
Dear Eric:
Linda and I have been best friends since we were six years old. We often study and play together. It’s great! But she often gets unhappy when I get better grades than her –she really gets jealous. Should I keep taking her as my friend?
Hi Alice,
I think friendship is important in our lives. You should talk to your friend. Tell her you’re both studying and it’s common that sometimes you get a better grade and sometimes she does better. Tell her you’re going to compete(比赛) with her and try to beat her in every test . maybe you can tell her that if she beats you, you’ll buy her some chocolate or something like that. If you can make your schoolwork into a game, you’ll both win in the long run (从长远看), and you will both start to get better grades in your subjects. If it’s a game, you’ll both enjoy school a lot more, and you’ll still be best friends.
小题1: The word “jealous” means “   ” in Chinese.
小题2:From Alice’s letter, we know Linda
A.is an unfriendly girlB.iS Eric’s best friend
C.often has a fight with AliceD.knew Alice many years ago
小题3: What’s Alice’s problem?
A.She doesn’t know how to get better grades.
B.She doesn’t know what to do to help Linda with her schoolwork.
C.She doesn’t know whether she would be friends with Linda anymore.
D.She doesn’t know how to get along with her teachers and classmates.
小题4:Eric asks Alice to talk to her best friend and
A.compete with herB.say sorry to her
C.lose to her in each testD.help her with her homework
小题5:What may happen if Alice and Linda follow Eric’s suggestions?
A.They’ll never speak with each other
B.Both Alice and Linda will do better at school
C.Linda will get mad at Alice and argue with her
D.Alice will get some chocolate from Linda after each game.


小题1:词义猜测题。But she often gets unhappy when I get better grades than her –she really gets jealous.句意:但是当我分数考得比她好时,她常常会不高兴。她真的妒忌我。根据前半句可知,jealous意为嫉妒的。故选B
小题2:推理判断题。根据Linda and I have been best friends since we were six years old.句意:Linda和我从六岁起就一直是最好的朋友。可知我们认识已经有很多年了。可知应选D
小题3:推理判断题。根据Should I keep taking her as my friend?句意:我应该继续把她当成我的朋友吗?从这个问题可知Alice的问题是她不知道她是否能再和Linda交朋友。故选C
小题4:细节理解题。根据Tell her you’re going to compete(比赛) with her and try to beat her in every test .句意:告诉她你要和她比赛,并且要试着每次考试都赢她。根据此句,故选A
小题5:推理判断题。根据If you can make your schoolwork into a game, you’ll both win in the long run (从长远看), and you will both start to get better grades in your subjects.句意:如果你能把你的学习变成游戏,从长远看,你们两个人都能获得好处,你们两人将会在各科考试中取得更好的成绩。从这句话中可知,如果采纳Eric的建议,Alice和Linda在学校会表现得更好。可知应选B
A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you can see on the roads.

Number One is a sign with the number forty on it. When driver see this sign, they must not go at more than forty kilometers one hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number Two is a sign that we’re near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number Three is a sign that there is a bend (弯道) on the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a bend very fast. Number Four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction(交叉点) at this place.
Number Five is a sign that there is a dangerous mountain road and Number Six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully when they see these signs. Number Seven is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number Eight is a sign with a letter “P” on it. The letter “P” means “Parking”. At some places, there are signs “NO PARKING” or “NO WAITING”. If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write down the number of his car.
小题1:. At the place where you see Sign 1, ________.
A.you are already out of the town
B.you still have forty kilometers to go
C.there must be a town forty kilometers away
D.there must be many houses and buildings not far away
小题2: There stands Sign 2 near a place where ________.
A.two roads crossB.the road gets narrow
C.there are no traffic lights D.people can cross the road
小题3: You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find ________ according to the passage.
A.either of signs 2 and 3B.all of signs 3, 5, 6 and 7
C.each of the eight signsD.any of signs 3, 6, 7 and 8
小题4: A driver can leave his car ________.
A.near Sign 8 at any time
B.near a sign with “NO PARKING” on it
C.near Sign 3 in the daytime
D.near a sign with “NO WAITING” if there’re no police there
小题5: People put these signs on the roads to ________.
A.show drivers the wayB.stop cars going too fast
C.make driving even saferD.learn another kind of language
Dear Kate,
It is very exciting that you are coming to our school so soon.    you arrive, let me introduce to you what our school life is like.
Our school is a good     where we can prepare ourselves well for the future. We have many wonderful teachers who are always ready to    help. Though we pay a lot of attention to how    we do in lessons, getting high scores is not the only reason to study. The      encourage us to try out new ideas and ask questions in class. With their help we have developed all kinds of     in both Arts and Science. Students can choose to            any school clubs they are interested in. We can      choose the subjects that we want to study. Last term I chose American Literature, because I wanted to learn     famous American writers. This term I chose to attend     classes because my father bought me a piano as a birthday present.
By the way, I was elected monitor of my class. Sometimes it can be     to be a monitor, because I have to do a lot of work and attend many meetings. However, being a monitor has taught me a lot, such as      for others and taking responsibilities and so on. When my class was given the title of “Model Class”, I was      than ever before. So being a monitor     an important part in my school life. I’m very pleased with my work.
I love my school and    that you will have a pleasant experience here too. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Li Ping
A.needB.askC.want D.offer
A.activitiesB.characters C.personalitiesD.interests
A.playsB.takes C.makesD.acts
The weather is always different from time to time. Sometimes it is sunny, and sometimes it is      . If you ask me which       weather is my favorite, I would       it’s the snowy days, because I can find many things that make me happy in     times.
I can do many fun things when it snows. If I have a friend       me, we will do anything interesting. All we want to do is to sleep on the ground.       snowmen is a good idea, too. I will make a snowman that looks       my friend, and she will make one that is just like me. I will never       snowball fights. It is my favorite thing       when it snows. When we      to fight, our laughs are everywhere.
I love the snowy days because they make me happy. How about you? Do you like it too?
小题1:A. rainy                   B. snow                 C. fine
小题2: A.lots of                 B. a little                C.kind of
小题3: A. speak             B. say                 C. tell
小题4: A. those                 B. that                 C. this
小题5: A.has                     B. with                     C. and
小题6: A. Taking                 B. Playing                 C. Making
小题7: A. at                     B. like                 C. for
小题8: A. know                 B. remember             C. forget
小题9: A. to do                  B. doing                    C. do
小题10:A. start                     B. began                    C. got
I walked into the Huddle House Restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the table. I picked up the menu and was to order something for breakfast.
“Excuse me,”
I looked up and   小题1:  a nice-looking woman standing before me.
“Is your name Roger?”   小题2: asked.
“Yes, ” I answered, feeling rather surprised as I had never seen her before.
“My name’s Barbara and my husband is Tony,” she said, pointing to a middle-aged man sitting alone at the table by the window. He was   小题3:  and weak.
“Tony White, from Landon School in Jacksonville, Florida,” she added.
I looked at that man for a few seconds but I didn’t recognize him.
“I’m really sorry. The name doesn’t ring the bell,” I said.
She walked back, began   小题4:  with her husband and once in a while I saw her turn around and look directly at me.
I ordered breakfast and a cup of   小题5: , sitting there, trying to remember who this Tony was. “I must know him,” I thought to myself. “He recognizes me for some reason.” I picked up the coffee cup. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lightning.
“Tony, the bully, the bad boy!” I could   小题6: believe my eyes. “My God! He’s so thin now. Not the big boy that I   小题7:  from back in 1997.”
Everything came up to my mind. The time this   小题8:  boy had made fun of my big ears in front of the girls in my class, and the time this big bully had pushed me against the walls in the hallway just to make himself   小题9: a big man to all other students.
“I am sorry, Roger,” Tony rolled by me in the wheelchair, being pushed by his wife, raising his thin, shaking hand. “I am so sorry for  小题10:  that I did to you.”
“I’m…I’m er…” I didn’t know what to say to him.
After a few months, I received a letter from Barbara. Tony was   小题11:. Tony had been a fireman and had been seriously wounded in a task.
How I   小题12: for not saying something to him but I no longer had the chance!
A.look afterB.look like C.look forD.look at
A.congratulatedB.regretted C.doubtedD.canceled
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue (美德).
William Bennett
Thanksgiving Day was coming. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment (作业) — to draw a picture of      for which they were thankful.
Most of the class might be considered poor, but still many would      the holiday with turkey and other traditional food of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the subject of most of her students’ art. And they were.
But Douglas made a(an)      kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of weak and unhappy. As other children played at     , Douglas used to stand close by her side. One could only guess at the pain that Douglas felt behind those sad     .
Yes, his picture was different. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a     . Nothing else. Just an empty hand.
His abstract (抽象的) picture caught the      of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers      turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and      people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went on — until the teacher almost forgot the young artist     .
When the children had gone on to other assignments, she stopped at Douglas’ desk, bent down, and      him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and murmured, “It’s yours, teacher.”
She recalled the      when she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How      she had said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was very      for his teacher’s hand. Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.
The story speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship, and how much it means to the Douglases of the world. They might not always say thanks, but they’ll remember the hand that      out.
A.look atB.care forC.take awayD.drive off
If you feel stressed, what should you do? What you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch affects your stress level. The following are tips on how to please your senses to reduce stress.
There are many____(1)____to please your___(1)___of touch. For example: Give or receive a message. Pet your cat or dog. Hug somebody you love.
(2) Reduce the noise around you and listen to relaxing music. Music is soothing(让人感到安慰的).CDs are available that offer sounds of nature to quiet the soul.
Why do we go on vacation? Usually because we need to relax, and see something new or different. Most of us live in crowded cities where our neighbors are within easy reach. We’re surrounded by buildings or highways-----not pretty sights. To please your eyes, go and find something beautiful and enjoy the view.
When you have a meal, do simply that: have the meal. Turn off the television, hang up the phone, stop working and focus only on the taste of the food you’re eating. You’ll enjoy your food so much more if you concentrate on enjoying it.
Burn scented (芬芳的)candles. Aromatherap(芳香疗法) scents have been proven to be relaxing. Try some oil scents.
__________    _________
小题3:回答问题:What should you do to please your eyes?
小题4:在文中找出与Give up working and only care about what you are eating. 意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题纸上。

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