

【1】---Where is your English book? ---Sorry, I don't (知道).

【2】My keys are on the (收音机), under the tapes.

【3】Your books are everywhere. They're not t .

【4】It is d . I can not do it.

【5】C on, Jack. Let's play sports.









【1】句意:-你的英语书在哪里?-对不起,我不知道。know 是一个动词,意思是知道。根据句意可知,这句话是一个否定句,空前有助动词don’t,故这里应该填动词原形。

【2】句意:我的钥匙在收音机上,磁带下面。radio是一个名词,意思是收音机。根据句意可知,这里用单数形式。on the radio是一个介词短语,在收音机上。


【4】句意:它太难了,我不会做。difficult 形容词,困难的。根据下句话中I can’t do it可知,这件事很困难,故填difficult。

【5】句意:来吧,Jack,让我们一起做运动吧。come on是固定的短语,表示鼓励别人,或是向别人发起挑战。这是一个祈使句,故用动词原形。




“Who did this asked Miss Green.

There were 30 children in the classroom and all were trying to think about not only what they did, but also what our teacher already knew.

Who broke this window?

Uh, Oh. I thought. I was the one who broke the window with a football. I did not mean to do it. I would be in a lot of trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? I didn't want to put up my hand. But I had to tell the truth. So, I put up my hand and told the teacher I broke the window.

Miss Green went to the bookshelf and took down a book.

“I know how you like birds, Peter. She said. Here is a book about birds and the book is yours now. I will not punish you this time. But Peter, you should remember that I am rewarding (奖赏)you for your honesty(诚实), not for breaking the window.

I couldn't believe it! The teacher didn't punish me and I was getting my very favorite book. Now, I still use that book, and it always reminds me of (使我想起)the lesson my teacher taught me.

Honesty is always best.

【1】Who broke the window? (No more than 2 words)


2How many children were in the classroom? (No more than 1 word)


3Where did Miss Green take down the book? (No more than 2 words)


4What was the book about? (No more than 2 words)


5What can we learn from the story? (No more than 4 words)


【题目】 阅读理解。

One day an Australian farmerJoesaw a bright light in the skyThe light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship landed in a field nearby

The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings(怪物) climbed outThey seemed to be half man and half birdJoe was afraid of themHe tried to run awayBut the spacemen walked towards himpicked him up and carried him into the spaceship

They asked him questions about EachWe’re from Venus(金星),they saidbut it is getting very hot thereA lot of our people are dying and we haven’t much time leftWe ale trying to find a new home.

After some time they freed Joe and at last the spaceship took off and could not be seen

Joe told his friends about the spacemenbut no one believed(相信) his story

You will believe me one dayJoe told themThe spacemen will come back…

【1】The bright light in the sky was _______

Athe sun BVenus

Ca machine Da spaceship

【2】The strange beings came to Earth to _______

Avisit Joe Bcatch Joe

Cfind a new home Dlive with Joe

【3】Joe was _______ the spaceship

Ainvited to Bsad to see

Ccarried into Dhappy to get into

【4】The strange beings _______ before they let him go

Ahad asked Joe to mend their machine

Bhad asked Joe several questions

Chad given Joe some wires

Dhad made Joe help them find a new place

【5】People didn’t believe Joe because _______

Ahe told a lie

Bit hadn’t been seen before

Cthey didn’t welcome the strange beings

Dthey wanted to see the strange beings very much


Mrand MrsGreen were very worried about their sonLeoHe seemed to be dumb(哑的) he was normal in every other wayMr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to but with no success

When Leo was six years oldthe best doctors in the town him carefullybut could find nothing wrongAnd he seemed to be smartIt was just that he spoke

There might be something wrong with his and he doesn’t know he’s able to speakone doctor said

But he can read and writesaid Mr. GreenWe’ve written him notestelling him that he can speak.

It’s certainly very another doctor saidPerhaps he’ll be able to speak some day.

___ passedLeo went to universityBut he did not speak a word

Then one dayLeo was having a meal with his parentsWithout any warninghe looked up from his ______and saidPass me the saltplease.

Mr. and Mrs. Green were excitedYou spoke! You spoke!they criedWhy have you so long to speak?

I didn’t have anything to sayhe saidUntil now everything was perfectBut you forgot to put salt in these potatoes.

【1】Abecause Bwhen Cthough Dbefore

【2】Aspeak Bwalk Cplay Dlaugh

【3】Ataught Bfound Cexamined Dasked

【4】Anever Boften Cusually Dalways

【5】Aback Bhair Cface Dmind

【6】Aunfair Bstrange Cnoisy Dquiet

【7】AHours BWeeks CMonths DYears

【8】Agood Bright Csingle Dnew

【9】Achair Bmeal Chands Dbooks

【10】Aslept Bwalked Cserved Dwaited

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