
It’s Really a Miracle (奇迹)
Mr. Clarke works in New York and he brought his family to China last summer. They visited many places of interest and had a good time here. Before they left for New York, the Clarkes climbed the Great Wall. It was the greatest project over two thousand years ago. They took a lot of photos there and then they had a picnic under a big tree. Suddenly it began to rain and they hurried to the car. And when they returned to the hotel, they couldn’t find the bag in which their expensive camera was. They were all sorry for it. They could buy another camera but had no time to go to the Great Wall again. They could not miss the plane!
That evening they didn’t have supper. Mr. Clarke hoped to make them happy, so he said, “Well, let me tell you a story. An old man lived in a sixty-storey building. One day he fell down from it when he was cleaning the window. But he didn’t hurt himself.”
“It was a miracle!” called out his children, “Why?”
“Because he lived on the first floor!”
They all began to laugh while two policemen with a bag came in. They said a Chinese boy found it under a big tree and he asked them to find out who lost it.
“It’s really a miracle!” the Clarkes said happily.
小题1:Where did the Clarkes enjoy themselves before they left for New York?
A.In London.B.In Beijing.C.In Shanghai.D.In Hong Kong.
小题2:Where did the Clarkes left their bag?
A.They left their bag on the Great Wall.
B.They left their bag in the car.
C.They left their bag under a big tree.
D.They left their bag in the plane.
小题3:Why didn’t they have anything that evening?
A.Because they were sorry for losing the camera.
B.Because they were not hungry.
C.Because they had no time to have supper.
D.Because they had nothing to eat.
小题4:What did Mr. Clarke tell a story to his family for?
A.His children asked him to do so.
B.He wanted to make his family happy.
C.He wanted to tell them a miracle.
D.He liked telling stories.
小题5:Who found the bag?
A.Two policemen.B.A Chinese boy.
C.A Chinese girl.D.An American boy.


小题1:细节理解题。根据Before they left for New York, the Clarkes climbed the Great Wall.可知,他们应该是在北京。故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据They said a Chinese boy found it under a big tree 可知,包是在一棵大树下找到的。故选C。
小题3:推断理解题。根据文章的意思和Clarke hoped to make them happy可知,因为丢失相机而难过,才没吃晚饭的。.故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Clarke hoped to make them happy可知,克拉克先生想让全家高兴 ,才讲的故事。故选B。
小题5:细节理解题。根据They said a Chinese boy found it under a big tree可知,是一个中国男孩发现的包。故选B。
“My dream has come true. I have always wanted to be a Grand Slam (大满贯) champion.” These are the words of Chinese tennis player Li Na after she became the first Asian woman to win a Grand Slam final in the French Open on June 4, 2011.
“People were saying I’m getting old. So this is a great success for such an old woman,” the 29-year-old girl joked.
Miss Li has a tattoo (纹身). She has dyed her hair many different colors. And, at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she told her fans to “shut up” when they got too noisy in their support.
Li Na was born in Wuhan, she started to play tennis at the age of 6. She once recalled: “As a child, I felt sad because every day I had to wake up early to practice. After school I had to practice more. I didn’t have time to play.”
Luckily, the strong girl didn’t give up, thus making history for Chinese tennis time after time.
Now the new champion is already thinking about winning another Grand Slam title. “When you have one title, surely you will think about another,” she says, not hiding her ambition (雄心).
“Chinese people are so lacking (缺乏) in confidence on the tennis court. If there is a person like me who can prove we Chinese can do it, the other young players in China will feel the same,” she said.
小题1:Li Na was born in the year of _____.
A. 1982        B. 1984       C. 1986     
小题2:The underlined word “dyed” here means “_____” in Chinese.
A. 焗油         B. 洗烫         C. 染色    
小题3:When she began to play tennis, Li Na was _____.
小题4:Which of the following is WRONG about Li Na?
A. Li Na didn’t take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
B. Li Na has already won a Grand Slam champion.
C. Li Na had to wake up early to practice playing tennis.
小题5:The passage mainly tells us _____.
A. something about the tennis         
B. the Grand Slam champion – Li Na
C. the Chinese people and the tennis  
Donald was not very good at math. He could not understand the teacher’s explanations(解释). Even when the teacher explained something a second time, Donald still could not understand it. “Never mind,” Donald told himself. “I am quite good at other subjects. I will cheat(作弊)in the math exam, then I won’t be in trouble.”
“I will sit next to the boy who is best at math,” he thought, “and copy down his answers.” The day of the exam came, and Donald sat next to Brain Smith, who always was at the top of the class in math. Donald carefully copied Brian’s answers onto his own exam paper. At the end of the exam, the teacher collected the papers and graded(批改)them. Then she said, “well, boys and girls. I have decided to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade. It’s difficult for me to decide who to give the prize to, however, because two students, Donald and Brian, got the same grade.”
“Let them share it,” one of the other students said.
“I thought about that,” the teacher said, “but I decided to give the prize to Brian.” Donald was angry when he heard this. He stood up and said. “That’s not fair. I got the same grade as Brian.” ‘That’s true.” The teacher said.” However, Brian’s answer to Question 18 was “I don’t know,” yours was “Neither do I”.
小题1:Donald decided to cheat in the math exam because ________.
A.he was always at the top of the class in math
B.he understood the questions
C.he was not very good at math
D.the math teacher did not explain the questions carefully.
小题2:Donald got a high grade in math because ________.
A.math was his best subject
B.the questions were easy
C.he copied from another boy
D.the teacher explained the questions carefully
小题3:Donald got the same grade as Brian because _________.
A.both boys were good at mathB.Donald cheated
C.Brian copied Donald’s answersD.the questions were very easy
小题4:The teacher knew it was Donald who cheated because _________.
A,his answers were the same as Brian’s 
B.he wrote “I don’t know” as an answer
C.he got the same wrong answers as Brian
D.he wrote the words “Neither do I.”
小题5:Why was he angry when Donald heard that the teacher would give a prize to Brian?
A.Because he got the same grade as Brian
B.Because Brian copied him
C.Because the teacher didn’t know Donald’s answers
D.Because he cheated in the math exam.
When Millie got up this morning. she found it was a beautiful spring day. She saw some       in the sky,but she didn’t think about them.She woke up her dog,Eddie,and put him in the     .Then she drove out into the country     a picnic with her dog.
When they got to a big tree. Millie stopped her car and told Eddie to get off the car. They began to play games under the       . How happy they were! An hour later,the wind began to blow and it turned     .Millie and Eddie were warm from running,so they didn’t feel cold.When Eddie was playing with the ball,Millie     snowflakes (雪花)in the sky.She called Eddie,picked up the picnic things and got       in the car.As she was driving home,the      became heavier and heavier.Soon all Millie could see was white all around     .The road became slippery(滑的)and she had to drive very     .Then the car hit into a piece of ice and it went around in circles. She got her mobile phone and asked for       quickly.They waited for about an hour because it was       for the police to drive in the snow. At     ,the police came to    them. Millie was very thankful. she said she would listen to the weather       before going on a picnic next time.
An old woman has two large pots, one on each end of a pole(扁担). She carried the pole with the pots(壶)__    __ her neck.
One of the pots had a crack(裂缝)in it while the other pot was perfect and always filled a full pot of water. At the end of the long __    _ from the well(井)to the house, the cracked pot _     only half-full left.
For two years this happened daily, with the woman bringing home only __    ___ pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was _    __. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection.
One day, the cracked pot spoke to the woman _    __ the well:“I am ashamed of myself because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your __    __.”
The old woman smiled:“Did you notice that there are ___    __ on your side of the path, but not on __    __ pot’s side? That’s because I have __    _ known about your crack, so I __    __ flower seeds(籽)on your side of the path. And every day while we walk back, you ___    __ them.” She added, “ For _    _ years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate(装饰)the table. Without you, being just the ___    ___ you are, I would not have this beauty.”
Each of us has our own cracks. But it’s these __    _ that make our lives together so interesting and meaningful.
A.arrived B.heldC.reachedD.meant
A.one or twoB.one and a halfC.twoD.half and one
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others
A.manyB.a fewC.twoD.three
This morning, I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my        , and I had been afraid to do so for a long time.
Mom came into the kitchen, asking , “Are you ready,         ?”
“ Yes.” I answered quietly.         in fact I wasn’t ready!
On my way          school, I could feel my heart beating. I hated this!
I went into Mrs. Owens’ class. She was smiling, and saying        to all her students as she did every morning.
“ Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked         the classroom.
“ Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my        . I looked at the clock. The time was near. Then Mrs. Owens started, “ Sam, it’s time for you to show yourself.” “Show         ? Oh, no!”
I got up slowly,          the ground as I walked to the front of the class. Then, I looked up, and everyone was looking at me. Mrs. Owens knew I was         , so she came beside me, and put her hand on my back.
She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his         ,and I know it is a very interesting report.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam,          did you like best about your report on Hawaii?”
I thought about the fun things I         about surfing before, and I started to talk. I talked and talked        the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great fun. It wasn’t frightening. The class cheered as I finished and Mrs. Owens was         .
In fact, I can do better than I think I can— if I try! I am proud of myself.
A.intoB.out ofC.away fromD.far from
A.bedB.seatC.dinning roomD.reading room
A.looking after B.look overC.looking atD.looking for
A.dictionary B.magazineC.newspaperD.report
A.will readB.readsC.am readingD.read
A.in front ofB.overC.besideD.near
Mr. Green owned a few shops and was busy with his work. Once his wife had a fall and broke her leg. She was sent to the hospital and needed someone to look after her. They had several servants, but none of them could do the job. One of his friends brought a girl to Mr. Green. She looked beautiful and strong. Mr. Green liked her at the first sight, and wanted to hire (聘用) her.
When the girl went out of the room, the friend said, “I hear she’s a little foolish. You’d better ask her some questions. If she answers them well, you can hire her.”
Mr. Green agreed and called the girl in again. He asked, “What would you be a servant for?”
“My mother is often ill,” the girl said, crying, “I have to stop studying and find work. I want to get some money to buy some medicine for her.”
“Where’s your father, then?”
“He died last year.” answered the girl.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” said Mr. Green, “And how did he die?”
“He went to London on business and had a high fever. The doctor couldn’t save him and he died in the capital.”
“How many times had your father been to London?”
“Three times.”
Mr. Green was happy. He thought that the girl was not foolish at all, but he wanted to have a last try. So he asked, “Which of the three times did your father die in London?”
The girl thought for a while and said, “I’m sorry I don’t know. When he died there, I was at school.”
小题1:Mr. Green owned some shops in       .
小题2:The girl cried because       .
A.she had a hard life
B.she hoped Mr. Green could hire her
C.her mother had broken her leg
D.she wanted to get some money from Mr. Green
小题3:Mr. Green's friend wanted him       .
A.to find out why she wanted to be a servant
B.to test her to see if she was foolish
C.to ask her some difficult questions
D.to know where her father had gone
小题4:The girl       before she came to see Mr. Green.
A.had done some housework
B.had taken care of sick people in hospital
C.had been to London three times
D.had studied in a school
小题5:From the passage we can see that the girl       .
A.was very clever
B.could understand all the questions well
C.finally worked for Mr. Green
D.was a bit silly
Franklin’s ships had everything they needed . They had enough food in tins for three years and thousands of litres of lemon juice to stop disease. They also had two libraries with 3,000 books , excellent maps , scientific instruments , musical instruments and a new invention: a camera.
Franklin and his men left Engand on May 19th , 1845 and they sailed without problems across the Atlantic towards Canada . When Franklin arrived at Baffin Bay in July 1845, things were going very well for the expedition . On July 26th , some sailors saw Franklin’s ships when they were entering the bay . That was the last time that anyone saw Franklin and his men alive .
The British government became very worried when they heard nothing from Framklin . They sent expeditions to 1ook for him , but the expeditions all returned without any news . The government offered £20,000 to anybody who could help Franklin or anybody who had information about Frailklin . Nobody came with information .
Then, in August 1850 some sailors found the first signs of the Franklin Expedition while  they were searching on Devon Island: some old food tins , some papers , and , something very  strange , the graves of three men . The men all died in January 1846 while Franklin was waiting in Baffin Bay for the ice to melt . But why did they die? The three men were all young and three deaths in the first months of the expedition were very strange . What happened to them ? And where were the ships and all the other sailors? The mystery of the Franklin Expedition was growing stronger…
小题1:Franklin’s ship was last seen by some sailors when       .
A.reaching in Atlantic on May 19th , 1845
B.entering a bay on July 19th , 1846
C.arriving at Baffin Bay in July 1845
D.coming into Baffin Bay on July 26th , 1845
小题2:At last the first signs of the Franklin Expedition were found         .
A.in August 1850 on Devon Island
B.in January 1846 near Baffin Bay
C.on May 19th , 1845 near Baffin Bay
D.in January 1846 on Devon Bay
小题3:The word “melt” in the last paragraph means        .
A.go awayB.passC.break into piecesD.turn into water
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Franklin was a British sailor .
B.According to the passage , people don’t know why they died and what happened to them in the passage .
C.On July 26th , 1845 some sailors saw Franklin’s ship entering Baffin Bay .
D.Franklin’s ships had everything they needed , so it was too heavy to sail .
小题5:The best title of the passage is        .
A.The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition
B.Franklin’s Ships
C.Iceberg Was the Killer
D.Sailing sometimes Was Very Dangerous
Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)
When I was sixteen, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad. Like most English children, I learned French at school. And I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand French. I believed that I wouldn’t have any       problems when I went to America. So I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday there.
How          I was! The misunderstanding (误解) began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to call my friend Danny who had been in America for two years and told her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking confused and asked if he could          me.
“Yes,” I said, “I want to give my friend a ring.”
“Well, that’s nice,” he said. “Are you getting married ? But aren’t you a bit too       ?”
“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied. “I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me          the phone box is?”
“Oh! I see. ” he said, “there’s a phone downstairs.”
When Danny and I met up, she explained the misunderstanding to me.
“Don’t worry,” she said to me. “I had so many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from the British. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say         . Most of the time British and American people understand each other!
A.know B.helpC.selectD.teach
A.how muchB.whoseC.whereD.how heavy
A.at presentB.at onceC.at the same timeD.at last

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