

I was sleeping soundly last night when I was awakened by someone’s groans(呻吟).I listened , and heard it was from Sam,a student from Africa. I really wanted to go on sleeping, as I had insomnia(失眠)and had just fallen asleep, but I couldn’t because Sam groaned louder and louder,showing he was seriously ill.

At that time , Robbie,a student from China , also got up to help. We found some pills,got some water , and helped him sit up to take them, hoping this would make his pain go down a little and get over the difficult time. If only daytime would come soon, everything would become easier.

Things went contrary相反)to our wishes. Sam’s condition developed from bad to worse. We telephoned the emergency service , and in no time an ambulance stopped in front of our gate. We helped the medical(医疗)workers carry Sam to the vehicle,and then both Robbie and I got in and took Sam to the hospital.

We helped him go through many medical examinations. After all kinds of tests,we were told that the final diagnosis(诊断)was appendicitis(盲肠炎). Luckily , Sam didn’t need an operation because we brought him to the hospital in time. He got timely treatment.

After Sam felt much better , we rushed back to prepare ourselves for the class. We were a little tired , but we had certainly done something good,something right.1.Why couldn’t the writer go on sleeping that night?

A.Because he was too excited that day.

B.Because his roommates were watching football games on TV.

C.Because one of his roommates was sick and groaning.

D.Because he was sick.

2. What does “vehicle” in the third paragraph refer to?





3. Why didn’t Sam need an operation?

A.Because Sam didn’t have enough money for an operation.

B.Because Sam was sent to the hospital in time.

C.Because Sam was much afraid of having an operation.

D.This article doesn’t tell us the reason.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Sam , Robbie and the writer lived in the same room.

B.Sam was feeling very well after taking some pills.

C.Robbie and the writer also went to the hospital.

D.Robbie and the writer didn’t sleep after they came back from the hospital.








1.根据短文第一段最后一句I couldn’t because Sam groaned louder and louder,showing he was seriously ill.可知不断呻吟说明他病了

2.根据短文第三段in no time an ambulance stopped in front of our gate. We helped the medical(医疗)workers carry Sam to the vehicle可知指救护车

3.根据第四段倒数第二句Sam didn’t need an operation because we brought him to the hospital in time可知由于及时送医院不需要手术

4.根据短文第三段第一句Things went contrary相反)to our wishes. Sam’s condition developed from bad to worse.可知服药后没有好转




I was downtown (进城) yesterday , and decided (决定) to stop at the bank (银行) to see Alice Green. I thought she might have time to go to lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they told me she was just out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:30 or 11:45 and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. Then I walked over to some chairs by the windows and sat down. I decided to watch the front door because I knew she would come back in that way. I waited and waited, but she didn't come through (穿过) the door. Finally, I decided not to wait any longer. It was 12:30, and I was sure that she wouldn't be back until after lunch. I got up, and as I started to walk to the door, somebody called my name. I turned around and was surprised (惊奇) to find out that it was Alice. When I said that someone told me she was out, she told me she hadn't left her office all morning.

1.The writer went to the bank to ________.

[  ]

A.see Alice Green

B.ask Alice to have lunch with him

C.get some money so that (以便) he could have lunch with Alice

D.have a talk with the people in the bank

2.When the writer got to the bank, ________.

[  ]

A.Alice went out

B.Alice was in the bank

C.Alice was waiting for him

D.Alice was on her way to the bank

3.The writer decided to wait because somebody told him that Alice would be back before ________.

[  ]


4.The writer was waiting for Alice ________.

[  ]

A.at the front door
B.in the office room
C.by the windows
D.in front of the bank

5.The writer waited for Alice ________.

[  ]

A.half an hour
B.fifteen minutes
C.an hour
D.more than an hour


I was downtown (进城) yesterday , and decided (决定) to stop at the bank (银行) to see Alice Green. I thought she might have time to go to lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they told me she was just out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:30 or 11:45 and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. Then I walked over to some chairs by the windows and sat down. I decided to watch the front door because I knew she would come back in that way. I waited and waited, but she didn't come through (穿过) the door. Finally, I decided not to wait any longer. It was 12:30, and I was sure that she wouldn't be back until after lunch. I got up, and as I started to walk to the door, somebody called my name. I turned around and was surprised (惊奇) to find out that it was Alice. When I said that someone told me she was out, she told me she hadn't left her office all morning.

(1) The writer went to the bank to ________.

[  ]

A.see Alice Green

B.ask Alice to have lunch with him

C.get some money so that (以便) he could have lunch with Alice

D.have a talk with the people in the bank

(2) When the writer got to the bank, ________.

[  ]

A.Alice went out

B.Alice was in the bank

C.Alice was waiting for him

D.Alice was on her way to the bank

(3) The writer decided to wait because somebody told him that Alice would be back before ________.

[  ]


(4) The writer was waiting for Alice ________.

[  ]

A.at the front door
B.in the office room
C.by the windows
D.in front of the bank

(5) The writer waited for Alice ________.

[  ]

A.half an hour
B.fifteen minutes
C.an hour
D.more than an hour


“Ordinary” was the worst word my mother could find for anything. Whenever she took me out for shopping, I found she wouldn’t take any notice of the shop assistants when they suggested that some dresses were popular. She would say, “We’re not interested in that. Haven’t you got anything a little unusual?” And then the assistants would bring out all the strange colours no one else would buy. And later she and I would argue because I wanted to be ordinary but my mother wanted to be unusual.

“I can’t stand that hairdo (发型),” she said to me when I was in a boy hairstyle, “It’s so terribly ordinary... Not ugly, not unsuitable. But ordinary ...”

“Couldn’t you please wear something else?” I asked one day when she was dressing for Parents’ Day in tight (紧贴的) trousers and a bright pink sweater.

“What’t wrong with it!”

“It’s just that I wish you’d wear something ordinary.” I said, “People won’t laugh at.”

She looked at me angrily, “Are you ashamed of your mother? If you are, Mary, I feel sorry for you.”

1.What did the shop assistants advise Mary’s mother to buy?

A.Something very popular.

B.Styles they have sold out of.

C.Cheap clothes.

D.The most unusual clothes.

2. When Mary had her hair cut in a boy hairstyle, her mother ____.

A.felt happy with it

B.surely disliked it

C.told her to change it

D.thought it was unusual

3. Why did Mary ask her mother to change her clothes on Parents’ Day?

A.Because her mother’s clothes were out of style.

B.Because she didn’t like a pink sweater at all.

C.Because she didn’t like her mother to dress that way.

D.Because she didn’t want others to look at her mother.

4. What does her mother mean by “ordinary”?





5. The underlined word “It” most likely means ____.

A.the hairdo

B.the dresser

C.the boy

D.the colour


       I was one of the seven children and went to the same school as my three elder sisters and brothers.
We all went to the plant sale held in early May every year, just in time for Mother's Day.
       When I was in Grade Three, I wanted to surprise my mother with a gift, but I didn't have any money. My elder sister gave me some. I carefully made my selection(选择)  at the plant sale.  I looked at all the
plants on sale very carefully and finally chose a lovely geranium (天竺葵).  Once I had brought it home, I
hid it on the neighbor's porch (门廊).
       On Mother's Day,  I was bursting (突然打开) with pride when I gave her the plant. I remember how bright her eyes were, and how pleased she was with my gift.
       A few years later, my younger sister wanted to buy a geranium for our mother. As my elder sister did
for me, I gave her some money to buy one at the plant sale. She arrived back from the sale full of nervous excitement. The geranium was hidden in a paper bag under her sweater, "I looked at every plant,"  she
explained,  ' and I know I got the best one ! "
       With a sweet sense of family tradition(惯例) , helped my little sister hide that geranium. I was there
when she gave it to my mother, and I watched them both bursting with happiness. My mother noticed me watching. She gave me a soft, secret smile. I felt a tug(拽) at my heart as I smiled back.  I wondered how my mother could pretend to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child. But as I watched her eyes light up with pleasure at the sight of the most special gift, I knew she was not pretending.
1. Which of the seven children was the writer?
A. The third.          
B. The fourth.
C. The fifth.          
D. The sixth.
2. What did the children go to the plant sale for? 
A. To buy their mother a gift.
B. To sell some flowers.
C. To make money for their mother.
D. To look at all the plants.
3. Why did the writer hide the geranium on the neighbor's porch? 
A. Because she was afraid the other children saw it.
B. Because she was afraid the others stole it.
C. Because she wanted to make it live a long time.
D. Because she wanted to give their mother a surprise.
4. "She gave me a soft, secret smile" shows that
A. the mother was very surprised
B. the mother knew about it
C. the mother was pretending to be happy
D. the mother knew the writer bought the gift
5. What's the best title of the passage?
A. Mother's Day
B. Lovely Mother
C. The Most Special Geranium
D. Mother's Love

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