
【题目】Do you feel like sleeping after lunch? What should you do about it? Don’t drink coffee or tea ! Instead, take a nap(打个盹).

A nap may make you more energetic(活力的). You will remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. It may even cheer you up. But there is some advice you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Next, a 20— minute nap is good. If you sleep longer , you may fall into a deep(深的) sleep. After a deep sleep, you will feel worse.And you should set an alarm clock(闹钟). Then you can fully relax during your nap.You won’t have to keep looking at the clock.

The next time you feel like sleeping after lunch, don’t get worried. Put your head down, close your eyes and take a nap.


【1】You should __________ when you feel like sleeping after lunch.

A. have a cup of coffee B. eat ice cream

C. have a cup of tea D. take a nap

【2】After taking a nap, you may feel more ____________.

A. worried B. energetic

C. sleepy D. tired

【3】The proper period of time for taking a nap is ____________.

A. as long as you like B. eight hours

C. about twenty minutes D. half an hour

【4】What can help you have a fully relaxing nap according to the passage?

A. A cup of coffee B. A quick meal

C. An alarm clock D. A bi meal

【5】What is the text mainly about?

A. Why and how to take a nap.

B. Advice on how to sleep well.

C. How to make your life colorful.

D. How to relax yourself.









【1】D细节理解题。根据文中Do you feel like sleeping after lunch? What should you do about it? Don’t drink coffee or tea ! Instead, take a nap(打个盹).可知。故选D。

【2】B细节理解题。由文中第二段“A nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more active.”午睡能够增强你的自信心而且能使你更加积极。可知答案选B。

68.【3】C细节理解题。由文中第四段“Next, a 20-minute nap is best.”二十分钟的午睡是最佳的。可知最合适的午睡时间是20分钟了。答案选C。

【4】C推理判断题。根据文章第四段you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap.你应该设置一个闹钟,那样,你就能在午睡中彻底的放松。故选C



【题目】The problem of waste(浪费) is becoming more and more common(普遍), so we must control(控制) it.

Every day , a lot of ______ goes uneaten (没吃) and ends up in the trash, while many people in developing countries (发展中国家)cannot even afford to have one meal every day . The next time you ______ to a delicious dinner, ask yourself, “How much food ______ I eat? If you think about only taking as much as you are able to eat, it will help you cut ______on waste.

The problem of waste happens all over the world. People often consume(消费) ______than they really need. This often results in waste and it can be a big ______. However, there are many things that we can do______ cut down on trash and waste.

The most important thing to remember is to be friendly to the environment. Only take as much as you can eat, don’t buy things you ______ need, and leave litter in its proper(恰当的) place. ______every person could cut down on waste in daily lives, even just ______, the whole result would be great.

We know that many restaurants have joined the “clear you plate(盘子)” campaign against wasting food. We students should do the same in our daily life especially when having dinner with our friends and relatives.

【1】A. fruit B. vegetable C. meat D. food

【2】A. sit down B. put down C. come down D. walk down

【3】A. can B. must C. should D. would

【4】A. of B. down C. up D. in

【5】A. many B. much C. more D. most

【6】A. problem B. question C. difficulty D. puzzle

【7】A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping

【8】A. sometimes B. hardly ever C. often D. usually

【9】A. Although B. And C. If D. Because

【10】A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

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