

Harry liked to talk very much and his father did not let him speak at mealtimes. Once, at dinner, Harry wanted to say something very much. At last his father saw it and asked him kindly, “Well, my boy, what is it?” “Are flies (苍蝇)good to eat, father?” “No,” said his father. “What makes you ask that?” “You had one in your plate just now, but you have swallowed(吞) it !”

1. Harry liked to ______.

[  ]

A. watch flies     B. talk a lot

C. play with flies   D. walk with his father

2. Harry's father did not let Harry to speak ______.

[  ]

A. when Harry had meals   B. when Harry played

C. when Harry was free    D. when Harry saw flies

3. Harry wanted to tell his father _______.

[  ]

A. there were flies in his plate

B. there were no flies in his plate

C. there was one fly on the table

D. there was one fly in his plate

4. Harry's father ate the fly because ______.

[  ]

A. he liked to eat flies    B. flies are good to eat

C. Harry told him to flies   D. he didn't see it





0    Born 1970

11   Went to Loughborough

    Grammar School for 6 years

18   Went to London University

    for 3 years

19   Started going out with

    Suzie ended Christmas 1993

22   Went to live in Paris

    Feb-July 1992

23   Met Sally at a party

24   Got a job in a record shop

25   Married Sally 23 March, 1995

    Promoted to store manager of

    the record shop Autumn 1995

26   Bought a house in Wimbledon




0    Born 1967 in Ontario, Canada

11   Joined a drama group

    Start of a life-long passion

15   Came to live in England

    summer 1982.

19   Went to Teacher Training College

    for 3 years

23   Taught in Poland for two years

24   Met and married Paul August 1991

    Had a daughter, Polly,

    born 13 May, 1992

25   Came back to England with Polly

    but without Paul 1992

26   Divorced(离婚) Paul

    Started teaching in a school in

    London Sept 1993

    Met Harry Christmas 1993


1.Harry studied in Loughborough Grammar School ________.

[  ]

A.six years ago
B.When he was eighteen
C.for six years
D.in 1983

2.Harry ________ in Paris in 1992.

[  ]

A.met Suzie
C.married Sally
D.bought a house

3.Sally taught in ________ for two years.

[  ]


B.Teacher Training College


D.a record shop

4 Polly's birthday is ________.

[  ]

A.on 23 March, 1995
B.in September, 1993
C.on 13 May, 1992
D.August, 1991

5 Sally ________ when she was twenty-six years old.

[  ]

A.was a teacher in London

B.divorced Harry

C.met Paul

D.came back to England

     Harry liked driving (开) his car very fast, and one day he hit (撞) another car. Harry jumped out
and ran to it. There was an old man in the car. He was very angry and said to Harry. "What are you
doing?" "You nearly killed (撞死) me!"
     "Yes," Harry answered, "I'm very sorry." He took a bottle out of his car and said, "Drink some of
this. Then you'll feel better." He gave the old man some whisky (威士忌), and the man drank it, but
then he shouted again, "You nearly killed me!" Harry gave him the bottle again. "I feel much better now.
But why aren't you drinking?"
     "Oh, well," said Harry, "I don't want any whisky now. I'm going to sit here to wait for the police."
1. Harry _____ drove his car very fast.                         
A. always
B. sometimes
C. never
D. hardly
2. One day he hit a car because _____.
A. he wanted to kill the old man
B. he drank a lot of whisky
C. he drove his car too fast
D. he had many bottles of whisky in his car
3.The old man was very angry (生气)because _____.
A. he wanted some whisky
B. Harry hit his car
C. he was Harry's father
D. he drove his car too fast
4. After drinking the bottle of whisky, the old man _____.
A. felt much better
B. was still (还) angry
C. was very happy
D. felt much worse
5. What would probably (可能) happen to the old man?
A. He would be hit again.
B. He would be sent (被送)to the hospital.
C. He would lose his way.
D. He would be fined (被处罚) by the police.

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