
More and more Chinese students are putting study tours in foreign countries on their plans this summer.

Including language courses, sightseeing and international communication(交流), study tours meet the needs of Chinese parents and students for a long and fruitful holiday.

A recent report showed most study tour participants (参与者) were teenagers in middle schools. According to the report, 73 percent were middle school students, 11 percent primary school students and only 3 percent college students. And it’s getting more and more popular in middle schools.

According to a blue book about study tours, developing children’s horizons(视野) was the No. 1 reason for parents, while improving language skills, experiencing independence(独立) and different cultures were also popular.

Zhan Fuman, a 14-year-old girl from Guangzhou, is now on a 15-day study tour in Australia with a price tag of 32,800 yuan (about 4,870 U.S. dollars), and she went to the United States for her first study tour last winter. “She has been much more confident (自信) and independent since her first tour in the U. S. and learnt to use knowledge from books and real life communication,” said Zhu Wanxia, Zhan’s mother. “Going on a study tour does not lead to going to a foreign university in the future,” Zhu said, adding that she preferred her child to go to a top Chinese university instead.

1.Which of the following is NOT included in a study tour according to the passage?

A.Language courses and sightseeing.

B.Meeting friends in foreign countries.

C.International communication.

2.Who is more likely to have a study tour according to the report?

A.Jenny, 3 years old. B.Mike, 14 years old. C.John, 22 years old.

3.What is the most important reason for parents to let their children have a study tour?

A.Developing children’s horizons.

B.Improving language skills.

C.Experiencing independence.

4.Zhan Fuman has been much more confident and independent after ________.

A.she went to Australia for a study tour

B.she went to America for a study tour

C.she went to school in Guangzhou

5.Which of the following is NOT true about a study tour?

A.More and more college students want to have a study tour.

B.One may know more about different cultures from a study tour.

C.It may help to learn to use knowledge from books and real life communication


Imagine you are in a jumping contest。 Animals and insects can also enter this contest. But they might just leave humans in the dust!

The first event is the long jump. The human athlete is Mike Powell. In 1991, he jumped nearly 30 feet, which is the world record for the long jump. That is about five times his own height.

His competitor in the long-jump contest is a frog named "Rosie the Ribbiter" Rosie set the world record for frogs in 1986 by jumping more than 21 feet. Her record has never been broken by any other frog. Compared to Mike Powell, Rosie's jump is not that amazing. But wait! Rosie is only about 10 inches long when her legs are stretched (伸展) to their full length. She can jump more than 25 times her size. Rosie, the frog, wins the long jump event.

The next event is the high jump. Javier Sotomayor, the world record holder, can jump a bar (横杆) 8 feet high. That is about as high as the ceiling in most homes.

Looking around for someone to challenge his record, Javier might need a magnifying glass (放大镜),The next contestant is a tiny insect called the spittlebug (吹沫虫).

The spittlebug can jump 28 inches into the air. It is only a quarter-inch long, less than the width of a pencil. If the spittlebug were the same size as Javier, it would be able to jump 600 feet into the air. That is like a human jumping over a building 55 stories (层) high!

Though the humans lose the "jumping contest", their competitors would probably agree that Mike and Javier are still pretty excellent athletes. If only Rosie and the spittlebug could speak!

1.In the writer's opinion, Rosie and the spittlebug's jumping abilities are ________.

A.surprising B.promising C.helpful D.fearful

2.What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.Humans jump much better than animals and insects.

B.Humans jump as well as animals and insects.

C.Animals and insects jump much better than humans.

D.Humans jump as badly as animals and insects.

3.How does the writer develop the text?

A.By giving instructions. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following the order of time D.By following the order of

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