
阅读短文一,1题判断正(T)误(F);2-4题为简要回答问题;5题翻译成汉语 。
  Simon and I are both thirteen years old.  We are classmates and good friends. I always listen to the teacher carefully in class and do things as the adults say. I am a good boy and never naughty(淘气的). I always get good grades. I am the apples of the teachers'eyes. Simon is.different. He is clever but the teachers don't like him because he is so naughty.  In class he often makes faces to make others laugh. Sometimes he asks strange questions which are difficult to answer. That makes the teachers in embarrassment(窘迫 ) .
  One day, Simon asks Mr Black, our history teacher, "May I ask you a question?"
  "Yes, please. "
  "When you are teaching a group of students, the.re comes another group. Then how many groups of students do you have?"
  "Two, of course. That's the easiest question in the world. " Simon laughs and says, "You are wrong, sir. Two groups of students joining together is still one group. That's the easiest question in the world. "
  All the students burst out laughing.
  You see, we are so different, but we are good friends.
1. Simon is so naughty, I don't like him at all.
2. Do the teachers like Simon?
3. How old is Simon? 
4. Is Simon a naughty boy?
5. 将划线部分译成汉语。
1. F
2. No.  
3. He is thirteen years old.
4. Yes, he is.
5. 我是老师们的宠儿、掌上明珠。(答案不唯一)
Clean water is not only important for people to produce food, but necessary for our life. However, many people in Asia and Africa don't have enough clean water to use. The World Health Organization reports that almost 4,000 children die each day of dirty water or lack (缺乏) of water.
Farmers use 70-85% of the world fresh water to produce food. People usually don't pay much attention to how much water industry(工业) uses, but you may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water in developed countries.
Home use takes up(占据) only 8% in the world. But as cities grow, more water will be used. The local government has to try to make people use less water.
In 60% of European cities, people are saving water by using less. They even keep waste wafer for other use.
In Australia, the government has encouraged people to collect rainwater and recycle water from showers for a second use.
The US Environmental Protection Agency has made a water saving program to encourage families and businesses to check their water use and save more water. Scientists and the UN are looking for good water management as the key to solving the problem. We can all work together to protect our fresh water in our daily life.
【小题1】 In developed countries, most water is used by industry.  
【小题2】People in Asia have enough clean water to use.  
【小题3】To save water, Australians and Europeans both choose to recycle water for a second use.
【小题4】 According to the passage, scientists have found good ways to deal with water problems.  
【小题5】Home use of water will increase because of the growing of cities.

Clean water is not only important for people to produce food, but necessary for our life. However, many people in Asia and Africa don't have enough clean water to use. The World Health Organization reports that almost 4,000 children die each day of dirty water or lack (缺乏) of water.
Farmers use 70-85% of the world fresh water to produce food. People usually don't pay much attention to how much water industry(工业) uses, but you may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water in developed countries.
Home use takes up(占据) only 8% in the world. But as cities grow, more water will be used. The local government has to try to make people use less water.
In 60% of European cities, people are saving water by using less. They even keep waste wafer for other use.
In Australia, the government has encouraged people to collect rainwater and recycle water from showers for a second use.
The US Environmental Protection Agency has made a water saving program to encourage families and businesses to check their water use and save more water. Scientists and the UN are looking for good water management as the key to solving the problem. We can all work together to protect our fresh water in our daily life.
【小题1】 In developed countries, most water is used by industry.  
【小题2】People in Asia have enough clean water to use.  
【小题3】To save water, Australians and Europeans both choose to recycle water for a second use.
【小题4】 According to the passage, scientists have found good ways to deal with water problems.  
【小题5】Home use of water will increase because of the growing of cities.

Yesterday evening I went to see a film. After I went into the cinema, I began to look for my seat. It was Number 18, Row 18. I found it easily, but I saw a soldier(士兵) sitting on it. I walked to him and told him that the seat was mine. He said with a smile, “Oh, sorry. My seat is next to yours. Would you like to take that seat and leave this one to me?”
I looked at his seat. It was broken and had no back, so I disagreed. But he still wanted to change our seats. I was      and said loudly, “I don’t want to do that. Are you trying to bully (欺负) me as a soldier?” After      this, the soldier stood up and moved to his seat.
Then I saw my seat was much worse than his seat. There was only a piece of wood (木头) left. It would be very uncomfortable to sit on it. Now I knew why the soldier wanted to change his seat with me. I felt very sorry. The soldier again asked me to take his seat, but I didn’t do that. I sat on the piece of wood till the film finished.
① ________________  ② ________________
【小题2】判断下列句子正 (T) 误 (F)。
A. It was a little difficult for the writer to find his or her seat in the cinema. (    )
B. The soldier wanted to take the writer’s seat because it was worse than the solder’s seat
(    )
Did the soldier want to bully the writer?
【小题5】What was the soldier’s seat like?

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