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How to Develop Good Habits

It¡¯s very important for us to have a good habit.


Last summer my friend and I got into watching Americas Got Talent. One of our favorite performers was Samuel Comroe, an actor with Tourette Syndrome (Í×ÈðÊÏ×ÛºÏÕ÷). He is brave enough to face disorder (¼²²¡).

Like Samuel Comroe, writer Ellie Terry has the disorder, too. Her novel Forget Me Not tells a story of Calliope June, a middle school girl with Tourette Syndrome. Calliope sometimes makes faces or strange noises. She can't control herself. The doctor advises her to keep her disorder a secret(ÃØÃÜ), but that only makes things worse. Her classmates begin to make fun of her. It's hard for her to start a friendship.

Calliope and her mother move a lot. After their most recent move, Calliope makes friends with Jinsong. He lives in the apartment next door. Outside school, he can accept Calliope's differences. He thinks she's an interesting person. In school, however, things are different. Jinsong is the school¡¯s student government president(Ö÷ϯ) and also the most popular boy in class. It seems that he has to choose between being popular and staying friends with Calliope. As he grows, he learns that he can have both things. As for Calliope, she learns to accept and be open about her disorder and starts to make more friends finally.

Forget Me Not is Ellie Terry's first novel. With this story, Ellie wants to explain the truth about this disorder. As more people understand it, the kids who have it will feel less lonely.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about Ellie Terry?

A.She is Samuel's favorite writer.

B.She has Tourette Syndrome.

C.She is a middle school girl.

D.She has moved a lot.

2.What is the advice from Calliope's doctor?

A.To hide her disorder.

B.To make more friends.

C.To stop going to school.

D.To learn more about her disorder.

3.Who thinks Calliope is interesting?

A.Her mother. B.Her doctor. C.A new friend. D.An old classmate.

4.Jinsong is afraid that if he stays friends with Calliope, .

A.he won't be popular at school

B.he will get the same disorder

C.he will have to go to another school

D.he won¡¯t be the student government president any more

5.Ellie Terry wrote Forget Me Not in order to .

A.share her own experience as a Tourette Syndrome patient

B.advise more doctors to deal with Tourette Syndrome

C.make more people understand Tourette Syndrome

D.help kids with Tourette Syndrome love school


You are the only child in your family. Your parents, grandparents and relatives all love you.1. How would things be different?

You could play with him or her. You could talk about lots of things and tell your secrets to him/her.2. But there could be hard times too. You may fight. You may pull each other¡¯s hair. You may compete for your parents¡¯ attention, food, the bathroom and even TV! Life with a sister or a brother may be colorful!

Even the birth order can make a difference. US psychologist(ÐÄÀíѧ¼Ò)Kevin Leman says the birth order helps shape children¡¯s personalities(ÐÔ¸ñ). According to Leman, parents are usually nervous and strict with their first child. They set high goals for them.3.They are also often confident(×ÔÐŵÄ)people.

But for late-born kids, parents are usually more relaxed.4.They often are more creative. They also try to be funny, so they can get attention from their parents.

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A.Parents should pay attention to every child.

B.So the eldest child in a family wants to be perfect and successful.

C.But what if you had a sister or a brother?

D.So the younger children have fewer rules.

E.You may even take care of each other.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
