
It is __________ difficult work __________ nobody can do it well.

A.such; that         B.such a; that        C.so; that           D.so a; tha





试题分析:such……that和so……that都表示如此……以至于,区别就是such是形容词,修饰名词,意思是如此的这样的;so是副词,修饰动词,意思是如此这样。句意:这是如此困难的一项工作,以至于没有人能做好。difficult work中心词是work,故选B。






You must hear about earthquakes,but do you know what to do during and after an earthquake?Here is some advice for you:

Before an earthquake.It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family.All family members should know how to turn off gas,water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers(doctor,hospital,police,119,etc).Never put heavy things over beds.

During the earthquake.It’s important to for each of you to stay calm.If you are indoors ,quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table.It can protect yourself from falling things.Stay away from windows ,large mirrors,heavy things and so on.If you are cooking,turn off the gas.

If you are outdoors,move to an open area like a playground.Move away from buildings,bridges and trees.If you are driving,stop the car as soon as possible .Stay in your car.

After an earthquake.Once the shaking stops,do not run out of the building at once.It’s  better to wait and leave when it is safe.

Check around you and help the people in trouble.If your building is badly broken,you should leave it.If you smell or hear gas,get someone outside and open windows and doors.If you can do it safely,turn off the gas.Repeat it to the gas company.

Some useful    1.    about earthquakes


Before an earthquade    2.   yourself and your family.

Don’t   3.  to turn off gas,water and electricity.

Remember some useful telephone numbers and not to 4.  heavy things over beds.


  5.an earthquake        6.  calm is important for each of you.

Moving to a safe place in the room can protect yourself from falling things if you are   7.    .

Remmember to turn off the gas if you are cooking.

Moving to an open area and away from builings is  8.   if you are outdoors.

Remember to stop your car and stay in it if you are driving.


After an earthquake   Run out of the building    9.   it’s safe.

Check around you and help the people in trouble.

Leave your badly broken building.

Keep everyone outside and ererything    10.   if you smell or hear a gas .



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