
     This blue curly hair looks like the waves of the sea. I   1   smile is a sign of the healthy spirit of China.
Those thumbs-up (翘拇指) will w  2   millions of people to Shanghai from around the world.
      It's Haibao, the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. "It's very c   3   ," said Gu Hui, a school kid.
"I want a big toy l   4   the mascot."
     Haibao looks like the Chinese character "人", which m   5   people or a human being. The name comes
  6   the Chinese phrase "Si Hai Zhi Bao"----the treasure of the four seas. It also means the treasure of
Shanghai, which l   7   beside the sea.
    Haibao was designed by two a   8   , one from the mainland and the other from Taiwan. The design is about
people living together in the c  9  . The designers want it to fit in with the theme of the Shanghai Exposition
"Better City, B   10   Life."
1. Its 2. welcome 3. cute 4. like 5. means
6. from 7. lies 8. artists 9. city 10. Better

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