
—Must I hand in my homework now, Miss Wang?

—No, you ______. You can bring it to the school tomorrow.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t


When throwing away rubbish, do you know which bin it should go in? Have you ever noticed the differently-colored rubbish bins on the street?

Some of you might not be able to answer the questions. However, it’s actually quite important to know how to sort(分类) your rubbish .Not knowing how to sort rubbish can make it harder to save energy and protect the environment. If you don’t sort your rubbish .all of it will be buried(埋) together .It can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees. Shanghai is the first city to put rubbish-sorting into practice in China .Shanghai government has asked all the people who live there to sort rubbish into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

“Wet” rubbish is also known as “household” rubbish. It is what people produce every day after they eat or drink. “It is the thing you don’t want but pigs can eat”, Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be recused are recyclable rubbish. Harmful rubbish includes things like medicine, batteries and so on. Finally, any rubbish that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the dry rubbish bin.

Many other Chinese cities, including Changsha, plan to use this method to sort their rubbish.

Now that you know this, perhaps you can do your part in protecting the environment.

1.What will happen if we don’t sort the rubbish?

A.It will be easier to save energy.

B.It will be difficult to protect the environment.

C.The rubbish will take up small areas of ground.

2.What does the underlined word “It” mean?

A.Food B.Household rubbish C.Paper

3.Which of the following is not recyclable rubbish?

A.A glass bowl B.An old newspaper C.A piece of bread

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.All the people in Shanghai have known how to sort rubbish.

B.Changsha asked people to sort rubbish many years ago.

C.Useless medicine is a kind of harmful rubbish.

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Rubbish is helpful.

B.What to do with rubbish.

C.Different rubbish bins.

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