
Last Monday we asked our students about how often they do the housework in Beishan Middle School. Here are the results.
Most students do the housework twice or three times a week. They often clean their rooms. Some students do the housework five times a week. They often clean the floor(地板). Some students help their parents on the farm. They think their parents are too busy, so they help them.
The results for “wash clothes” are interesting. Some students wash clothes once or twice a week. They often wash clothes on Saturdays or Sundays. Some students wash clothes three to four times a week. They only wash their own(自己的) clothes. But most students wash their clothes once a week. And they wash clothes on Sundays.
Liu Ying, a girl in Class 6, Grade 8 has lots of housework to do. She washes the dishes and cleans the floor every day. She often cooks. Sometimes three times a day. She says, “My mother isn’t healthy. My father works in another city. So I have to do most of the housework at home.”
小题1:Some students help their parents on the farm because        .
A.they think they are old enough
B.they think their parents are too busy
C.they don’t have too much homework
D.it is fun
小题2: How often do most students wash their clothes?       
A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.
C.Three to four times a week.D.never
小题3:From the passage we know that            .
A.Liu Ying is not a healthy student
B.Liu Ying is good at housework
C.Liu Ying doesn’t want to do housework.
D.Liu Ying has to do much housework.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?      
A.Most students don’t do the housework.
B.Liu Ying is a student from Class 6, Grade 8.
C.Liu Ying cooks three times a day sometimes.
D.Liu Ying washes the dishes and cleans the floor every day.


小题1:推理判断题。根据第二段中最后一句话They think their parents are too busy, so they help them.可知,孩子们帮父母做家务的原因在于他们体会到父母比较繁忙,故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第三段中But most students wash their clothes once a week.一句可知大部分学生一周洗一次衣服;故选A。
小题3:推理判断题。根据短文中最后一句话So I have to do most of the housework at home.并结合前面的描述可知,她爸妈没有时间做家务,所以她不得不做家务;故选D。
小题4:判断正误题。由最后一段Liu Ying, a girl in Class 6, Grade 8 has lots of housework to do.可知李颖是八年级六班的一名学生,所以B项正确;She often cooks. Sometimes three times a day.一句可知C项正确;She washes the dishes and cleans the floor every day.一句可知D项正确;A项的描述与短文中描述的不符;故选A。
In Britain, people have different attitudes(态度) to the police. Most people generally appreciate(欣赏) them and the job they do—although there are some people who do not believe that the police _    have the power that they do.
  What does a policeman do in fact? It is not _    job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in one. A policeman often has to control traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time driving up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop     _ motorists and help when there is an accident.?
  A policeman has to help keep the peace, too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance(动乱), we _   _ the police to come and keep order. And they often have to _    the situation at great risk to their own     _.
  We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary(普通) policeman, even if he is not a detective, will often have to help _   _ and arrest criminals.
  And _   __ do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash, a _   , a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. So a policeman has to be _    to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the modern world.
  The police do a necessary job, and they do it very well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could ever do the job of a policeman.
A.shouldB.would C.could D.must
A.a funny B.a pleasant C.an interesting D.an easy
A.resting B.tired C.speeding D.drinking
A.wait for B.believeC.think of D.expect
A.turn to B.stop C.deal with D.treat
A.safety B.families C.future D.friends
A.remove B.question C.look for D.sentence
A.how B.where C.what D.who
A.power failure B.fire C.thunder stormD.thief
A.provided B.promised C.prepared D.presented
Below are some suggestions given by the English children posted on the website about how to help Africa. Which do you think is the best?
I think health is the most important thing. We need to make sure that the money we give is spent wisely. The money should be spent first on clean water supplies and better health care.
Robin, aged 16, Birmingham
I think the most important thing is to improve the education of the African countries. There is an old saying,  "If you give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish, you'll feed him for a lifetime." We need to help themselves, not just throw money at the problem when it appears.
Rebecca, aged 15, Liverpool
People seem to give a lot more money to charity when there is a sudden, huge disaster(灾难)like the earthquake. It's good for people to do so, but I also think that everyone should give a small part of their salary(工资)to charity. If everyone did that, it would make a big difference.
Mary, aged 14, Stratford-on-Avon
Giving money to charity can help, but it's not the final answer. I think what these countries need is a good government.
Bethany, aged 16, Newcastle
The best thing we can do is to send experts(专家)like engineers, doctors and teachers to help the people to help themselves.
Robert, aged 16, Cardiff
小题1:Which two children share the similar opinion?
A.Mary and RebeccaB.Bethany and Mary
C.Rebecca and BethanyD.Rebecca and Robert
小题2:Who pays more attention to African's health care?
小题3:Where are these suggestions posted?
A.In the textbookB.On the website
C.In the guidebookD.In the magazine
Square Dance ABC is an exciting new way to practice square dancing.
Enjoy a fan, easy beginner’s square dance, with no experience needed.
There are three different dances. The A, B and C dances can be experienced in any order. This is the main difference between Square Dance ABC and the traditional “lesson-based” way. You can do the three beginner’s dances in any order.
Instead of waiting until a class starts once a year, people can start Square Dance ABC any time!
After all three dances (in an order), dancers have learned 22 square dance movements. The next step is the experienced ABC dance, using all 22 movements.
It is easy to convince people to try square dancing any time. Most people that try it will like it. Square Dance ABC will bring lots of opportunities(机会) for fun, fitness and friends!
Come on, we’ll make this project as easy as A-B-C!
If you have questions or comments about this site, please e-mail us at Webmaster@Square Dance ABC.com.
小题1:Who might be interested in this website?
A.Kids that are good at drawing.B.Adults that want to go traveling
C.Volunteers that want to teach childrenD.People that want to learn to dance.
小题2: If you join the Square Dance ABC, you can _________.
A.save lots of money for a holiday.
B.try square dancing only once
C.stay healthy and make lots of friends
D.learn the English letters ABC more easily
小题3: The passage is probably ________.
A.an advertisement by an English club
B.an invitation by an English club
C.an application by a sports club
D.an advertisement by a dance club
What do you think of stress? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Most of the students think stress can do harm       them in some ways. There’s a story about a teenager in a middle school. He even       his study because of the stress from school and family. We also usually        that someone turns to psychological (心理的)doctors because of heavy working stress. There is no doubt that some people think stress is a dangerous wolf.
On the other hand, other people argue that stress is not a bad thing. They       stress can produce momentum(动力)in the end. For them, right attitude and action can reduce stress and make it        . When I was a child, my mom always pushed me to study hard. She wished I could go to an ideal        for further education. I experienced stress for the first time. Born to a poor family, I deeply knew        was not easy for us, and everything my mom did to me was just to hope I could live a better life in the future.        the saying goes, “no pains, no gains.” So I did what my mom expected because I didn’t want to let her down. At last, I did measure up(达到标准) to my mom’s expectation and go to college       . Thanks to my mom’s push! Thanks to the stress! In this way, I don’t think stress is a bad thing.
Overall, stress is not a bad thing in       . The key is how we deal with it.
A.began withB.showed offC.gave upD.cheered for
A.companyB.collegeC.factoryD.f arm
The United States is suffering its worst drought (干旱) in almost sixty years. The National Climatic Data Center also says high temperatures in June added to the warmest twelve-month period on record. Record-keeping began in 1895. The drought map showed that conditions improved in the Southeast in June compared to May. But the drought is expected to continue in large parts of the country. Last week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack met with President Obama. Mr Vilsack says the drought has seriously influenced some crops, such as corn and soybeans (大豆). And the United States is the world's leading producer. 
The drought has made prices of com and soybeans increase. Both of them are used in food production and for animal feed. Last week the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported that corn and wheat prices increased by 20% over the past three weeks.
In the United States, farmers may quickly reduce the size of their animals rather than pay higher feed prices to keep them. That increased supply of meat would reduce meat prices in the short term. But those prices could increase in several months.
Mr Vilsack says the effect of the drought is hard to predict(预测). Some areas are getting rain, and drought-resistant (抗旱的) seeds have helped crops grow well in some areas.
小题1:We can know the drought record of the USA has been kept for ________years of the USA up to now.
小题2:Which of the following American presidents met with Tom Vilsack?
A.George Washington.B.Abraham lincon.
C.George Bush.D.Barack Obama.
小题3: If the price of a kilo of corn was 3 dollars last December, how much is a kilo of corn now?
A.2.4 dollars.B.3 dollars.
C.3.6 dollars.D.3.9 dollars.
小题4:Why is the meat price lower than before?
A.Because there are more and more animals.
B.Because farmers kill them to save their food.
C.Because people don't like eating meat now.
D.Because the government (政府) asks the meat price lower.
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A. US faces the worst drought in almost sixty years.
B. Take action to help the USA.
C. What does the country do in the drought areas?
D. President Obama meets with Agriculture Secretary.
Spain is famous for its tomato festival, called La Tomatina. It happens in a small town Hanoi on the last Wednesday of August every year. During the festival there are all kinds of activities, but the most exciting part is the tomato fight. It takes place at the end of long celebration (庆祝). You are encouraged to throw tomatoes in the fight. There’re many stories about how the festival began. One of the stories goes that during the 1940's, some friends started a tomato fight, while another story is about a local band. Anyway, everyone in Bunol seems to have a different story.
Before the tomato fight, there are parades (游行),musical bands, street parties and so on. On the day of the fight, shopkeepers cover their windows and doors in order to keep away from the tomato fight. At the same time, thousands of tourists and local people come to the town square together. Then large trucks (卡车) full of tomatoes arrive. From theback of the large trucks, a great town band start to throw tomatoes at others. Then the crowds fight back, throwing the tomatoes at anything and anyone. Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice.
Everyone is supposed to obey a small number of rules: You must squash (压烂) the tomato before throwing it and you are allowed to throw nothing but tomatoes.
It is usually over in less than half an hour. Everyone then sets off to the river to clearup. Sounds like fun!
小题1:The most exciting activity of the festival is ________.
A.parades B.street partiesC.the tomato fight D.the musical bands show
小题2:The stories about how the festival began are ________.
A.quite differentB.rather sad C.very famousD.very clear
小题3:On the fight day, _________.
A.all the buses are filled with tomatoes
B.you can see lots of red apples on the streets
C.shopkeepers are not allowed to watch people fight
D.lots of tourists and local people take part in the fight
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You can throw tomatoes at others but others can’t throw back.
B.The tomato must be squashed before throwing it.
C.The fight usually lasts more than thirty minutes.
D.People can throw everything on the fight day.
小题5:The best title of the passage can be________.
A.Travel in SpainB.The Tomato Festival in Spain.
C.The History of Spain D.Rules of the Tomato Festival

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