
Martin Lynch, an American businessman, had been going on vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number of ears. One morning while going for a walk along the beach, he saw his friend Pablo Perez, a local fisherman. Martin watched Pablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box.
Martin noticed Pablo was smiling and looked very happy. He could also see several large fish in the boat. Martin greeted Pablo and asked how long it took to catch the fish. “Just a few hours,” replied Pablo. Martin asked, “Why didn’t you stay longer and catch more fish?” “I have enough for my family,” Pablo said. “And what do you do with the rest of your day?” asked Martin. “I take a nap, play with my children, spend time with my wife, and go into the village to see my friends and play cards, I have a full and busy life.” Martin explained that if Pablo worked longer hours and caught more fish, he could make more money. With the extra money, Pablo could buy more boats and catch money more fish. By selling the fish, Pablo could open his own factory and sell direct to supermarkets.
“Then what?” asked Pablo. “Well you would probably have to move to Mexico City to run the business. Finally, you would be able to sell your business and make millions of dollars,” replied Martin. “How long will that take?” asked Pablo.
Martin thought for a while and said it would probably take at least 15 years.
“And then what” asked Pablo.
“Well, that’s the best part,” Martin said. “You will be able to retire, buy a house near the ocean, sleep longer, play with your children, spend more time with your wife, see your friends, and play cards.”
小题1:What is the story mainly about?
A.A businessman and a fisherman have become friends.
B.A businessman learns how to fish from a fisherman.
C.A businessman wants to become a businessman.
D.A businessman gives advice to a fisherman.
小题2:What makes the Mexican fisherman happy is ______________.
A.many friends to visit him
B.a full and busy life
C.more boats and more fish
D.the house near the ocean
小题3:How can the fisherman make more money in the businessman’s view?
A.By buying a supermarket.
B.To move to Mexico City.
C.By selling his own business.
D.To work longer and catch more fish.
小题4:The underlined word “unload” in the passage means ____________.
A.put … intoB.take … away from
C.break downD.set off
小题5:We can infer from the passage that ____________.
A.the fisherman will stay the same with his life
B.the fisherman will leave the village for Mexico City
C.the business man will buy the fisherman’s boat
D.it takes all day for the fisherman to catch large fish


小题3:细节题,本题抓住题干的关键词in the businessman’s view,也就是说正确答案是生意人的观点。D选项在文中可以直接找到,生意人建议渔夫多工作一会,抓到更多的鱼,然后卖更多的鱼,赚更多的钱才能到B搬到大城市,最后才能到C卖掉公司提早退休。 A选项是对文意的曲解,生意人的意思是直接把鱼卖到超市,而不是买下超市。
小题4:猜词题,让学生猜测的单词是unload, load的意思是装载,负担。对于学生来说不是很难,加上否定前缀再结合下文中将鱼打包说明是要把船收好,所以正确选项是B。
Many people say that they are working too many hours. They don't have enough time to relax or to stay with their family.
Work hours are different from one country to another. In France, people spend about 1,646 hours a year at work. In Japan, however, people work about 2,159 hours a year. That means a Japanese worker works 513 more hours a year than a French worker.
Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money. However, many companies don't pay overtime. Their workers don't get more pay for more work. Some people think it's their duty to work more hours. Some are afraid of losing their jobs if they don't work more hours.
Many people say that their vacations are too short. In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation a year. In Germany, they get four to six weeks, and in the United States, two weeks. One study shows fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days. In Great Britain, there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull (迟钝的) boy." If that is true, there must be a lot of dull people in the world.
小题1:A Japanese worker works __ more hours a year than a French one.
小题2:The word "extra" in Paragraph 3 means ".
小题3:People in ________ get only two weeks of paid vacation a year.
C.the United StatesD.Great Britain
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.No companies offer vacations to their workers.
B.Many people say they have enough time to relax.
C.Not all companies pay their workers for more work.
D.More than half of workers use all their vacation days.
小题5:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Many workers have to work long hours.
B.Many people have vacations long enough.
C.Work hours are the same around the world.
D.There are a lot of dull people in the world.
If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival. Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survivals is your reaction(反应) to fear.
Find a hiding place.
Unnecessary efforts will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of valleys—cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.
Signal rescuers for help.
The best time to signal rescuers(救援者) is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possible—it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket (a special blanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and put your blanket—gold side facing out—on the ground.
Do not walk away.
It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one.
If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger. You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.
小题1:When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you _____.
A.try to find a car immediatelyB.take a space blanket with you
C.do more physical laborD.walk as far as possible to find help
小题2:According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they _____.
A.do not keep themselves warmB.stay in the middle of the mountain
C.do not take enough equipmentD.stay in a snow-covered area
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Never go to unfamiliar places alone.B.Mountain traveling is dangerous.
C.Don’t get frightened in danger.D.Don’t travel by yourself.
小题4:The passage talks mainly about _____.
A.mountain travelingB.mountain dangers
C.mountain survivalsD.mountain searching
Charlie is twenty-three now. He1a university(大学) and found work in a factory last year. It’s2and there are no more than fifty workers in it. And only he3in a university. So he looks down upon his 4 . He always thinks he’s right and never agrees with5. He likes to say, “I’ve never made a mistake!”
But once the young man couldn’t6 a foreign instructions (说明书). An old worker studied it for two days and7Mr. White, the boss of the factory,8it meant. The boss asked Charlie why. He made a few excuses to say for9. And he didn’t agree with the old man. The boss became angry and asked, “ Is it10 that you’ve never made a mistake?”
The young man wouldn’t make Mr. White11 and had to say, “No, it isn’t, sir.”
Having12 this, the workers were happy. One of them asked, “ It means that you also make some mistakes!”
Charlie13 his mind at once and said, “ I made only one mistake in my14 !”
“When?” the boss asked in surprise.
“ Just now, sir.” Answered the young man. “When Mr. White15 me acknowledge (承认)I was wrong!”
A.visited B.leftC.builtD.reached
A.smallB.bigC.new D.old
A.lived B.traveled C.arrivedD.studied
A.parents B.teacherC.workmatesD.classmates
A.another B.other C.the otherD.others
A.seeB.write C.understand D.read
A.told B.asked C.teached D.laughed at
A.whenB.whatC.how D.where
A.him B.himselfC.themD.themselves
A.clever B.sureC.trueD.able
A.sad B.sadder C.angryD.angrier
A.heard B.listenedC.guessed D.reported
A.lost B.hatedC.changedD.thought
A.life B.officeC.familyD.bedroom
The retired basketball star Yao Ming ,whose basketball career was cut by injury, has started classes at Shanghai Jiaotong University, one of the top universities in his hometown of Shanghai.
Yao Ming said that he studied for himself, not as a show for others. He also joked to reporters after his first day of classes that “ The teacher showed me some mercy(宽容) and did not leave me any homework.”.
At the former Houston Rockets center, Yao Ming played in three Olympics. He increased the NBA’s influence in China. He’s studying math, English, and modern Chinese history, hoping they will help his business career. Unlike other students, Yao Ming has chosen to study different subjects, including finance(金融),because he hopes to _apply_ the knowledge to his business.
小题1:Why did Yao Ming choose to go back to school?
A.To find a job easily. B.To help his business career.
C.To increase the NBA’s influence. D.To make a show for others.
小题2:Which statement is _not mentioned_?
A.Yao Ming has studied in Shanghai Jiaotong University.
B.Yao Ming retired because of injuries.
C.Yao Ming is studying history, biology and art.
D.Yao Ming played in three Olympics.
小题3:Which word is the most similar to the word “_apply_” according to the text?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A. Yao Ming is still in NBA.
B.Yao Ming chose the same subject as others.
C. Yao Ming has worked for Houston Rockets.
D. Yao Ming’s teacher left him homework.
One night , a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, _____ his violin . Some passers-by(行人) slowed down their paces and put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next day the young artist came to the same place. Different from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and _____ it on the ground and put some stones on it . Then he began playing. Before long , many people were attracted by the words on that paper which said, “ Last night a gentleman ______George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim(认领)it soon.”
A middle-aged man ran there _____ and rushed through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed (抓住)his shoulders and said, “ Yes, it is you. You did come here. I knew that you are an( a ) _____ man and would certainly come here.”
The story turned out to be this: George Sang bought a lottery ticket a few days ago. The award opened yesterday and he won a prize of 5000,000 dollars. _______ his way home, he took _____ 50 dollars and put it in the violinist’s hat. However, the lottery ticket was also thrown in . The violinist was a student at an Arts College . He had booked the ticket to flight and came back to ____ he was given the lottery ticket.
Later someone asked the violinist _____ he didn’t take the lottery ticket for himself. The violinist said, “ Although I don’t have much money, I live happily. _____ if I  lose honesty, I won’t feel happy forever.”
A.to playB.playedC.playsD.playing
A.in a hurryB.in surpriseC.in the endD.in silence
小题10:A although    B. and         C. or        D. but

What is your zodiac(生肖) animal? According to the Chinese lunar calendar(农历), 12 animals mark 12 different years. It is the basis of the Chinese zodiac. Nowadays, Chinese zodiac animals have worldwide fame and are increasingly popular among western people.
The zodiac is an important part of Chinese culture. People believe that the characteristics of a zodiac animal influence the personality of every person born in that year. For example, people born in the Year of the Tiger are considered powerful and brave.
Zodiac animals also have some social functions. When people think it is not proper to ask: “How old are you”, they may change their question to “What is your zodiac animal?” With this question, you can figure out roughly which year someone was born and the person’s age.
Zodiac animals are not special to China. Many countries share a similar zodiac culture with China. For example, in the Japanese Zodiac, a wild boar(野猪)takes the place of a pig and the Vietnamese(越南的)zodiac has a cat instead of a rabbit.
But have you ever wondered how these 12 animals were chosen to represent each year? According to legend, the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)invited all the animals to join him for Chinese New Year. Only 12 animals went to see him. As a reward he named a year after each one in the order they arrived. The ox would have been the first to arrive, but the rat sat on his back and jumped off just before they arrived to come in first place.
小题1:The characteristics of a zodiac animal may influence the _____ of every person born in that year.
小题2:“What is your zodiac animal?” is a question used to find out a person’s______.
小题3:In the Japanese zodiac, we don’t see the zodiac animal:_______
A.wild boarB.rabbitC.dragonD.pig
小题4:According to the last paragraph, we know that ____ was the first animal to arrive.
The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a trailer park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didn’t come home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn’t appear for breakfast either. After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the police.
When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white. She then told the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.
A bell went off. “Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer suspiciously asked. “Well, he’s my cat, of course,” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, you’re supposed to report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS,” said the sppeadeotoned policeman. “Well, who can I report this to?” she asked. “You can’t. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers,” replied the officer.
Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8”x11” piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her street just off the interstate(州际公路) highway. The billboard had a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Brown’s family album) and put it on the billboard for all to see.
“But how can people see it when they whiz(快速移动) by on the interstate?” she asked. “Oh, don’t worry, ma’am, they only whiz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so full of commuters that no one moves.” They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month.
The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.
小题1:How long has the cat been missing?
A.More than a monthB.More than two months
C.More than three monthsD.It’s been back.
小题2:Who did the old lady finally turn to for help?
A.A billboard companyB.The police
C.The phone companyD.The interstate telephone line
小题3:How is the old lady like?
小题4:The underlined word was mistyped(打错了). But we can still guess it’s most probable meaning:____________.
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.An advertisementB.A missing cat
C.A pet’s storyD.Life without cat
One of Anna’s friends has chickenpox(水痘). Two days later, Katie has chickenpox. Anna’s mother says: “ Your best friend has chickenpox . We have to keep an eye on you.”
The next evening, Anna finds some red spots(斑点) on her face. The next morning, she stays home from school. She can’t go to her grandpa’s birthday party. She can’t go to her soccer practice. She can’t go to the supermarket with her mother.Anna cries(哭喊): “ I don’t like chickenpox. I miss school. I miss my friends.”
Then Anna’s mother has an idea.
After lunch, Katie, Mike and Danny come to Anna’s home--- all with spots like her. Anna’s mother says : “ Let’s have a chickenpox party!”
All the afternoon, the kids play games. When Anna’s friends have to go home,
“See you at school.” Katie says.
“Having chickenpox is not so bad.” says Danny.
“I know,” Anna says with a laugh(笑), “ Can we all have chickenpox again next week?”
小题1:What’s the Chinese meaning for “ keep an eye on...”?
小题2: kids(孩子) have chickenpox from the passage(文章)?
小题3: asks Anna’s friends to come to her home.
A.Anna’s motherB.Anna’s fatherC.AnnaD.Katie
小题4: first has chickenpox.
A.KatieB.MikeC.DannyD.We don’t know
小题5:Why does Anna say “Can we all have chickenpox again next week?”
A.Because they want to have chickenpox.
B.Because they don’t need to go to school.
C.Because she likes staying at home.
D.Because the chickenpox party makes her very happy.

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