
Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(天才)      have ever known.  He lived in Italy around the year 1500,but many of his inventions seem modern to us today.  For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn’t    a helicopter with the things he had.  But scientists say his idea would have worked.
But Leonardot     an inventor.  He was one of the greatest artists of his day.  By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master(大师)painter,  and as he got older he became     more famous.   Sometimes he drew a hand ten different way    she was ready to paint.
Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with     today. You may know one of his most famous works the    woman known as the Mona Lisa.
A.the scientistsB.the artists C.the worldD.people
A.was justB.wasn’t justC.wasn’tD.was no longer


试题分析: 本文讲述了天才的发明家和画家达芬奇不仅设计出了第一驾直升飞机,而且画出了世界上最著名的作品之一:蒙娜丽莎的微笑。虽然当时直升飞机不能被真正的制造出来,但是科学家们都认为他的想法真正为后来飞机的制造起到了一定的作用.
小题3:考查介词及语境的理解。介词to常表示一一对应的关系,“问题的答案”习惯表达为an answer to a question。故A为正确选项。
小题4:考查名词及语境的理解。达芬奇应是世人所知道的天才中最伟大的人,the world 一般指每个人,相当于第三人称单数,故people,D为正确选项。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。draw和paint不合文意, work为不及物动词,不能直接接宾语。在那个时代,达芬奇所不能做的应是制造飞机,故选择build,制造,D为正确选项。
小题6:考查动副词及语境的理解。这一句起承上启下的作用,意为“达芬奇不仅仅是一名发明家”,故选择 wasn’t just,不仅仅是,B为正确选项。
小题10:考查形容词及语境的理解。达芬奇的名作━━Mona Lisa以画中人物面部神秘的微笑而名扬天下,故选smiling,微笑,故C为正确选项。
There is an Asian (亚裔的) American basketball player in the NBA. Do you know who he is? Yes, he is Lin Shuhao. His English name is Jeremy Lin. He is another basketball star after Yao Ming. So many people call him the second Yao Ming. But he doesn’t like it. In the 1970s, his family moved to America from Taiwan, China. He is twenty-five years old. His elder brother is Josh and Joseph is his younger brother. He studied at Harvard University (哈佛大学) from the year 2006 to the year 2010. His father, a fan of the NBA, taught him to play basketball when he was young. Now Lin Shuhao plays for the Houston Rocket. He works hard and plays very well. Now he is popular with many people.
小题1:Lin Shuhao was born _______.
A.in 1982B.in 1984
C.in 1986D.in 1988
小题2:Li Shuhao learnt to play basketball from _______.
A.his father
B.Yao Ming
C.his elder brother
D.his classmates and teachers
小题3:He _______ from 2006 to 2010.
A.lived in Taiwan with his familyB.played for the Houston Rocket
C.studied at Harvard UniversityD.began to learn basketball
小题4:Many people likes him because _______.
A.he looks like Yao Ming
B.he works hard and plays basketball very well
C.he is tall and looks good
D.he graduated from the famous Harvard University.
小题5:Which of the following is Not TRUE?
A.He has two brothers.
B.He is an Asian American.
C.He likes people to call him the second Yao Ming.
D.Many people like him a lot.
I have a lot of friends. My best friend is Mai. She is 16 years old. She is 2 years older than me. We live in the same town and we began to know each other when we were very young. Now we are classmates. Mai is tall and thin, with long black hair. She has an oval face (椭圆的脸) with big eyes, a high nose and a small mouth. Mai is helpful (乐于助人的). When her friends have difficulties, she always tries her best to help them. Mai is one of the best students in our class. I like studying with her. She always helps me with my studies. Although we have the same hobbies and interests, we also have some differences. I am sociable and enjoy telling jokes. Mai, however, is serious and quiet. We believe in each other, so we are good friends. I hope we can keep our friendship forever (永远).
小题1:The writer is __________ years old.
小题2:The underlined word "sociable" means "_________"in Chinese.
小题3: The writer and Mai can be friends because they __________.
A.live in the same townB.look like each other
C.have everything in commonD.believe in each other
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Mai is tall and heavy.
B.Mai is outgoing and likes talking.
C.Mai and the writer are in the same class.
D.The writer often helps Mai with her studies.
小题5:Wha t does the writer think of Mai?
She is a lazy girl.   B. She is a nice girl.   C. She is too serious.   D. She is kind of ugly.


Reporter: How long have you been a firefighter?
Wilson:  For eight years.
Reporter: How did you get started?
Wilson:  First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months. 1 learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment. I also had a full-time training every day!
Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?
Wilson:  I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank (氧气瓶) and a
mask (面具). They help me to breathe in a smoke-filled building.
Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?
Wilson:  We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat. That way, we can exactly tell the place of a fire.
Reporter: Do you save pets?
Wilson:  Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Pets usually hide during
a fire because they are afraid of danger.
Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?
Wilson:  No. There is no time to be afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.
Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter?
Wilson:  Helping people!
小题1:Kate Wilson has done her job for____________.
A.2 weeksB.3 daysC.4 monthsD.8 years
小题2: To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson ____________at first.
A.took a lot of testsB.learned to stay safe
C.saved some animalsD.used fire equipment
小题3:58. Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because_____________.
A.she has an oxygen tank
B.she knows how to fight fires
C.she enjoys finding heat
D.she is too busy putting out fires
小题4:59. As a firefighter, Kate Wilson likes____________ most.
A.wearing a maskB.asking questions
C.helping peopleD.hiding in smoke
小题5:60. What did the reporter make this interview for?
A.To tell people what a firefighter does.
B.To teach people how to prevent fires.
C.To make people want to be firefighters.
D.To show people how a firefighter is trained.
Like most cultures around the world, the Zulu people of Africa tell stories that have animals as heroes. These stories are meant to have fun, but they are also used to teach important lessons to children. This is one of those stories.
One hot afternoon, Jackal was walking along the rocky road sniffing (嗅) the ground. He was hoping to smell a mouse or a lizard (蜥蜴), or something else that would be good to eat. He was so much lost in sniffing that he wasn’t really paying attention to what was around himself.
Suddenly, Jackal looked up to see his neighbor, Lion, walking straight toward him. He did not have enough time to run way. Jackal had played many tricks on Lion over the years, so he knew he would be in trouble if he was caught. Jackal needed to think of something quickly.
“Help! Help!” cried Jackal as he quickly jumped upon a large rock hanging over the road. “The rocks are falling down, and I can’t hold them much longer. We shall both be crushed (压碎) if you do not do your best to hold these rocks back, Lion”
At once, Lion pushed his strong shoulder against the rocks to keep them from moving any further. “I’ll just run over here to get something to stop the rocks.” shouted Jackal as he ran way to safety. Lion stayed leaning against the unmoving rocks for quite a long time before he realized that Jackal had tricked him yet again!
小题1: Why was Jackal sniffing the ground?
A.To play with Lion.B.To push a rock
C.To run after a mouseD.To look for something to eat.
小题2:What does the underlined word ‘leaning’ mean?
小题3: Why did Jackal cry for help?
A.Because Lion was rushing to him.
B.Because he was caught under a rock.
C.Because he got an idea to get away from Lion.
D.Because he saw a large rock moving toward him.
小题4: What lesson does the story teach us?
A.Trust(信任) your friend, trust yourself
B.Work hard, and you’ll succeed.
C.Help others when they are in trouble.
D.Try to find a quick way out when in trouble.
小题5:Which words can describe Jackal’s characteristics?
A.selfish and stubbornB.silly and unkindC.clever and creativeD.impolite and dishonest
Michael Jordan is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was very short and he didn’t play basketball very well when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. But the next year, things changed greatly as he grew much taller.
Michal Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina. Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basketball. He played so well that people called him “Air Jordan”.
After college, Michael became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls. The NBA was very surprised at this high—flying player. He was named “Rookie(新秀)”of the year in 1985 and “the Most Valuable(有价值的)Player” in 1987. He once set a record(创纪录)by getting 63 points in one game.
小题1:Michael Jordan was born in ________.
小题2:At first he was very short, so he __________.
A.played very wellB.played not very well
C.played very badD.didn’t play very well
小题3:When did Michael Jordan become famous? _______________________.
A.After college.
B.When he joined the basketball team in his high school
C.When he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina.
D.In 1985
小题4:He is often called “ ________”.
A.the Most Valuable PlayerB.Rookie
C.Air JordanD.High flying Player
小题5:The NBA was very surprised because Jordan________________.
A.was quick and strongB.jumped very high
C.joined the Chicago BullsD.set a record
John lived with her mother when he was young. He didn’t know who his father was. The woman did some washing for the rich and could buy only some bread for her son. So the boy was short and thin.
One cold morning there was much snow in the streets. A car knocked the woman down and the policemen took her to the hospital. She didn’t tell John that his father deserted(遗弃) her before he was born until she died. She left her son the name and address of his father.
John found his father, Mr. Brown, in another city. He was one of the richest shopkeepers and he had to receive his son. From then on the boy lived a rich life. He ate all kinds of delicious food and wore beautiful clothes. But he didn’t go to school and could not read or write.
Once his father took him to a party. He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up while others were talking about a film. He had a look at it and found a car’s wheels(轮子) were upward(向上).He called out,“ Oh, dear! An accident happened!”
All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper. But soon they all began to laugh. Do you know why?
小题1:John didn’t know his father because       .
A.the man was richB.the man deserted his mother
C.his mother left the manD.the man didn’t like him
小题2:John was short and thin because      .
A.he didn’t like sports
B.his parents were short, too
C.he was often hungry when he was young
D.his mother never gave him food
小题3:The woman told John who his father was       .
A.after she was knocked down by a car
B.before her son left
C.before she was in hospital
D.before she died
小题4:After John found his father,      .
A.he was angry with the man
B.he started a rich life
C.he wouldn’t live with him
D.the man was bad to him
小题5:The people at the party laughed at him because        .
A.he held the newspaper upside down
B.he wasn’t polite
C.the newspaper was yesterday’s
D.he wasn’t clever

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