



Feel stressed

Too much homework. Don’t have enough time for their hobbies.

Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.

Get short-sighted(近视)

Too much homework. Bad study habits.

Do homework or read in a correct way.

Fight with each other

Don’t know how to get on well with classmates.

Make more friends and understand each other.

Don’t like to study

The bad influence of computer games.

Play computer games just for a short time.

Get fat

Have more pocket money to buy snacks. Don’t like to do exercise.

Use your pocket money to do something meaningful (有意义的). Do exercise every day.

1.How many main problems are there in the survey?

A.Six B.Five C.Four D.Three

2.What problem(s) is/ are caused by too much homework?

A.Get fat B.Fight with each other

C.Feel stressed and get short-sighted D.Don’t like to study

3.If Simon is feeling stressed, he should .

A.do much more homework B.make a plan for study and hobbies

C.buy some snacks D.ask for more pocket money

4.Peter doesn’t like study, maybe he .

A.plays too many computer games B.has no pocket money

C.gets fatter and fatter D.has lots of pocket money

5. is a good way for students to stop fights.

A.Doing less homework B.Playing computer games

C.Buying more books D.Learning how to make friends



I have three children and I often make them do housework. However, my mother-in-law (婆婆)doesn’t agree with me. She thinks I'm too harsh (苛刻的).1.

I think our family is made up of five family members. No one in the family is more important than another, so each member should help with chores.2.

At the end of the day, after they finish playing with their toys, I ask them to put the toys away.3.I expect my children to set the table at night and help fold their own clothes. I don't think I'm asking too much.

I know they are tired after a long day's study at school, but that’s life—harsh but real. I don't want to pay them for doing some chores.4.No one is going to pay them for cleaning up their rooms later in life and I'm not about to start doing it now.

Some parents protect their children too much from anything unpleasant (不愉快的)and make their children's lives too comfortable and safe. But I am not interested in the way.5.

A.If they don't, they will have to say goodbye to their toys.

B.I don't ask my children to do the same chores, because their ages are different.

C.They live in the house, so they should help out with some things in the house.

D.In her opinion, it is adults5 job to do housework.

E.It also helps the children to understand the idea of fairness.

F.I hope my children are able to look after themselves and can be independent early.

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