
Many people love taking photographs. Some are good at taking pictures of people. Others focus more on sports or nature.

Mr. Luo, a retired railroad worker, took up photography at age 60. He joined a photography club and became an active member of it. He often went on bike rides and took pictures. This summer he did something unusual but amazing with his camera.

On that day, Mr. Luo got up at 5:00 am. He went to a pond in the countryside where there were always plenty of dragonflies. With great excitement, he set up his camera. First, he found a water bug in the muddy water. He waited until the bug climbed up a lily pad. There, it stopped to rest. Fifteen minutes later, the bug's body began to change. The skin split behind the head, and the adult dragonfly crawled out of its old skin. One hour later, the dragonfly started to separate its wings, which had been wet and folded at the beginning. Then, the dragonfly opened its wings for the first time. In another hour, the dragonfly moved with its wings and flew off for food.

He took a series of pictures of a dragonfly that was changing from a nymph to an adult. Using his camera, he recorded (记录) the whole process, which took nearly five hours!

People are amazed at the series of pictures. Whenever people praise (夸赞) him for his work, Mr. Luo says, "Don't give the credit to me. Give it to nature. I just use my camera to record moment and show it to the world."

1.What is Mr. Luo's hobby after he retired?

A.Doing sports. B.Taking pictures.

C.Recording videos. D.Going on bike rides.

2.What unusual and amazing thing did Mr. Luo do?

A.He went to a pond in the countryside.

B.He found a water bug in the muddy water.

C.He explained why the countryside was so beautiful.

D.He recorded how a water bug changed into a dragonfly.

3.When people praise Mr. Luo for his work, he .

A.receives it very excitedly B.cares about it very much

C.gives the credit to nature D.records the wonderful moment

4.What can we learn about Mr. Luo from his story?

A.He makes a living by taking pictures. B.He can wait long to take good pictures.

C.He took up photography at an early age. D.He has won a lot of prizes in photography.



1."Because" and “so" shouldn't be put together. But some students often add “so" to the sentence with “because”.

2.Some students may be lucky to get the right answers. But if they depend only on luck, failure may come.

3.Some students pretend that they know the grammar rules but in fact, they don't.

4.Students need to learn a lesson from mistakes so that they won't make them next time.

5.Some students seem to be able to recite(背诵)the English texts in groups. But if they are asked to do it alone, they can't.

A. The old emperor liked group music. A man knew this and joined the musical team. But the new emperor enjoyed the

music played by every single musician. The man without any music ability was afraid and ran away.

B. Several man were drawing snakes on the floor. One man was the first to finish a snake but he didn't win because he

added feet to his snake.

C. One day, a rabbit knocked itself into a tree and fell dead. A farmer nearby enjoyed the rabbit for dinner and waited for more at the same place every day. However, no rabbits came and his fields went worse.

D.A man wanted to steal a big bell next door. However, he had to make a lot of noise so he covered his ears with pieces

of clothes, thinking if he couldn't hear the noise, neither could others.

E.A sheep keeper found a sheep was gone and he discovered there was a hole in the sheephold (羊圈).So he fixed it right

away. As a result, the rest of the sheep were safe.

F.A hard-working young man was so poor that he had to make a small hole in the wall to get light from next door at night.

He read a lot of books and became an important officer for the emperor.

G.Once there was a strong-minded man. He slept on the uncomfortable grass and tasted the bitter gall(苦胆)every day. The hardship reminded him to fight for his country. Finally, he beat his enemy and rebuilt his country.

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