
     A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind of clothes, and many of them have long hair,
so it is often difficult to tell if they are boys or girls.
     One day, an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired, he sat down in a chair next to
a pool. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.
     "Oh!" the old man said to the person sitting beside him in the chair. "Do you see that person with the glasses and
long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?" "A girl," said the neighbour(邻座人) who has long hair.  "She is my daughter. " "Oh!"
the old man said quickly. "Please forgive me, I did not know you were her mother. " "I'm not," said the other person.
"I'm her father. "
l. What did the old man see on the other side of the pool?
A. A woman.
B. A boy.
C. A young person.
D. A man.
2. "Is it a boy or a girl?" The word "it" here means __________.
A. he
B. she
C. the person
D. the pool
3. The meaning of the underlined word "forgive" is " __________ " in Chinese.
A. 忘记
B. 责骂
C. 放弃
D. 原谅
4. The old man thought his neighbour was __________.
A. a woman
B. a man
C. a girl
D. a boy
5. The old man thought that his neighbour was the girl's mother because his neighbour __________.
A. was wearing a skirt
B. had long hair
C. had a beautiful face
D. was young



  Name: Edward Scott         School: Kelvin Grove State High

  School Grade: 7           Term ending: 6, May



  He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.


  He can work out many difficulties. Well done!


  He is the best in the class. Keep it up.


  His reading is very good, he can remember many words.


  He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.


  He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.


  He doesn't like pop song, though sings very well.

  Conduct: fair  No. in class: 9  Absences: 8

  Remarks(评语): Edward has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.

  Class teacher: Ivy

  Principal: M. L. Martin

  School reopens: 11, September

1.After reading this, we know this is ________.

[  ]

A.a studying plan of Edward Scott

B.a teaching plan of Ivy

C.a school report of Edward Scott

D.a working plan of M. L. Martin

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the form?

[  ]

A.P. E.

3.Edward's best subject is ________.

[  ]


4.Edward is not so good at ________.

[  ]

A.science and geography

B.mathematics and history

C.history and French

D.music and English

5.According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Edward can't sing songs very well.

B.Edward doesn't do well in science.

C.Edward can do better if he works harder next term.

D.Edward learns two foreign languages in school.



  Name:Edward Scott

  School:Kelvin Grove State High School

  Grade:7 Term ending: 6, May


  He is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.


  He can work out many difficulties. Well done!


  He is the best in the class. Keep it up.


  His reading is very good, he can remember many words.


  He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.


  He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.


  He doesn't like pop songs, though he sings very well.

  Conduct: fair No. in class: 9 Absences: 8

  Remarks(评语): Edward has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needed next term.

  Class teacher:Ivy

  Principal:M. L. Martin

  School reopens:11, September

1.After reading this, we know this is ________.

[  ]

A.a studying plan of Edward Scott

B.a teaching plan of Ivy

C.a school report of Edward Scott

D.a working plan of M.L.Martin

2.Which of the following is NUT mentioned(提到) in the form?

[  ]

A.P. E.

3.Edward's best subject is ________.

[  ]


4.Edward is not so good at ________.

[  ]

A.science and geography

B.mathematics and history

C.history and French

D.music and English

5.According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Edward can't sing songs very well.

B.Edward doesn't do well in science.

C.Edward can do better if he works harder next term.

D.Edward learns two foreign languages in school.

      A man walked into a doctor's examining room. "Put out your tongue," the doctor said. The man put
out his tongue,and the doctor looked at it quickly.
      "OK,you can put your tongue back now, " the doctor said. " It's clear what's wrong with you. You
need more exercise .
      " But , doctor, "  the man said. "I don't think. . . "
      " Don't tell me what you think , "  the doctor said. "I am the doctor, not you. I know what you need.
I see hundreds of people like you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front
of the TV in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day. "
     "Doctor, you don't understand," the patient said."I…
     "I don't want to hear any excuse, " the doctor said. "You must find time for exercise. If you don't,you
will get fat and have health problems when you are older. "
      " But I walk every day, "  the patient said.
      " Oh,yes, and I know that. You walk a few feet from your house to your office, or a few more feet
from your office to a restaurant , etc. That is not real walking. I'm talking about a walk in 'the park for
twenty minutes every day. "
      " Will you listen to me, doctor! " the patient shouted,getting angry with the doctor who thought he
knew everything. "l'm a postman, "  the patient went on. " And I walk for seven hours every day ! "
       For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said quietly , " Put yourtongue out again , will you ?"
1. At first the doctor asked the man_____________ .
A. to walk to work
B. to take some medicine
C. to show his tongue
D. to see other doctors
2. The doctor would not _________.     
A. tell the patient to take exercise
B. let the patient say what he thought
C. look at the man's tongue
D. let the patient watch TV
3. The doctor told the patient that he _________. 
A. should get more exercise
B. should stop making excuses
C. should watch more TV
D. was already too fat
4. The patient was very ___________when the doctor told him what he should do over and over again. 
A. angry                    
B. happy
C. interested                
D. tired
5. The doctor ________.
A. gave him some good advice
B. walked seven hours a day
C. was really a postman
D. knew that he was wrong at last
       A man and a woman had a son eleven years after they married. They had a happy family and the boy was the apple of their eyes. When the boy was four years old, an accident happened. One night the father was very tired after work,so he asked his wife to meet their son and take him home. The mother was very busy in the kitchen,and she forgot about it.
       Later the boy lost his way in the street. When the mother found this, she went to look for him, but she couldn't find him. Then she went to the police station to ask for help. She was very sad and didn't know
how to face her husband. After hearing the bad news,the father humed to the police station. When he saw his wife,he didn't blame her. Instead he said,"l love you,darling ! "
       "If I had picked him up or found this earlier,this would not have happened," the father thought. He
thought there was no point in blaming anyone. His wife also lost her only child. What he could give her
was just consolation and understanding. Several weeks later,with the help of the police,they finally found
their lost son. From then on,they became closer than before. When something bad happens,people always spend lots' of time  blaming others instead of giving others support. Try to learn to forgive,and then you
will find the world is much more wonderful.
1. What is the meaning of the underlined part "the boy was the apple of their eyes"?
A. The boy's face was round like an apple.
B. They often bought apples for the boy.
C. The boy was loved deeply by them.
D. The boy liked eating apples best.
2. Why didn't the father pick the boy up that day?
A. He was sick.
B. The boy was usually picked up by his mother.
C. He was so busy that he forgot to do that.
D. He was too tired to do that.
3. The underlined word " consolation"  in the passage means "      " in Chinese.
A. 安慰    
B. 责备
C. 感激    
D. 忠告
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Be careful about everything we do.
B. Be careful not to get lost.
C. We should learn to forgive and understand.
D. Love is the most important thing.

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