
【小题1】Mary likes cartoons very much. She often watches some cartoons, she thinks they are very lovely.
【小题2】Ben really likes reading. His favorite book is The Old Man and the Sea.
【小题3】Mike is a ten-year-old boy. He likes pandas very much, so he wants to see some movies about them.
【小题4】Lily enjoys singing very much. And she loves listening to songs, too. They bring her much happiness.
【小题5】Xiao Ming has one little dog in his home. He often plays with it when he is free. He wants to have a big dog.

A.Future Life is a new movie about robots. There are all kinds of robots in the movie.
B.Kung Fu Panda is a movie about pandas, you can learn something about pandas from it.
C.Pangpang is the name of a lovely dog. Now it’s in the shop and waiting for its new owner(主人)
D.Kaixing Library will open this week. It will be the best library in the city. You can read many books in it.
E. Tom and Jerry is a cartoon on a cat and a mouse. It’s very nice and clever.
F. Season in the Sun is a song about friendships. Listening to it with your friends is a good choice.


【小题1】句意:玛丽非常喜欢看卡通片。她经常看一些卡通片,她认为他们非常可爱。根据句意可知玛丽喜欢的是卡通片,她对卡通片感兴趣,故应选E:Tom 和 Jerry是一部关于猫和老鼠的卡通,它很聪明很好。
【小题4】句意:丽丽喜欢唱歌,她也喜欢听歌。他们带给她许多的欢乐。由此可知,丽丽喜欢歌曲,故选F: Season in the Sun是首关于友谊的歌,和你的朋友一起听是一个不错的选择。


Rico is a dog who lives in Germany(德国). His owners trained him from a young age to find his toys. When they say the name of a certain toy, Rico can find it. In fact, he seems to know the names of 200 toys!
Some researchers in Germany wanted to test Rico. They put his toys in a room and then told him to go in the room and find a certain toy. Since nobody was in the room with Rico, he had no help from anyone finding the right toy. The researchers did this test forty times. Rico found the right toy thirty-seven times!
Then the researchers tried something else. They put seven of Rico’s toys in the room together with one new toy that Rico had never seen before. Then they told Rico to go into the room and get the new toy. This new toy had a name Rico had never heard before. Rico found the right toy seven out of ten times!
Researchers cannot really say that Rico knows words or language. However, these tests seem to show that Rico can think about what he hears and think about what he knows. In fact, Rico seems to think and remember things as well as a three-year-old child.
From these tests, animal researchers know one thing for sure. Rico has given them a lot to think about.
【小题1】From the passage we know that Rico is good at ______.

A.catching toys B.counting toys C.finding toys D.putting toys in order
【小题2】 At first researchers asked Rico to ______.
A.bring a certain toy out of a room B.choose a toy that he liked best
C.name toys and put them away D.put his toys into his room
【小题3】Rico went into the room _______ times to find a new toy he did not know.
A.seven B.thirty-seven C.ten D.forty
【小题4】 The best title for the passage is ________.
A.German dogs are the smartest B.An unusual dog
C.How dogs use language D.The best toys for Rico

When I left school five years ago, I said to myself, “That’s that! No more learning for me.Now I can enjoy myself in the evening.” But about a year ago the boss said, “We’re going to get a computer in the near future.” What does he mean? I simply don’t know.Anyway, I decided to go to evening classes.I’m quite an expert(专家) on computers now and you know, I actually enjoy studying.
I haven’t much interest in studying.To be honest, I don’t like reading very much, except for magazines and that sort of thing.Just reading, that is, to kill the time.But I do enjoy watching TV.Not that I watch everything.In fact, I choose my programmes very carefully.I’m particularly interested in current affairs(时事).In some ways I think I learn more in this way than I did at school.
I’m a very different sort of person-I simply love doing things.That’s why I enjoy sports so much.I mean, actually playing.I hardly ever watch it on TV, but I do read quite a bit about it.I’m even interested in the history of sports.I don’t have much time for anything else, except that I quite like dancing.Some people say I’m not very good at it, though.
I should say I have great interest in studying.I’d rather do this than anything else.Since I left school.I’ve taken courses in all sorts of things.I go to the city library once a week, but I much prefer evening classes because it’s more fun that way.My latest “craze(狂热)”-if you can call it that -is foreign languages.I’m learning two, not one!
【小题1】According to what they say, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.Ben was pleased to leave school.
B.Eve does not spend much time in reading.
C.Ted spends a lot of time watching his favorite sport on TV.
D.Joan is learning languages in the evening school.
【小题2】Among the four people, _____ are considered to have made good use of time in studying.
A.Ben and Eve B.Eve and Ted
C.Ted and Joan D.Ben and Joan
【小题3】In the future, we can infer(推断) that ________.
A.Joan may speak one of foreign languages well.
B.Eve will study computers
C.Ben is interested in current affairs.
D.Joan prefers going to the city libraries.
【小题4】The sentence “That’s that!” means ________.
A.Ben thinks he never need to learn
B.Ben wants to learn that
C.Ben would like to go on studying
D.Ben will learn from others

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