

One of Harry’s feet was bigger than the other. “I can’t find suitable shoes for them,” he said to his friend, Jack.“Why don’t you go to a shoemaker?” Jack said, “A good one can make you the right shoes. ”“I don’t want to go to any shoemaker, ” Harry said, “Aren’t they very expensive? ”

“No,” Jack said, “Some of them aren’t. There’s a good one in our town. Here’s his address. ”

Harry went to the shoemaker in Jack’s town a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

Harry went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily, “You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but you made one smaller than the other. ”


1.What was Harry’s trouble?


2.Did Jack help him?


3. What did Jack give Harry?


4. When did Harry go to the shoemaker first?


5. Was Harry pleased with his new shoes?




1.One of Harry’s feet was bigger than the other. He couldn’t find suitable shoes for them.

2. Yes, he did.

3. Jack gave Harry the shoemaker’s address.

4. A few days later.

5. No, he wasn’t.


1.根据第一段One of Harry’s feet was bigger than the other. “I can’t find suitable shoes for them,”可知。


3.根据短文的第二段Here’s his address可知

4.考查对短文的整体理解,根据第三段第一句Harry went to the shoemaker in Jack’s town a few days later可知。

5.考查对短文的理解,根据短文最后一段第一句Harry went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily可知




One day an old lady wanted to go to London to see her son. She got up early and reached the small station at nine o’clock in the morning. Because this was her first trip to London, she didn’t know the train time. She was very worried. Just at that moment, she saw a little boy running towards her. She stopped him and asked him what time the train would arrive and when the train would leave for London.

The boy looked at the woman, and said“ [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:]” just like firing a gun. Then he ran away. The old lady was very surprised and got angry. She wondered why the boy played a joke on her. She sat in a chair and thought and thought, then she began to smile. She couldn’t help crying out, “What a clever boy! He told me the time in such a way.” Do you know the time?


The lady _______ .

A. had never been to London before    

B. often went to London to see her son

C. went to the small station only once    

D. expected to see her son at the small station

[  ]


When the lady arrived at the station she stopped _______ .

A. asking the boy the train time    

B. ask the boy when train would leave

C. asking the boy when the train would leaved    

D. a boy to ask the train time

[  ]


The boy ran away because _______ .

A. he was afraid of being scolded(受责备) by the lady    

B. he had told the lady about the train time

C. he could not tell the exact train time    

D. he had something important to do

[  ]


The lady began to smile because _______ .

A. the boy had played a joke on her    

B. the boy’s joke was very interesting

C. the boy was a very funny one    

D. the boy had told her the train time in an unusual way

[  ]


At last the lady knew that the boy had told her that _______ .

A. the train would arrive at 12∶00 am    

B. the train would arrive at 10∶00 and leave at 12∶00 am

C. the train would arrive at 1∶58 and leave at 2∶00 pm    

D. the train would arrive at 2∶00 and leave at 2∶12 pm

[  ]


One day, an old lady wanted to go to London to see her son. She got up early and reached the small station at nine o' clock in the morning. Because this was her first trip to London, she didn't know the train time. She was worried. Just at that moment, she saw a little boy running toward her. She stopped him and asked him what time the train would arrive and when the train would leave for London. The boy looked at the woman and said, “tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: tu:” just like firing a gun(像开枪似的). Then he ran away. The old lady was very much surprised and got angry. She didn't know why the boy had made fun of her:She sat in a chair and thought. At last she began to smile. She could not help crying out, “What a clever boy! He told me the train time in such a way!”

1.When the lady got to the small station, ________.

[  ]

A.she saw no one there

B.the train had arrived

C.she asked a boy the train time

D.a boy came up to meet her

2.The little boy ran away because ________.

[  ]

A.the lady laughed at him

B.he had told the lady the train time

C.the lady was angry with him

D.he didn't want to tell the lady the train time

3.That day the old lady stayed at the small station for about ________.

[  ]

A.one hour
B.two minutes
C.five hours
D.half a night

4.At last the old lady understood the train would arrive at ________, and leave at ________.

[  ]

A.1:58, 2:02
B.2:00, 2:12
C.2:02, 2:04
D.10:10, 2:12

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The old lady didn't get up early enough to catch the train.

B.The old lady ever went to London before.

C.The boy got angry with the lady and made fun of her.

D.The boy told the train in a clever way.

     One morning Mrs Petty said to her husband, "Jack, there's a meeting of our Ladies Club at
Mrs Young's house at lunchtime today, and I want to go there. I'll leave you some food for your
lunch. Is that all right?
     "Oh, yes." her husband answered, "That's quite all right. What are you going to leave for my
     "This tin of fish." Mrs Petty said, "And there are some eggs and vegetables and some bread
here, too."
     "Good." said Mr Petty. Then Mrs Petty went to her meetings. All the ladies had lunch at
Mrs Young's house and at 3 o'clock Mrs Petty came home.
     "Was your fish nice, Jack?" She asked.
     "Yes, but my feet are hurting." He answered.
     "Why are they hurting?" Mrs Petty asked.
     "Well, on the tin was written ---OPEN THE TIN AND STAND IN HOT WATER FOR FIVE
1. Mrs Petty wanted to __________.
A. visit her old friends
B. go to Mrs Young's house
C. have a dinner in the restaurant
D. have lunch by herself
2. Mr Petty had to __________.
A. buy some food himself
B. cook dinner for Mrs Petty
C. have lunch at a restaurant
D. have lunch by himself at home
3. Mrs Petty had her lunch __________.
A. at home
B. with her husband
C. in Mrs Young's house
D. in Jack's house
4. Mr Petty's feet were hurting because __________.
A. the tin of fish hurt his feet
B. he fell down and hurt his feet
C. he himself stood in hot water for 5 minutes
D. his wife didn't tell him how to open the tin
5. In the last sentence, "STAND" means __________.
A. put
B. push
C. send
D. sink(浸)