
When I was young, I was always frustrated ( 挫败的 ), and almost everything ended in failure. I hung out everywhere all day. Having seen me like that, my father  【小题1】   to cheer me up.
One day, he gave me a cup of water and asked me to taste it. I found it   【小题2】  . My father said he just put one small spoonful of salt in the cup. And then, he led 【小题3】   to a lake, where he threw a big handful of salt   【小题4】  the lake, scooped up a spoonful of water and let me taste it again. He asked, "Does it   【小题5】  taste salty?"'  "Not at all,"  I said. My father said,  "Now you may know the root (根源) of your  【小题6】  :You are just a cup of water, not a lake. Be a lake and you won't【小题7】sad any more."
I came to understand my   【小题8】  motive (目的): I feel unlucky  【小题9】  my heart is as small as a cup of water without great ideals as a lake.
To be a lake  【小题10】  great ideals, your feeling of failures and frustrations will be melted ( 融化) like the salt thrown into the lake.


【小题1】考查动词。句意:看到我像那个样子,我爸爸决定让我振作起来。decide决定,动词;to cheer me up前加动词,全文为一般过去时,根据 Having seen me like that看到我像那个样子,可知填decided
【小题2】考查形容词。句意:我发现水是咸的。salt盐,salty感的,it后接形容词作宾补;根据he just put one small spoonful of salt in the cup.他只是在茶里加了一小勺盐,可知填salty
【小题3】考查代词。句意:然后他带我到一个湖边,在那儿他把一大捧盐扔进湖里,盛了一勺水让我再尝。I 我,me我,谓语后用宾格;根据语境可知是带我去湖边,可知填me
【小题4】考查介词。句意:见【小题3】。into进入,throw into把……扔进……,可知填into
【小题6】考查名词。句意:现在你也许知道你痛苦的根源了。pain痛苦;根据almost everything ended in failure.几乎每件事以失败告终,可知痛苦不止一件,故填pains


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