D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分)

One Saturday afternoon, Tom and his sister, Viv, were having tea in a café. Tom was telling Viv about his history project. “On Monday I am giving a speech in front of the class. It will be about famous inventions,” Tom told Viv. “Let’s go to the public library and find a book on inventions,” suggested Viv. “We’ll call the library first to see what time it closes.”

They walked over to an old telephone box and went inside. Just as Viv was about to ring ‘1888’, the number for Directory Enquiries(电话号查询台), there was a loud crash outside the phone box. A woman had dropped her shopping bags.

Viv dialed the number. When she had finished, the telephone box started shaking, and a loud noise filled their ears. The shopping centre disappeared, and everything went dark. Suddenly there was a big bump. The telephone box stopped shaking and everything was quiet. Tom and Viv looked out of the window. They couldn’t believe their eyes! They were in the middle of a large field. Tom pushed the door and stepped outside.

“This is amazing!” he said. “I think we’ve travelled through time.” Suddenly some men on horses appeared. They were wearing strange clothes. They saw the children and started riding towards them, shouting.

“Let’s get out of here!” Tom shouted. They ran back inside and closed the door behind them.

“Those men look like people from the past,” Tom said. “You dialed the number ‘1888’ for Directory Enquiries. If we dial ‘2010’, perhaps we’ll return home.”

Tom dialed the number. He was nervous, however, and dialed ‘3010’ by mistake. The telephone box started shaking again, and the field disappeared. There was another large bump. Looking outside, the children saw strange buildings and cars. A face suddenly appeared outside the window. The person had three eyes! Viv shouted with fear.

“I don’t want to be in the future. I want to go home,” said Viv. Tom quickly dialed ‘2010’. Soon they were back in the shopping centre. Outside, a woman was picking up some shopping that she had dropped. Tom recognized the woman. “We’re back! Let’s help that woman with her shopping,” he said.

“Thank you. You’re very kind,” the woman replied to Tom’s offer of help.

She turned to look at the children. Tom and Viv jumped in horror. The woman had three eyes…

1.What speech would Tom give in front of the class?


2.Did they know the telephone number of the public library?


3.How did they travel through time to the past?


4.Which number would enable them to go back home?


5.How did Viv feel when she saw a face with three eyes in the year 3010?


6.Where had the woman probably come from?


随着扬州经济的发展,私家车的数量不断攀升,同时我们的空气污染越发严重。去年冬天雾霾(the thick haze)天气接二连三出现,生活环境日趋恶化。就此,你班展开讨论美丽扬州应该从何做起。请根据下面提示写一篇短文,向报社投稿。


















With the development of Yangzhou, more and more families have cars. _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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