
Louis Braille, a Frenchman, couldn’t see anything when he was three years old. At the age of ten, he went to a special school for b_______【小题1】 children. The teacher there taught him a new way of reading by touching raised letters(突出的字母) on the paper. H______【小题2】, it was a slow way to read, and it did not help the blind to write. In 1819, a French soldier i__________ 【小题3】a special writing called “night writing”. Night writing used twelve dots(小圆点). In 1824, Braille k__【小题4】 about the night writing and began to change it for the blind to use. He didn’t use 12 dots but 6 dots. Letters are made with one or m______【小题5】 dots. In this way, Braille was able to use the six dots for all twenty-six letters. Now people call this writing the “Braille Writing” and people first used it in 1829. His work helped the blind see the world through their fingers.


解析试题分析:这篇短文介绍了Louis Braille是一个法国人,他在三岁的时候就看不见了,在10岁的时候,他去了盲人学校。在1819年一个法国士兵发明了用12个圆点的盲写,在此基础上Louis Braille做了改进,变成了用6个圆点可以写的盲文。


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