

worry,  they,  shark,  sleepy,  towards
【小题1】Take some rest after lunch and you won’t feel ________in the afternoon. .
【小题2】When the child saw her parents waiting at the school gate, she ran ________ them.
【小题3】Don’t _______ about your exams, everything will be fine.
【小题4】To protect________, scientists suggest the people stop fishing in some parts of the ocean.
【小题5】My host family is really nice .They try _____ best to make me feel at home .


【小题3】句意:不要担心你的考试,一切都会好的。worry是一个动词,意思是担心,焦虑。它的常用短语是worry about,意思是为……担心。这个句子是一个祈使句,故用动词的原形。
【小题4】句意:为了保护鲨鱼,科学家们建议在海洋的一些地方,禁止人们捕鱼。shark 是一个名词,意思是鲨鱼,根据句意可知,这里禁止人们的目的是保护鲨鱼,应该用复数形式,表示类别。
【小题5】句意:我寄宿的家庭真的很好,他们尽他们的最大努力让我感觉就像在自己家里一样。try one’s best to do sth.,是一个固定的短语,意思是尽某人的最大努力去做某事。根据句意可知,这里应该是他们的,故填their。



them   people   many   like    have  do    around    save   
cost   for     when   spend   also     popular    buy  
Cars are very   【小题1】   , but too    【小题2】   cars make much pollution (污染). Now the idea of “car sharing”(拼车) is popular     【小题3】    the world. That’s to say, more     【小题4】    are sharing the use of the car. Not everyone   【小题5】   a car. As we know, so many families have cars today, most of     【小题6】   don’t use it everyday. Some cars  【小题7】  most of their time staying in garages(车库). We don’t use them, but parking(停车) and other things can    【小题8】   us a lot. That needs a lot of money.
To 【小题9】  money, some people thought of the idea of “car sharing”. If we share a car, we can only pay for it  【小题10】   we use it. Now more and more people would  【小题11】  to do car sharing. In Switzerland(瑞士), about 40,000 people are  【小题12】  this thing. Japan is  【小题13】  trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country.
“Car sharing” is a new idea in transportation(交通). It is also very easy  【小题14】  us to go everywhere we want without   【小题15】 a car.

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