
Plants are very important living things. Life could not go if there were no plants. This is because plants can produce food from the air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot produce food from the air, water and sunlight as plants do. Animals get their food by eating plants or other animals which eat plants. So animals and man need plants in order to live.
If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering ones.
Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed. Some have two, three or four. Some have many. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana.
Most non-flowering plants don’t grow from seeds. They grow from spores (孢子). Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as the seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady places, they usually grow into new plants.  
【小题1】Plants are very important to life.
【小题2】Both animals and plants can produce food from the air, water and sunlight.
【小题3】Banana is a fruit that does not have seeds.
【小题4】All the flowering plants have many seeds.
【小题5】Spores can grow into new plants wherever they fall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


解析【小题1】根据文章内容Plants are very important living things.可知答案为A
【小题2】根据文章内容plants can produce food from the air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot produce food from the air, water and sunlight as plants do.可知答案为B
【小题3】根据文章内容But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana.可知答案为A
【小题5】根据文章内容We may say that spores are quite the same as the seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady places, they usually grow into new plants.可知答案为B




  Mr White was a chicken farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, and sold the eggs and the meat and got quite a lot of money for them, but he lived in a very hot part of the country, and he found that his hens could hardly lay(空调) any eggs in the summer. So he decided to put air-conditioning(空调) into his chicken-house so that the hens would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way get more money.

  The owner of the air-conditioning company(公司) came to see him, and when he saw Mr White's house, he thought that he might be able to persuade(劝说) him to buy some air-conditioning too.

  “Your wife would be much happier and have a nicer house to live in then.” he said to Mr White. But Mr White was not interest.

  “My wife doesn't lay eggs.” he said.


1.Mr White's hens could lay few eggs when the weather was too hot.

(  )

2.Mr White decided to buy air-conditioning for his house because he wanted to make his wife much happier.

(  )

3.The owner of the company hoped to put air-conditioning into both Mr White's house and his chicken-house.

(  )

4.Air-conditioning in Mr White's house would not bring him more money.

(  )

5.Neither Mr White nor the owner of the company wanted to get more money.

(  )


  Mrs White is twenty-six years old now. She worked in a shop until she had a baby two years ago. She and her husband love their son, Jim, very much. He told her to leave the shop and stay at home. She takes good care of the little boy. Her husband is pleased. Now the boy is strong. He can walk and speak. Mr White always plays with him when he was free.

  It was Monday yesterday. The weather was cold and Mrs White forgot to put on her sweater when she went to do some cooking for Jim. She didn't fell very well after lunch and had to go to a hospital. A doctor looked her over and said she had a cold and gave her some medicine. When she got home, she went to pour (倒) some water for herself. But she found the little boy swallowed a pill (吞下一片药) . She was very afraid and didn't know what to do. She thought for a few minutes and called her mother and told her about it on the telephone.

  “Does your husband know about it?” asked the old woman.

  “No, he is at work now,” answered Mrs White, “I'm sure he'll be angry with me if he knows about it!”

  “You're right, my dear! Now take your son's clothes off!”


1.Mrs White had a baby when she was twenty-two.

2.Mr White told his wife to leave the shop because she had to take care of herself.

3.Mrs White was too fat, so she went to see the doctor.

4.Mrs White was afraid her husband would be angry with her.

5.The old woman told her daughter to take Jim's clothes off.

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