
Lots of women don’t have breakfast and they have a lot of different excuses for that. Some say they don’t have time, some think they’re losing weight, and others just don’t like breakfast.
But the fact is that eating in the morning is very important, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all. If your pizza is added with vegetables, that’ll be better.
Breakfast is one kind of meal that one should never miss; even one is trying to lose weight.
Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from eating too much later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that those who don’t have breakfast have a bigger chance of getting fat than those who have a morning meal every day.
So if you want to lose weight, you should eat something in the morning. Anything is OK. Having only coffee or orange juice or having no breakfast does harm to your health.
I have a good idea here. I sometimes eat last night’s leftovers for breakfast. It may sound crazy, but it really works for me! I find if I tell myself, “You can eat them tomorrow.” I will put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it yourself. You may save some pre-bedtime calories. Keep it and see how healthy you will be!
【小题1】 What kind of the following food is the best breakfast?

A.Some coffee.B.Some orange juice.
C.A pizza with some vegetables.D.A piece o bread.
【小题2】The word “leftovers” probably means “________”.
A.food left after a mealB.some bad food
C.meals made of vegetablesD.some kind of pizza
【小题3】 Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.People should eat a lot of food in the evening.
C.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
D.People who don’t have breakfast are easy to lose weight.


解析【小题1】根据第二段If your pizza is added with vegetables, that’ll be better.描述,可知选C
【小题1】联系下文last night’s昨夜的,可知指的是剩饭,故选A.
【小题1】根据第一段Lots of women don’t have breakfast and they have a lot of different excuses for that.及下文描述,可知有很多人不吃早饭,故选C,许多人关于早饭有种错误的想法.


How to Become Fit?
Healthy eating habit along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit. If you have the correct number of calories and exercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit, and feel great, too.
During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. If you skip (跳过) meals, you won’t get enough calories, and then you will feel tired. By the way, calorie is just another word for energy. About 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Water helps keep your system clean. Drinking enough water will make your skin better and make you healthy.
Exercise is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week. That is easy to do! You can walk or ride your bike to school, and do sports at school. However, teenagers often give up sports, saying they have no time left after their studies. In fact, doing exercise can help them sleep better at night and increase their ability to focus on their study.
If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better and become fit.
【小题1】 What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.How to eat food. B.How to exercise.
C.How to lose weight.D.How to keep fit.
【小题2】The underlined word “calories” means ________ in this passage.
【小题3】Teenagers spend at least _______ minutes exercising a week according to this passage.
【小题4】 If you ________, you will become fit.
A.exercise regularly
B.drink lots of water
C.eat rice, bread, vegetables and fruit
D.have a healthy eating habit along with regular exercise
【小题5】Why do teenagers give up sports in school according to this passage?
Because they _________.
A.are lazy B.feel great
C.are busy with their studies D.don’t like sports

   Many people are so busy these days that they have no time to cook at home. This becomes a problem because most families love home cooking! The food tastes good and a family meal can bring everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only chance everyone gets to see each other at the same time during the day.
Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is a way of showing love. A parent who makes some cookies is not just satisfying a child’s sweet tooth. He or she is sending a message (信息). The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you.” There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of cooking makes people happy. It makes most of us feel good and loved--even if we’re the ones doing the cooking! Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay attention to your mood (心情,心境).
【小题1】Why do many people have no time to cook?

A.Because they haven’t many things to do.
B.Because many people are too busy.
C.Because people don’t like home cooking.
D.Because they are too tired to cook.
【小题2】Home cooking is __________.
A.good and warmB.a way of showing love
C.satisfying a child’s toothD.Both A and B
【小题3】The writer thinks the smell of home cooking _____________.
A.makes us feel good and lovedB.makes us be interested in cooking
C.makes us excitedD.makes us love others
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Home cooking is important.B.Home cooking feels good and loved.
C.People are too busy to cook.D.Home cooking cookies taste better.

The widespread number of food scandals ( 丑闻) in China is making many people pause before they put their chopsticks in their mouth. They are wondering if the food they are eating is clean, healthy and nutritious or does it contain something harmful that will cause disease?
Most of the food we eat today is processed food( 加工食品). That means the foods we buy in stores and supermarkets, especially packaged foods, are prepared in factories. Chemicals are added to the foods in these factories to make them look better, taste better and last longer on the shelf. The chemicals are supposed to be harmless and there are laws that regulate which chemicals can and cannot be used. Unfortunately, some producers do not obey the laws.
A producer of steamed buns (馒头) in Zhejiang Province was recently discovered to be breaking the law. He was adding yellow dye and other banned chemicals to the buns. He was also taking old buns and using them to make new buns. Most of the buns were sold to schools and eaten by students. . . like you’
Why did he do it? Why did he break the law and endanger people’s health? The answer is simple: he wanted to make more money. It was a moral failing, and this is at the heart of the food scandals in China. Too many people focus on making money and not on the effects their actions can have on others.
【小题1】 Chemicals are added to the foods in the factories because _____.

A.they want to make the foods look better, taste better and last longer
B.they want to make the foods contain something harmful
C.chemicals will cause disease
D.chemicals are harmless
【小题2】 According to the passage, which is NOT true?
A.Most of the food we eat today is prepared in factories.
B.There are laws that regulate which chemicals can and cannot be used.
C.The food scandals in China are making many people worry about the food safety.
D.Most of the buns were sold to schools and eaten, by students in Zhejiang Province.
【小题3】It was a moral failing, and this is at the heart of the food scandals in China. Here what’s
the Chinese meaning of "moral failing"? 
【小题4】 What is the main reason of the food scandals in China?
A.Some producers do not obey the laws.
B.The processed food is clean, healthy and nutritious.
C.Too many people pay much attention to making money.
D.The chemicals are supposed to be harmless and can be used.

Working parents feel that they are not giving their children enough care. They think that their children feel 1 and 2  to spend more time with them.
Scientists in some colleges have found that working parents believed that they knew 3  their children, but  4 had ever asked their children what they thought. So scientists interviewed (采访) over 1,000 children of working mothers or fathers to 5  what they wanted. They asked the children 6 they wanted their parents to stay  7  and some 8 questions.After they collected the answers, it was   9  that only 10% of the children in their study said that they wanted more time with their parents. _10_, the children who were interviewed said they wanted their parents to give more   11 to them. They said that their parents were as   12  as a bee. When they were asked about what they 13   most, a large number of the children said that they wanted to feel important and   14 .
So parents should know what their children really want and how to get along  15  with them.

A.of  B.at    C.aboutD.over
A.every oneB.someoneC.anyoneD.no one
A.try outB.find outC.take outD.put out
A.behindB.at homeC.awayD.up
A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.the others

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