Perhaps the most famous clothing brand name(服装品牌名称)in the world is Levi’s. Levi Strauss & Co. is the producer of blue denim jeans. Here’s how it happened.

In the mid 1800s many people went to California to look for gold. A young German named Levi Strauss traveled to San Francisco to help his brother on business. He sold canvas (帆布)to the workers for tents. But the workers said they needed pants more, because their pants were easy to wear out. Instead of selling his canvas for tent-making, he turned it into pants. These kinds of pants were very popular with workers. He was very happy and named the kind of pants “denims”. And in 1853 he founded Levi Strauss & Co.

Twenty years later the company began using a design with pockets. During the working, Strauss developed the process for putting metal rivets (铆钉)in the jeans for strength.

On May 20, 1873, they received the U. S. Patent No.139, 121 for the process and that date is now considered the official birthday of “blue jeans”.

Today the company still has its factories in San Francisco, California. Over 11, 000 people work in them and bring in over $4 billion a year.

1.Levi Strauss went to San. Francisco___________. look for gold sell canvas help his brother

2.The workers often complained ________________.

A.the work was too hard

B.they couldn't get enough food

C.their pants were not strong enough

3.The underlined word "developed" may mean _____________in Chinese.

A.研制 B.想象 C.了解

4.The blue denim jeans have nearly ______________ years of history.

A.150 B.170 C.200

5.The passage mainly tells us _____________________.

A.who invented jeans jeans were invented C.why jeans are so popular


Last year, I went to Belgium from the UK to teach English. It was interesting and I _________ that there are some big differences in schools between Belgium and the UK.

In the UK, students _______ wear school uniform(校服). I think it’s good. This is why. If students all wear the same clothes, they will feel less excluded (被排斥的) because everyone _______ the same. Also it is nice to wear school uniform because you don’t have to _______ what to wear in the morning. This saves a lot of time. _______, the students in Belgium don’t wear school uniform.

Another difference I found is also about _______. Teachers dress in a more relaxed way in Belgium. They wear jeans and sports shoes, for example. In the UK, _______ always dress much more orally ( 正式地)to work in a school.

As I worked with older students aged from 16 to 18. I _______ noticed that they had a lot more subjects than I did at their age. In the UK, at 16 you enter "sixth form" and you have to _________ only three to four subjects. Some people like this. But others feel that it is too ________ to make such a big choice, because the subjects you choose will have an impact(影响)on what you can study at university.

1.A.wished B.suggested C.noticed D.promised

2.A.must B.mustn’t C.may D.can't

3.A.hears B.feels C.looks D.shows

4.A.set up B.put away. C.point at D.think about

5.A.Finally B.However C.Later D.Suddenly

6.A.clothes C.festivals

7.A.pupils B.coaches C.teachers D.drivers

8.A.never B.also C.sometimes D.only

9.A.remember B.lose D.choose

10.A.early B.busy C.old D.rude

Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)

Free-diving is diving underwater, holding your breath, without the use of equipment. In ancient times people had to free-dive to get food, such as fish and shellfish. Free divers also c 1. treasures lying at the bottom of the ocean. The Mediterranean Sea, south of Europe, had many trading ships passing through. Often ships sank, sometimes because of storms. They would swim down to the shipwreck and try to lift the most precious pieces. In modern times, free-diving is part of many different a2.such as underwater photography and spearfishing. Sports such as underwater football, rugby and hockey also involve free-diving.

The most dangerous free-diving is practised by a small group of extreme sportsmen and sportswomen who swim very deep. They aim to go to great depths and d3. for a long time on a single breath, wearing only a wetsuit. Deep under the water it is cold and black. The weight or pressure on your body is much h4. than that at the surface. That weight, and going so long on only one breath, can cause a person to become unconscious(无意识的)because of a lack of oxygen, and then die.

Why do people want to take part in a sport that is so dangerous?

You need to be fit to swim so deep, but you also need to be very strong mentally(精神上). At first it is difficult to sink. You have to stay c5. and even slow your thinking. But finally the air is pushed from your body, and you start to sink. It is as if the water were d 6. you down. This is a very peaceful feeling.

Natalia wrote many poems about her love of being in the deep blue ocean. She felt at one with nature there, as if in an ancient space. She would go into a deep state of being quiet and thinking before she went into the water. She would leave b7.her the stress of life, which she called “surface fuss”. According to Natalia, when you stop breathing, most of your body’s functions stop. It is as if time itself stopped.

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