It was very cold outside my car. I did not want to get out of it  36  we passed by a cafe. Suddenly I noticed a short old man, covered with some bits of clothes, shaking with the cold. He was waiting for anyone who would  37  him a coin or a cup of hot tea.
I asked my  38  to go over and hand this old man something. He  39  into my husband’s face, smiled and said, “ 40 .” I felt so happy and I wished the old man could live  41 the cold night.
I was sure to meet him again and find out how he was the next   42  , as I have to pass this way every day. I did so the next evening, and he remembered the  43  and came up to my window and 44  at me. This time I offered him a  45  of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave him my hand. He  46  food, smiled and said, “May God bless you.” I looked at the old man and he   47  me think of my father.”
I do hope all of us will remember that maybe one day, it could _48___to one of us,  49  please do not pass by a   5 0  person without offering at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness of any kind.

A.afterB.when C.beforeD.if
A.watched B.enteredC.came D.looked
A.Excuse meB.Beg your pardonC.Take it easyD.Thank you
【小题10】 B.bagC.bottleD.basket
【小题12】 B.forcedC.made D.allowed
A.wait forB.surprise atC.ask forD.happen to
【小题14】 B. and C.or D.but
A.quietB.sick C.poor D.shy

A nurse took a tired soldier to an old man , “Your son is here ,” she told the old man. The old man could hardly  1 the young soldier clearly. He reached out his 2 .The soldier held the old man’s hand. The nurse brought a chair so that he could sit  3 the bed. All through the night, the young soldier sat there   4  the old man’s hand. Now and then he heard him say a few words. The dying man said . He only held his son’s hand tightly all through the night.
The next morning, the old man died. The soldier freed his hand and went to  6  the nurse .While the nurse did  7 she had to do, he waited. Then he asked her, “Who was that man?”
The nurse was  8“Wasn’t he your father?” she said.
“No, he wasn’t”, the soldier answered.” I 9 saw him before.”
“Then  10 didn’t you say anything when I took you to  11 ?”
“I knew right away there had been a  12 , and I also knew he needed his son ,_13  his son just wasn’t here. When I found that he was too  14 to tell whether or not I was his son, I knew  15 he needed me, I stayed.

A.heldB.holdsC.holdingD.was holding
【小题15】 old

A farmer was selling(卖) his little dogs. Just then, a __1_ happened to pass by.

   “I want to __2__ one of your dogs, sir.”

   “Well,” said the farmer, “these dogs come from fine parents and cost a lot of __3_.”

   The boy drop (低下) his head for a __4____. Then he reached deep into his pocket and took out some change. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that __5__ to take a look? ”

   “__6__,”said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle(口哨),“Here, Dolly!”

   Dolly ran out of the doghouse followed by four little dogs. The boy’s eyes danced with _7_.

   As the dogs made their ___8__ to the farmer, the little boy saw something else moving inside the __9__.Slowly another little dog __10__; this one much smaller. It was doing its best to look out

    “I ___11_that one,” the little boy said.

    The farmer said, “Son, don’t want that dog. He will __12__ be able to run and play with you like the other dogs would.”

  The boy rolled up(卷起) one leg of his trousers and showed a steel(钢) __13__.Looking back up at the farmer, he said,“You see, sir ,I don’t __14__ too well myself ,and he will need someone to __15____”

1.A. boy           B. dog             C. farmer           D. son

2.A .sell           B. see              C. buy         D. feed

3. A. time              B. money        C. work             D. study

4.A. moment         B. day              C. minutes          D. week

5. A. enough        B. easy             C. necessary         D. simple

6. A. No            B. Sure             C. Sorry            D. Thanks

7. A. happy         B. sad              C. joy            D. music

8. A. way           B. road             C. route         D. street

9. A. farm          B. advertisement    C. grass       D. doghouse

10. A. died             B. shouted          C. appeared     D. watched

11. A. like             B. hate         C. know         D. want

12.A. sometimes         B. always           C. often        D. never

13. A. hand             B. back            C. arm        D. leg

14.A. speak             B. sing             C. walk             D. swim

15. A. ask              B. understand        C. think            D. succeed


 When I was at university,I studied very hard.But a lot of my friends did very little work.Some did just enough to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred Baines was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Union than working in the library.

  Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in chemistry.The test had a hundred questions. In my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.But on that night he looked perfectly calm.Then he told me of his plan.“It’s very simple.There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test.I’ll take a coin into the examination room.I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months,so I’ll just toss the coin.That way,I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right.”

  The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room.As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers.Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.

  The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh,good,”he said,“Have you got the result of the test?”The professor looked at him and smiled,“Ah,it’s you,Baines.Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it.

  “I’m terribly sorry,Baines,”he said,“You failed!”

1.This story mainly wants to tell us ________.

A.chemistry is really hard to learn

B.there were too many questions for students to prepare for

C.good exam results needs hard study

D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result

2.Fred Baines was one of those who ________.

A.did just enough to pass the exam

B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies

C.had too much other work for the Students’ Union

D.were quite good at passing exams

3.Fred came happily into the exam room because ________.

A.he had got ready for the exam

B.he knew the answers already

C.the other students would be behind him

D.he had his way to finish the exam

4.The chemistry exam in fact ________.

A.was not very hard

B.took the other students an hour to finish

C.had more than one hundred questions

D.needed to be done by tossing a coin

5.The professor tossed the coin to tell Baines that ________.

A.he was satisfied with his way for the exam

B.he wanted to make friends with him

C.his way for the exam would never work

D.the exam result depended on the coin



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