

Sleeping Questions of Chinese Students

  Experts (专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours' sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard.But not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her l0-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging(乞求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of student "Early birds" in China, he has to get up before six every morning.

  A report (报道) shows that if they don't have a good night's sleep,students seem to be weaker than they should be.Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another.Too much homework is not the only reason(原因)why students stay up late.Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.

  Experts ever say that students should develop(养成)good study habits.So some clever students never study late,they are able to work well in class.


(1)The 10-year-old boy begs for one more minute to sleep because ______.

[  ]

A.he doesn't have enough sleep

B.it isn't time for him to get up

C.he doesn't want to go to school

D.he wants his mother to wake him up

(2)In paragraph 1 the underlined phrase "Early birds" means persons who ________.

[  ]

A.get up early

B.get up late

C.sleep less

D.don't want to sleep

(3)From the passage we know if students don't get enough sleep,they may_____.

[  ]

A.become too weak to sleep

B.not work well in class

C.go to bed early

D.be weak in English

(4)The underlined phrase "stay up late" in paragraph 2 means"________".

[  ]

A.study late

B.watch TV late

C.not go to bed until late

D.stay outside

(5)From the passage we can know that________.

[  ]

A.if you want to study better, you must work hard

B.sleeping less means working hard

C.some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits

D.students don't have enough sleep only because they have a lot of homework to do




  Babies sleep about eighteen hours a day.Mrs Thatcher and Napoleon both said they only needed to do it three or four hours a night.Sleep.No one can live without it.But how much do we really need?

  Research(研究)by the National Sleep Foundation in Washington says that we all need eight hours’ sleep every night.Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than six and a half hours for a night are more often ill than people who sleep for eight hours.Going without sleep also increases(增加)the chance of serious illness.“Workaholics(工作狂)”who sleep for less than five hours often die young, and do less well at work.

  The scientists found that adults(成年人)usually sleep for seven hours a night, with 32% sleeping less than six hours.

  It also says that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is completely untrue.“People have no idea how important sleep is to their lives, ”Dr Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says, “Good health needs good sleep.”

  “But not too much of it, ”says Professor Jim Horne of Loughborough University, “sleep is like food and drink, ”he believes, “you would always like to have a little bit more.but that doesn’t mean you need it.”Professor Horne studied a group of people who could spend as many hours as they wanted in bed, after ten hours they didn’t find it any easier to get up in the morning.And people who sleep for more than nine hours a night die younger than people who usually sleep for seven or eight!


How many hours a day do babies sleep?________.

[  ]


8 hours


3 hours


4 hours


18 hours


It’s ________ for your health to work without sleep.

[  ]










The word“it”means ________ in the sentence“But not too much of it”.

[  ]










Professor Horne found it was not ________ for people to get up in the morning after ten hours’ sleep.

[  ]






more important


more difficult


The passage(文章)is about ________.

[  ]










I was sleeping soundly last night when I was awakened by someone’s groans(呻吟).I listened , and heard it was from Sam,a student from Africa. I really wanted to go on sleeping, as I had insomnia(失眠)and had just fallen asleep, but I couldn’t because Sam groaned louder and louder,showing he was seriously ill.

At that time , Robbie,a student from China , also got up to help. We found some pills,got some water , and helped him sit up to take them, hoping this would make his pain go down a little and get over the difficult time. If only daytime would come soon, everything would become easier.

Things went contrary相反)to our wishes. Sam’s condition developed from bad to worse. We telephoned the emergency service , and in no time an ambulance stopped in front of our gate. We helped the medical(医疗)workers carry Sam to the vehicle,and then both Robbie and I got in and took Sam to the hospital.

We helped him go through many medical examinations. After all kinds of tests,we were told that the final diagnosis(诊断)was appendicitis(盲肠炎). Luckily , Sam didn’t need an operation because we brought him to the hospital in time. He got timely treatment.

After Sam felt much better , we rushed back to prepare ourselves for the class. We were a little tired , but we had certainly done something good,something right.1.Why couldn’t the writer go on sleeping that night?

A.Because he was too excited that day.

B.Because his roommates were watching football games on TV.

C.Because one of his roommates was sick and groaning.

D.Because he was sick.

2. What does “vehicle” in the third paragraph refer to?





3. Why didn’t Sam need an operation?

A.Because Sam didn’t have enough money for an operation.

B.Because Sam was sent to the hospital in time.

C.Because Sam was much afraid of having an operation.

D.This article doesn’t tell us the reason.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Sam , Robbie and the writer lived in the same room.

B.Sam was feeling very well after taking some pills.

C.Robbie and the writer also went to the hospital.

D.Robbie and the writer didn’t sleep after they came back from the hospital.


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