
My Holiday Diary
My family is on holiday in Paris(巳黎). It is a beautiful city. Today we all go on a bus tour(旅游) of the city and visit the Eiffel Tower.
Today we are in Disneyland(迪斯尼乐园),Paris. There is so much to see and so many to ride. My brother and I love the fast rides like Thunder Mountain. My little sister loves all the Disney cartoon characters(人物).The most famous ones are Minnie and Mickey Mouse. I don't want to leave(离开).
Today is our last day in Paris. We go out for a special meal. It is sad to say goodbye.
小题1:What do they do on Monday?
A.They go around Paris by busB.They visit Disneyland
C.They enjoy a special mealD.They stay at a hotel.
小题2:Which day is their last day of the tour?
小题3:What is Thunder Mountain?
A.It is a high mountain in Paris.B.It's a tall tower.
C.It's a Disney cartoon charactersD.It's a fast ride.


小题1:A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第三句话判断,故选A。
小题2:C 细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段Today is our last day in Paris今天是我们在巴黎的最后一天。这天是Wednesday。故选C。
小题3: D 细节推断题题。文章第二段的My brother and I love the fast rides like Thunder Mountain我哥哥和我喜欢像雷声山脉一样的速骑自行车。故选D。
Mary was an operator (接线员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a young child who said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill, ” again and again. Mary hurried to find the address of the call. She called the police, in a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that maybe she could not walk!She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears (眼泪) were running down her face. T he doctors gave the woman some medicine and soon she woke up. Late r she told people, “ Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. One Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it.” Mary was surprised,too. “It’s the first time I’ve seen a two-year-old child call 911.”
小题1:What did Mary do every day?  
小题2:How did she feel when she answered the little girl’s call?  
小题3:How did the police and the doctors get into the house?  
D.Thewomenwasoutside. Theydidn’tneedtogoin.
小题4:How could the little girl learn to call 911?  
B.Sheasked others to call 911.
小题5:How old was the little girl?  
When I was young, I always helped my grandfather in the fields. As I worked beside him, he ____ to tell a story about a man named Joe, and his wife, who moved to a new farm with their three sons. They were setting into the new place ____ a nearby farmer told Joe that there was gold in the earth. Joe was very____, and told his sons about it. 
They began to dig in one corner, and they got to the end of the field. At the same time, Joe thought he would ____ some crops where the earth had been ____. The plants included corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. His sons continued to dig through the soil, made up their mind to find the gold. Since ____ soil was being turned, Joe could plant more crops. Joe had never farmed before, but it had always been his ­____. 
As different crops came ready to be harvested, Joe started to _____ that there were more vegetables than he and his family could ever ___. One of Joe’s neighbors suggested that he ____ a vegetable shop. Joe and his wife did that very thing. They called it Joe and Family Vegetable. Joe even had to leave some crops in the fields _____ he had more than enough to supply the vegetable shop. This went on for years, and Joe and his wife became quite _____ from their little vegetable shop. They were even able to ____ their sons to college. 
Remember the beginning of the story, when Joe was told by his new neighbor that there was gold in the land? Well, Joe’s ___ of the English language was less than perfect. His new neighbor friend actually meant that his land had rich ____. So you can see where the meaning of gold comes from.
A.take upB.set upC.turn upD.make up
A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding up her hand as if she wanted a lift(搭便车).
"I can't leave her out in this weather," the young woman said to herself. She stopped the car and opened the door.
"Do you want a lift?" she asked. The old woman nodded(点头) and climbed into the car. After a while, she said to the old woman, “Have you been waiting a long time?" The old woman shook (摇晃) her head. "Strange!" thought the woman. She tried again. "Bad weather for the time of year," she said. The old woman nodded.  Then the young woman noticed the old woman's hands, which were large and hairy(多毛的). Suddenly she realized that "she" was a man! She was frightened at first. Then she stopped the car. "I can't see out of the rear screen(挡风玻璃) ,"she said. "Would you mind cleaning it for me?"
"The old woman" nodded and opened the door. As soon as "she" was out of the car, the frightened young woman drove off as fast as she could.
When she got to the next village, she stopped. She noticed "the old woman" had left "her" handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun(枪)
小题1:When the young woman talked with "her", "the old woman" only nodded or shook "her" head because "she"_______.
A.didn't want the young woman to hear "her" voice
B.didn't want to trouble the young woman any more
C.was so tired that "she" didn't want to talk with her
D.wondered if the young woman had seen "her" hands
小题2: How did the young woman find “she” was a man?
A.The young woman hared her "voice"
B.The young woman saw a gun in the handbag
C.The young woman noticed the old woman’s hands were big and fairy
D.The young woman had never seen "the old woman"
小题3:The young woman asked "the old woman" to clean the rear screen in order to________
A.see more clearlyB.drive fast and well
C.make "her" speakD.throw "her" out
小题4:From the story we can see that the young woman was______.
A.kind and cleverB.beautiful and bright
C.foolish and shyD.strong and helpful
小题5:What do you think "the old woman" was________.
A.A policeman.B.A basketball player.
C.A robberD.A poor villager
Karnishakuji4- 162
Tokyo 145
Concord School of English
23 Essex St.
Dear Madam or sir , 
One of the teachers at my school in Japan told me that your school has summer courses . I’m planning to go to the USA next summer and would like to take a one- month course .
I’m 18 years old and have been studying English for six years . I’m going to study English at the university . I have ever been to a few countries , such as China , England ,Korea ,but never to the US ,and I think a trip will help me improve my English .
Could you send me a catalogue 目录and application 申请表? I would also like information about New Hampshire and other places nearby .
I hope to do some traveling when the course is over .
Thank you . I look forward to盼望 your reply .
Yours ,
Mariko Kobori
小题1:From the passage we know that the writer is from __________.
A. JapanB.the USC.KoreaD.China
小题2:When will Mariko Kobori take the summer course ?
A.In June , 2006B.In May , 2007C.In June , 2008D.In July 2007
小题3:Mariko Kobori  began to learn English at the age of _____________.
小题4:After the course is over, the writer may _________.
A.go back home at onceB.have a trip in the USA
C.meet some friends in the universityD.go on studying there
小题5:Mariko Kobori wrote the letter to ________________.
A.take the next summer English course
B.go to the USA for summer holidays
C.get some advice on how to learn English
D.know about the Concord School of English

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