People often need to take some medicine when they catch a cold or a cough. Now here are the constructions on how to take medicine and store it.

Cold medicine-tablet(药片)

Adults: One tablet a time. Take two tablets in 24 hour.

12-18 years of age: One tablet. Take only one tablet in 24 hours.

Store at 200c-250c. Take the medicine 60 minutes before eating food.

Cold medicine-syrup(糖浆)

2-4 years of age: 4 ml (0. 8 teaspoon) a time

5-6 years of age: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) a time

7-12 years of age 7. 5 ml (1 and 1/2 teaspoons) a time

Adults: 10 ml (2 teaspoons) a time

Don't take it more than three times in 24 hours. Kid under 2 years old can't take it.


Honey(蜂蜜)can help you stop colds and coughs, too. Kids between 2 and 5 years old should take 1/2 teaspoon of honey 30 minutes before going to bed. A full teaspoon for kids between 6 and 11 years old, and two teaspoons for kids from 12 to 18 years old. Just remember NO HONEY FOR KIDS UNDER TWO YEARS OLD.

1.How often should an adult take the tablet?

A.Once a day. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a day. D.Four times a day.

2.When kids are _________ , they can't take the syrup.

A.18 months old B.36 months old C.6 years old D.18 years old

3.John is twelve years old, and he should take _________ once. tablet or 5 ml of syrup B.two tablets or 5 ml of syrup tablet or 7.5 ml of syrup D.two tablets or 7. 5 ml of syrup

4.How much honey should a seven-year-old boy take?

A.0. 5 teaspoon. B.0.8 teaspoon. C.1 teaspoon. D.2 teaspoons.

5.When you have _________ you can take the medicine mentioned in the passage.

A.a stomachache B.a backache C.. a toothache D.a cold

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母己给):

During our first summer in the Arizona desert, I got b1. burned by the sun. It was too hot there. By the next April I was already worrying about those three months coming up. I told Mr. Simpson about that at his gas station while he filled my car’s tank.

“You don’t need to worry in that way,” he said, “worrying about the heat just makes the summer start sooner or last l2..”

I realized, as I paid the bill, that he was right. “Treat the heat like a welcome surprise.” he said. “ Take advantage of the best that our summer offers and ignore (忽视)the r3..”

To my surprise, Mr. Simpson’s advice worked. When the hot summer did arrive, I wanted the flowers in my garden in the morning. In the afternoon I slept with my kids, and in the evening we played games and made ice cream together. I l4.the beauty of the summer in the desert.

Years later, when we moved to Cleveland, our neighbors there were already worrying about winter in September. When the snows of December did arrive, our children were e5.because they had never seen snow before. They made snowballs and went skating together.

One afternoon, a middle-aged neighbor told me, “For years the snow had just been something to shovel (铲子). I’d forgotten what real fun it can be !”

A few years later, we moved b6. to the desert. When I drove to the gas station, I learned from the new owner that age had forced Mr. Simpson to sell the station. He had bought a small station nearby.

I drove there and talked with Mr. Simpson. He was thinner and older now, but his pleasant smile was s7. the same. I asked him how he was.

“ I’m not worrying about growing old.” he said. “ I am too busy e8. life out there in the country.”

Many people love taking photographs. Some are good at taking pictures of people. Others focus more on sports or nature.

Mr. Luo, a retired railroad worker, took up photography at age 60. He joined a photography club and became an active member of it. He often went on bike rides and took pictures. This summer he did something unusual but amazing with his camera.

On that day, Mr. Luo got up at 5:00 am. He went to a pond in the countryside where there were always plenty of dragonflies. With great excitement, he set up his camera. First, he found a water bug in the muddy water. He waited until the bug climbed up a lily pad. There, it stopped to rest. Fifteen minutes later, the bug's body began to change. The skin split behind the head, and the adult dragonfly crawled out of its old skin. One hour later, the dragonfly started to separate its wings, which had been wet and folded at the beginning. Then, the dragonfly opened its wings for the first time. In another hour, the dragonfly moved with its wings and flew off for food.

He took a series of pictures of a dragonfly that was changing from a nymph to an adult. Using his camera, he recorded (记录) the whole process, which took nearly five hours!

People are amazed at the series of pictures. Whenever people praise (夸赞) him for his work, Mr. Luo says, "Don't give the credit to me. Give it to nature. I just use my camera to record moment and show it to the world."

1.What is Mr. Luo's hobby after he retired?

A.Doing sports. B.Taking pictures.

C.Recording videos. D.Going on bike rides.

2.What unusual and amazing thing did Mr. Luo do?

A.He went to a pond in the countryside.

B.He found a water bug in the muddy water.

C.He explained why the countryside was so beautiful.

D.He recorded how a water bug changed into a dragonfly.

3.When people praise Mr. Luo for his work, he .

A.receives it very excitedly B.cares about it very much the credit to nature D.records the wonderful moment

4.What can we learn about Mr. Luo from his story?

A.He makes a living by taking pictures. B.He can wait long to take good pictures.

C.He took up photography at an early age. D.He has won a lot of prizes in photography.

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