
  “I'm hungry,”Pat said to his friend, Mike.“Let's have a meal somewhere.”

  They walked down the road until they came to an expensive restaurant(餐馆).

  “This will be fine,”Pat said.“Just the place we want.”

  He opened the door and they went inside. The head waiter came up to them at once.

  “A table for two?”he asked.

  “Yes. The best table you have.”

  He took them to a table near a window. He handed them the menu(菜单) and went away.

  Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then asked for the most expensive dishes(菜肴).

  An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their last dish.

  Suddenly Pat looked carefully at the dish.

  “What's this?”he cried, and pointed at something small and black in the dish. The head waiter hurried towards their table.

  “Look at this!”Pat said to him in a very loud voice.“There's a dead fly in my dish. How terrible! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong.”

  The head waiter was very embarrassed(难堪的).“Please, sir, do not speak so loudly. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid such an accident may happen, even in the best restaurants. You need not, of course, pay for your meal.”

  Soon after this, Mike an Pat were walking past another restaurant.

  “Let's go in and have a drink,”Pat said.“I've got one fly left.”

1.Where did Pat and Mike go for dinner?

[  ]

A.An expensive restaurant.

B.A cheap restaurant.

C.A take-away food shop.

D.Their friend's restaurant.

2.Why could they have the most expensive dishes?

[  ]

A.Because they were rich enough to pay for them.

B.Because they had just got a lot of money.

C.Because they had a way not to pay for them.

D.Because their friend would pay for them.

3.What does the underlined word“fly”mean?

[  ]


4.Where did the fly come from?

[  ]

A.It flew there from the kitchen(厨房).

B.It flew there from out of the window.

C.Pat brought it there.

D.Mike brought it there.

5.What do you think of Pat and Mike?

[  ]

A.They should be admired(羡慕).

B.They should be respected(尊敬).

C.They should be hated.

D.They should be liked.


  “You'll have to take care of the baby today,” a woman told her husband. “I'm not feeling well.”

  “Then you must stay in bed and rest,” her husband said. “I'll be pleased to look after our baby.”

  “Thank you. I'll have a quiet day and I'll get better soon,” his wife told him.

  “Shall I do the shopping for you?” her husband asked. She was very pleased and said, “That will help me very much. I'll give you a list of things to buy.” She wrote out the list and gave it to him.

  “You can get all these things at the shop,” she said. “You can put the baby in the shopping cart, (手推车) then you won't have to leave him outside.”

  The man took the baby to the shop and put him in the shopping cart. Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things to buy and looked for the things on his list.

  At first all was well, but then the baby began to cry. Then he started to scream (尖叫).

  “Keep calm (安静), Bill,” the man said. “Don't get angry. Don't shout, Bill.”

  A woman in the shop heard him saying these things. She walked to him and said, “I think you are great. You are so patient (耐心) with your little Bill.”

  “Madam,” the man said, “I'm Bill. He's Edward.”

1.Why did the man look after the baby?

[  ]

A.It was his turn.
B.He liked doing it.
C.His wife wasn't well.
D.He had nothing to do.

2.The man with his baby ________.

[  ]

A.went to the shop
B.had a walk
C.rode a cart
D.went to his friends

3.What did the baby do in the shop?

[  ]

A.He helped his father.
B.He pushed the cart.
C.He cried and screamed.
D.He was pleased.

4.The baby was ________.

[  ]



C.the son of the woman in the shop

D.the man's daughter

5.The man asked ________ to keep calm.

[  ]

A.the baby
B.the woman
C.his wife



  Penguins (企鹅) live together, but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbour's ground, it must ask permission (允许). If it does not, it will have to fight. Penguins come and go all day. They fight fish and look after their children.

  All penguins are good parents-the male (雄性的) penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in from the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic water. They choose their wives in the dark. They can only hear them-not see them. Then the female (雌性的) penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months. The males look after the eggs. If the eggs get cold, there will be no chicks (幼鸟). There is no food. The snow falls and the wind blows-sometimes at 150 kilometres an hour. The penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea, they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. Only one thing matters-the eggs. Male penguins never fight-unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. Then they fight because they all want it. They are strange and wonderful birds.

1.From the passage we know that penguins usually lead ________ life.

[  ]

A.an active
B.a quiet
C.a hard
D.a simple

2.It seems interesting and unusual that the male penguins choose their wives ________.

[  ]

A.when the female penguins return from the sea

B.just by hearing in the darkness

C.each time they see the lovely females

D.after they have had their own grounds

3.It is ________ that take care of the eggs.

A.the male penguins

B.the female penguins

C.both the husbands and the wives

D.the penguins that lost in the fight

4.Only when ________ can a penguin walk through its neighbour's ground.

[  ]

A.it wins the fight

B.it has become a father

C.it gets married

D.it gets permission

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Female penguins often have their new husbands.

B.Male penguins fight when choosing their wives.

C.Female penguins take care of the eggs.

D.Male penguins use their ears to choose wives.

  John liked to wear his hair very long. Some of his friends thought it looked like a girl's hair, but they never made jokes(玩笑) about it, because John was a big, strong man, and he didn't think the joke about his hair were funny(可笑的).

John went to the barber's twice a month to have his hair cut and washed. One day the barber said to him,“Now why don't you let me cut most of this hair off and your head tidy? Nobody would recognize(认出) you if I did that, I am sure.”

  John said nothing for a few seconds, and then he said,“Maybe you are right, but I am sure that nobody would recognize you, either, if you did that to my hair.”

1.John wore long hair because ________.

[  ]

A.he was an artist(艺术家)

B.the barber wouldn't like to cut it short

C.his hair grew too fast

D.he liked it to be long

2.John's friends never made jokes about his hair because ________.

[  ]

A.his hair wasn't funny

B.John didn't like the jokes about his hair and they were afraid of him

C.John was big and strong

D.John liked his hair very much

3.A barber is a ________.

[  ]

A.man who makes clothes for people

B.shop where one's hair can be washed and cut

C.doctor who gives medicine to treat illness(治病)

D.person who cuts men's hair

4.The barber advised(建议) John ________.

[  ]

A.to have his hair cut short

B.to cut off his long hair

C.cut off most of his hair

D.not to be recognized by his friends

5.John's answer was ________.

[  ]


B.a great praise(称赞) to the barber

C.a joke

D.a threat(威胁) to the barber

  Sam and Mike worked in the same office and they were friendly to each other. They often took their holidays together. Last summer the two young men went to a city by the sea for their holiday. They visited a few places of interest, swam in the sea and then lay on the sands or went out for a walk after supper. They had a good time there.

  But one day, when they were swimming, a shark(鲨) swan to Sam and pulled the poor young man to the bottom(海底). Mike heard him calling for help and swam towards him in a hurry, but it was too late. The shark had swallowed Sam. Mike was very sad and returned to his city alone. In the train, he thought hard. Sam's mother had a heart disease(心脏病). He didn't know how to tell her about the bad news. At last he found a way. He asked his friend Robert who worked in a hospital to go there with him.

“Bad news for you, Mrs. Black,”said the young man.“Sam's swimming suit(游泳衣) was swallowed by a shark.”

  “It doesn't matter,”said the woman.“I can buy a new one for him. But where was he at that moment?”

  “He was in his swimming suit!”

1.The two young men went to the city for their holidays because ________.

[  ]

A.they could visit some places of interest

B.they could swim in the sea in the afternoon

C.they could watch the sharks

D.they could enjoy themselves there

2.The word“swallow”in the story means ________.

[  ]


3.Mike was sad because ________.

[  ]

A.the shark had eaten his friend

B.he couldn't tell the bad news to Sam's parents

C.the shark had swallowed Sam's swimming suit

D.he had to go home alone

4.Mike asked Robert to go to see Sam's mother with him because ________.

[  ]

A.he was afraid the woman would beat him

B.Robert could save the woman when she was in danger

C.he was afraid to be sent to the police station

D.Robert was strong enough to carry the woman to hospital

5.Which of the following is right?

[  ]

A.Mike didn't want the woman to die of the bad news.

B.Mike wanted the woman to forgive him.

C.Mrs. Smith wasn't sad of the bad news.

D.Mrs. Smith wasn't angry with the young man.

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