
She is a beautiful red-haired girl. She has been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. It was outside. We all stood there under the  2  , just outside the door.
Her voice was so sweet that it  3  the dull (沉闷的) surroundings (环境). “Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said.
“What?” Mom asked.
“Let’s run through the rain!” she repeated.
“No, honey. We’ll wait  4   it slows down a bit,” Mom replied.
This young child waited about another  5   and repeated: “Mom, let’s run through the rain.”
“We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said.
“No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she  6   her Mom’s arm.
“This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”
“Don’t you remember? When you were  7  to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ‘If God can get us through this, he can get us through  8  !”
The crowd became   9 . Nothing could be heard but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes.
Mom thought for a moment about what she would say. “Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we’ll just need to get a wash.” Mom said.
Then off they ran. People all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they rushed past the cars and through the puddles(水坑). They held their shopping bags over their heads. They got wet through. But they were  10  by a few who laughed like children all the way to their cars.
People can take away your money and health. But no one can ever take away your memories… So don’t forget to make time to make memories every day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
A.shelter B.tentC.curtainD.window
A.led B.followedC.rushedD.sent


小题1:A. blowing刮风    B. pouring瓢泼大雨  C. falling下降  D. raising提高  根据句意:外面正下着瓢泼大雨。故选B
小题2:A. shelter躲避物 B. tent帐篷 C. curtain窗帘  D. window窗户 根据句意:我们都站在躲避物的下面。故选A
小题3:A. filled满的 B. covered覆盖  C. matched匹配的    D. broke打破 根据句意:她的声音好甜美,打破了沉闷的环境。故选D
小题4:A. unless除非 B. until直到    C. if如果   D. when何时 根据句意:我们要等到雨小一点。故选B
小题6:A. pulled 拉着 B. raised提高   C. bent 弯曲的D. moved移动 根据句意:这个小女孩说着,就拉着妈妈的胳膊。故选A
小题7:A. complaining抱怨    B. lying说谎    C. reporting报告的  D. talking谈论 根据句意:当你在谈到爸爸的癌症时说的。故选D
小题9:A. sad悲伤B. nervous紧张 C. silent沉默的 D. worried担心的 根据句意:人群变得沉默起来。故选C
小题10:A. led引导  B. followed跟随着   C. rushed奔跑   D. sent送 根据句意:在他们跑向车子的路上,他们被一群笑得像小孩子一样的人们跟随着。 故选B

For years I wanted a garden.I’d spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice together.
But then we had Matthew, and Marvin, and the twins Alisa and Alan, and then Helen.I was too busy raising them to grow a garden.
Money was not enough.Neither was time.Often when my children were little,
one of them would want something that cost too much, and I’d have to say, “Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.”
Finally, all the children got through high school and college and were off on their own.I started thinking again about a garden.
Then, one spring morning, on Mother’s Day, I was working in my kitchen.Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my yard.There were things blowing around on it.       Then I put my glasses on—and I couldn’t believe what I saw.
There was a money tree in my yard!
I went outside to look.It was true! There were dollar bills(帐单), one hundred of them, hanging all over that tree.There was also a note among them, “Thank you for your time, Mom.We love you!”
Later, my children bought me tools, ornaments, a sunflower stepping stone and gardening books.A new page started in my life.
That was three years ago.My garden’s now very pretty, just like I wanted.When I go out and take care of my flowers, I don’t seem to miss my children as much as I once did.It feels like they’re right there with me.Now every year when winter comes, I look out of my window and think of the flowers I’ll see next spring in my little garden.I think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyes—every time.
I’m still not sure that money grows on trees.But I know love does!
小题1:How many children did the writer have?
小题2:What did the mother mean when she said “Money doesn’t grow on trees”?
A.She was too busy to plant a money tree at that time.
B.She had to save money so that she could have a garden.
C.It wasn’t easy for her to make money to raise all the children.
D.They didn’t have much money because the mother lost her job.
小题3:The “money tree” appeared in the writer’s yard _________.
A.before her children were born
B.one spring morning when the children were little
C.after the children went to school
D.on a Mother’s Day after the children left her
小题4:The children planted a money tree in their mother’s yard because _________.
A.their mother needed money badly
B.they wanted to show their love to their mother
C.it was time for them to give the money back to her
D.they wanted to live together with their mother forever
John and Bobby joined the same company together just after they completed their university studies the same year. Both of them worked very hard. Several years later, however, the boss promoted(提拔) Bobby to manager but John was still a worker. John could not take it, and gave his resignation(辞职书) to the boss. He complained that the boss did not think much of those who were hard -working, but promoted only those who flattered him.
The boss knew that John had worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, “Thank you for what you said, but I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave”
John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much they cost every kilogram. John shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 every kilogram.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come to his office.  He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went and returned, saying, “Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. $1.2 every kilogram, and $10 for 10 kilograms. The seller has 340 melons. On the table there are 58 melons, and each weighs about 2 kilograms. They were brought from the South two days ago. They are of good quality.”
Hearing what Bobby said, John realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided to stay and learn from Bobby.
小题1:How did John feel when Bobby was promoted to manager?
小题2:The boss gave John a task because______________.
A.he wanted John to do more for his company
B.he wanted John to learn more about himself
C.he wanted to punish John for what he said
D.he wanted to prove what John said was right
小题3:We can infer from the passage that_____________.
A.Bobby was unselfishB.John was lazy
C.the seller was dishonestD.the boss was wise
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The boss should treat all his workers in a fair way.
B.The boss should not promote one who flatters him.
C.One should not only work hard but also use his head.
D.One should try to get every detail of watermelons.

Anne Spencer Morrow was born in 1906 in Englewood, New Jersey. She went to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She wanted to become a __1_. She won two major prizes from the __2_for her writing.
Anne Morrow was a quiet, shy and small young woman when she __3__Charles Lindbergh in 1927. The 25-year- old man was tall and good-looking. Charles Lindbergh was one of ___4__ people in the world. He had just become the first person___5__ a plane alone across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Paris. Two years __6_, Anne and Charles Lindbergh were married. Reports about their___7__ were on the front pages of newspapers.
After her marriage to Charles Lindbergh, Anne became a pilot too. She began _8__many long airplane flights with her husband. The Lindberghs explored new ways to fly around the world. They seemed to enjoy the greatest _9__ that any young people could not have.
Then in 1932, something__10__happened.They were in great sorrow (痛苦).The Lindberghs’ _11_baby,twenty-month-old Charles, was kidnapped from their home in New Jersey. The body of the baby was discovered more than ten weeks later.
There were a huge number of reports about the case. Newspapers __12__it "the Crime of the Century”. After the trial(审判), the Lindberghs found it __13__ to live in the United States. There were threats(威胁) on the life of their second child. And there were too __14__ newspaper stories about them. So Anne and Charles Lindbergh moved to Europe in 1935. Four years later they moved __15___ to the United States.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh never fully recovered from the death of her first child. Yet, she and her husband had five more children. She continued flying. In 1934, she became the first woman to win the National Geographic Society's Hubbard Gold Medal. She was honored for her exploration, research and discovery.
A.the bestB.the most famousC.the most carefulD.the most attractive
A.to takeB.to flyC.to rideD.to walk
A.outB.awayC.backD.out of
It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.
I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any patients. Just then five bodies   1    at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.
“Are you all sick?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said   2   , lowering her head.
But when they described their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn’t show any    3  of headaches at all. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother  4  of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
I didn't say anything,  5 I explained that they might wait for a little while before a doctor saw her. She answered, “Take your time; it's warm here.”
I checked the chart after another nurse had finished registering(登记) the family. No 6  —they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.
I looked at the family by the Christmas tree. The littlest one was pointing at the television and saying something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at lights on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses who felt bored with  7  Christmas, turned to compassion((怜悯) for the family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action. We began to prepare a party for our Christmas  8 . We needed presents. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things available that could be presents.
   9 , as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old child came running back, gave me a hug and    10 , “Thanks for being our angels today.”
A.set upB.put upC.cheered upD.showed up
A.explainedB.expressed C.complainedD.compared
A.nurses B.doctorsC.guestsD.patients
A group of swans flew down to a beach where a crow was jumping around. The crow watched them with disdain.
“You have no flying skills at all!” he said to the swans. “All you can do is to move your wings. Can you turn over in the air? No, that’s beyond you. Let’s have a flying competition. I’ll show you what real flying is!”
One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge. The crow flew up and began to show his skills. He flew in circles, performed other flying tricks, and then came down and looked proudly at the swan.
Now it was the swan’s turn. He flew up, and began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him, making all kinds of comments about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldn’t see the land and there was nothing but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was now so exhausted that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling into the water.
The swan pretended not to notice, and said, “Why do you keep touching the water, brother? Is that another trick? “
“No,” said the crow. He knew he had lost the competition. “I’m in trouble because of my pride! If you don’t help me, I’ll lose my life. . . ”
The swan took pity on him, and took him on his shoulders and flew back to the beach.
小题1:The crow met the swan on a ___________
小题2:What’s the correct order of the following events?
a. The crow followed the swan and got into trouble.
b. The swan felt pity for the crow and saved it.
c. The crow had to ask the swan for help.
d. The swan accepted a challenge of performing flying tricks.
A.a, d, b, cB.a, b, d, cC.d, a, c, bD.d, c, a, b
小题3:What does the underlined word “took pity on” in the last paragraph mean?
A.对…… 怜悯B.对……后悔C.对……蔑视D.对……失望
小题4:The underlined sentence means ____________ .
A.The swan began to fly.
B.It is the turn for the swan to feel proud.
C.The crow began to fly.
D.It is the turn for the crow to feel proud.
小题5:What do we learn from the passage?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.The early bird catches the worm.
C.No pains, no gains.
D.Pride goes before a fall.

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