
Our reporter asked people what they were doing on July 20, 1960 when a man first walked on the moon. Here is what they said:

小题1:_______ was having a picnic with the family when a man first walked on the moon.
A.Linda BrownB.John Bates
C.Kate JonesD.Mark Green
小题2: John Bates was _______ when the astronaut walked on the moon.
A.having a picnicB.working
C.having fun with friendsD.watching TV
小题3: Mark Green was _______ years old then.
小题4: Paul’s dream was to become a(an) _______.
小题5:Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut who walked on the moon.
B.Linda Brown read about it in the newspaper on July 21, 1960, and thought it was amazing.
C.Mark Green is the youngest of the five people now.
D.All the five people remember the day when a man first walked on the moon.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第一框中Kate Jones, waitress. and I was with my family in the mountains. We were having a picnic.可知该选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第二框中John Bates, Postman. I was watching TV at home when the astronaut walked on the moon.可知该选D。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第五框中Mark Green, teacher. I was only seven years old then.可知该选D。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第三框中Paul Robinson, doctor. My dream was to become an astronaut and fly in a rocket.可知该选B。
小题5:细节理解题。根据第五框中My parents talked about it, and I learned about it in school, but I don’t remember the day it happened.可知该选D。
On May 2, 2012, Ashok Gadgil became the winner of the $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation (全球创新奖). Each year, the honor is given to an inventor who has made a big difference in the lives of people in developing countries. Gadgil is a professor and physicist at the University of California, Berkeley. He spent thirty years helping people in need. His inventions have helped more than 100 million people around the world. “I chose to focus on problems where my knowledge of science  could help,” Gadgil said.
In the 1990s, Gadgil designed his first life-saving invention after more than 10,000 people died from Bengal cholera (孟加拉霍乱) because of the clean water crisis (危机) in India. His invention uses ultraviolet light to kill deadly disease-carrying germs (细菌) from drinking water. It costs just one cent to clean five liters of water (about 21 cups). So far, the invention has provided safe drinking water for more than five million people in India and other developing countries.
Gadgil’s another important invention is the Berkeley-Darfur Stove (炉具). The long and violent war in Darfur, Sudan, has caused many people to move to foreign countries and live in refugee camps (难民营). They are given food aid. But people still have to travel a long distance five times a week to gather firewood to cook meals. This can be dangerous because of street violence in the area. To avoid danger, some spend much of their money used to feed their families buying firewood.
The stove Gadgil created cuts fuel usage by 55%. That means people wouldn’t have to leave the camps to find firewood as often. The invention also helps to save homes more than $300 a year. About 125,000 people and their families have been helped.
As a professor, Gadgil encourages his students, “Be optimistic (乐观的) when you try a hard problem,” he says. “It’s when you solve a large problem that you can have a big influence on the world.”
小题1: Ashok Gadgil was given the honor because _______.
A.he was a famous professor and physicist at UC, Berkeley
B.he improved the lives of people in developing countries
C.he spent thirty years helping people in need
D.he developed useful inventions with his team
小题2:Which of the following statements about Gadgil is TRUE?
A.He helped about 125,000 people in India.
B.He spent lots of money on his inventions.
C.He used his knowledge to help people in need.
D.One of his inventions could cure Bengal cholera.
小题3:What do people benefit from the Berkeley-Darfur Stove?
A.They can sell stoves to make a living.
B.They can save both time and money.
C.They can be protected from diseases.
D.They can cook their food easily.
Do you ever find yourself getting really unhappy for almost no reason? Or suddenly feeling down without knowing why? Going from sadness to anger to joy in a matter of minutes can make many teens feel as though they're losing control. But why is the feeling so common among teens?
Maybe you're starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern (关注)for many teens.
Being accepted by friends is important. Teens also may notice, for the first time, a sense of distance from parents and family. You may feel you want to be on your own and make your own decisions, but it can also seem a bit lonely at times.
Another important cause for mood swings is biology. When puberty(青春期)begins, the body starts producing hormones(荷尔蒙). These hormones cause physical changes in the body. But in some people, they also seem to cause emotional(情绪的)changes.
Here are some things you can do that might make those bad moods a bit easier to deal with.
Recognize you're not alone. Although not every teen experiences mood changes to the same degree, they are common.
Talk to people you trust. Friends can help each other by realizing that they're not alone in their feelings. Talking to parents is important, too. Parents can share their own experiences dealing with bad moods. Teachers are often good resources and a doctor can help to answer questions about development.
Get enough sleep. Though it can be hard to find enough time, getting enough rest is very important. Being tired can lead to more sadness.
Create. Taking part in some kinds of activities, like building something out of wood, or starting an art or music piece. Writing can help you organize and express your thoughts and feelings. Get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with paint, music, or other art forms. Put your feelings into your artwork.

小题1:When puberty begins, many teens feel__________.
小题2:_______may not make some teens be in bad moods.
A.Study pressureB.Getting good grades
C.The sense of distance from parentsD.Missing old friends
小题3: It’s easier to deal with your mood changes by ___________.
①realizing they are common     ②explaining your feelings to people you trust
③playing computer games        ④being creative
⑤breaking school rules         ⑥getting enough sleep
Once there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by …The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad , " Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy. "I'm no longer a kid. I wouldn't play around the tree any more. " The boy replied.  "I want toys. I need money to buy them. " " Sorry, I don't have money. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. So you will have money. " The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "Come and play with me, " the tree said.  "I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help?" " Sorry ,  I don't have a house. But you can cut off my branches(树枝)to build your house. " So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was pleased. " Come and play with me ! " the tree said. "I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me boat?" " Use my trunk(树干)to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy. " So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. " Sorry, my boy. But I don't have anything for you any more. The only thing left is my dying root(树根).” The tree said with tears. “I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I'm tired after all these years," the boy replied.
"Good! Old tree root is the best place to lean on and rest. Come and sit down with me and rest. " The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.
小题1:-When did the boy come back to the apple tree?
-He came back___________.
A.whenever he was happyB.if he missed the apple tree
C.when he was in times of difficultyD.as soon as he was free
小题2:-What did the boy want at last?
-He wanted ___________.        .
A.to have a house to live inB.nothing except a place to rest
C.the root of the apple treeD.anything that the apple tree had
小题3:-What can we learn from the story?
-We should ___________.
A.plant more apple treesB.learn from the boy
C.always stay at homeD.be thankful to our parents
小题4:According to the passage , which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The phrase " with tears① " means that the apple tree was sad because the boy asked for too much.
B.The phrase " with tears② " means that the apple tree was still happy because she could help the boy for the last time.
C.Each time the boy asked the apple tree for help, the tree tried her best to satisfy him.
D.After reading the passage, we can easily think of the old Chinese saying “ Parents love is universal !”
“My dear lady,” says Holmes. “You’re shaking. Are you cold? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”
“I’m not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”
“We are here to help you. Don’t worry about anything. I don’t know you. But I know many things about you. For example, I know how you travel. You came to London by train. You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”
“Why, yes. You’re right. But how do you know these things?”
“I see a return ticket in your glove. I see fresh mud(泥土) on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem.”
“My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “My mother and father are dead. I am living with my stepfather(继父), Dr Grimesby Roylott. He comes from a rich family. But they are no longer rich. They have nothing except a small piece of land and a big old house. We are living in the house. Dr Roylott is using my mother’s money for expenses(开支). Part of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages.”
Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helen’s story. He hears every detail.
Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friends. He fights with everyone. He is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him.”
“He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.
“No. He talks to no one except the gypsies(吉普赛人). They are poor people who travel from place to place. A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”
“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”
“My dear Mr Holmes. You are making me so sad. My sister is dead. That is why I am standing here in this room.”
小题1:Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is …” is mostly about ________.
A.Helen’s dead sisterB.Helen’s trip to London
C.the house Helen lives inD.Helen’s stepfather and the family
小题2:What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?
A.Walking slowly.B.Listening carefully.
C.Standing sadly.D.Writing quickly.
小题3:Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?
A.They are very rich.B.They are afraid of other people.
C.They live on a horse-drawn wagon.D.They move from one place to another.
“Never give up!” It is my law(法则) of life. It has brought me success. I learned the law from my father's famous story.
My father was       in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu,in China. When he was a young boy,he went to school in the morning,then      in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework during midnight. Life was hard,because they had no    
At the age of 14,my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold,the land where      people can become rich.
   don't I go to America?” he thought to himself,full of hope.
So,my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to collect money in America,” he told me. “But when I arrived there,I realized it was not true. They did not like to hire(雇佣) me because I spoke            English. Later,I worked in a small restaurant,cleaning up tables,               dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was       for the first few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English,but it was impossible. I couldn't       the schooling(学费). ”
My father      working hard,and reached his goal.
“Alan,” he often says to me. “If you want something,you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come really in life. ” That is what I learned from my father.
Bill,a 13-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, "You won't be a real man until you begin to think about helping others."
One moming, his parents gave him some money to buy some milk. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old~man who looked very sick. Bill went to him and asked. "what's wrong with you?"
The old man answered, "I'm hungry,I haven't had any food for two days".
“Let's go to the restaurant."
When they got there, Bill asked the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finished the meal quickly. Afier the waiter took away the plate and the cup, the old man said, "Sorry for giving you too much trouble. I'm fine now. I'Il never forget your kindness! You're a very good young man."
Bill was happy when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came.To their surprise, Bill and the old man leamed that their food was free because it was the birthday of the boss, and they were the first customers that day.
小题1:How old was Bill?
小题2:Bill's parents said when he thought of               
A.helping himself.B.helping othersC.making moneyD.being friendly
小题3:How long haven't the old man had food?
A.Two days.B.Two hours.C.One day.D.One hour.
小题4:What did the old man think of Bill?
A.Kind and tall.B.Kind and good
C.Happy and handsomeD.Happy and cool.
小题5:The food in the restaurant is free because that day was          birthday.
A.Bill'sB.the old man'sC.the waiter'sD.the boss's

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