.    D. By car.

5 What do you think of the man?

A.             He’s good.                B. He’s kind.

C. He’s clever.             D. He’s foolish.

Tony and Sam were classmates. One afternoon, they met each other in the street. The two boys walked along the street together. After a while Tony remembered something, He said to Sam, “I lent you ten dollars the week before last. Can you give it back to me, Sam?” “Sorry. I forgot about it,” said Sam. He thought about the money for a moment, and then said, “I’ve got no money with me today. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.” “OK! I can wait another day,” said Sam. Just at that moment a man ran up to them. He had a knife in his hand. He was a dangerous man. The boys were very afraid. “ Give me your money,” said the man to Tony. Tony had to take out his purse and give it to him. The man took out the money and threw purse onto the ground. And then he said to Sam, “Now give me your money.” Sam thought quickly. He took out his purse, but he did not give it to the robber. He gave it to Tony and said, “There’s ten dollars in the purse. Now I give it back to you.”

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正( R )与误 ( W )。

6 Sam borrowed ten dollars from Tony about two weeks ago.

7 The man was a robber (强盗).

8 Sam had no money with him that afternoon.

9 Sam and Tony were good friends.

10 The story happened in the street.

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