
Clean water is not only important for people to produce food, but necessary for our life. However, many people in Asia and Africa don't have enough clean water to use. The World Health Organization reports that almost 4,000 children die each day of dirty water or lack (缺乏) of water.
Farmers use 70-85% of the world fresh water to produce food. People usually don't pay much attention to how much water industry(工业) uses, but you may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water in developed countries.
Home use takes up(占据) only 8% in the world. But as cities grow, more water will be used. The local government has to try to make people use less water.
In 60% of European cities, people are saving water by using less. They even keep waste wafer for other use.
In Australia, the government has encouraged people to collect rainwater and recycle water from showers for a second use.
The US Environmental Protection Agency has made a water saving program to encourage families and businesses to check their water use and save more water. Scientists and the UN are looking for good water management as the key to solving the problem. We can all work together to protect our fresh water in our daily life.
【小题1】 In developed countries, most water is used by industry.  
【小题2】People in Asia have enough clean water to use.  
【小题3】To save water, Australians and Europeans both choose to recycle water for a second use.
【小题4】 According to the passage, scientists have found good ways to deal with water problems.  
【小题5】Home use of water will increase because of the growing of cities.




Life in the 22nd century will be different from that in the 21st century because many changes will happen in the new century. 1_____ what will the changes be?
First, the population is growing very fast. There 2      more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be 3     smaller and more useful, and there will be 4     one in every home. And 5      studies will be one of the most important subjects in schools.
Second, people will work 6      hours than they are doing in the 21st century. They’ll have more free time for sports, watching TV and7    . Traveling will also be cheaper and easier. And more people will go to8      countries for holidays.
Third, there will be changes in our food, too. People will use more land to 9      new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so 10       will be more expensive. Maybe no one eat it everyday; 11     , they will eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be 12     .
Last, work in the future will be13      , too. Robots will do the 14     and hard work. Because of this, many people won’t have 15     work to do. This will be a problem.

A.will beB.will haveC.areD.have
A.at mostB.at leastC.no more thanD.less than
A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others
A.dangerousB.difficultC.differentD.the same

There are four parts in IELTS: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is very important. Are you confident? Have you made good preparation? The book IELTS Listening is helpful for your preparation for IELTS.

Car and Driver is the world’s most popular automotive magazine. It provides information and entertainment for people who like cars. It offers the best vehicle tests in the business. The magazine also covers the latest developments in car technology.

Once you own the book, you will become a good speaker. Susan Weinschenk’s excellent ideas on how to make a perfect speech are very helpful to you. With the help of the book, you will be confident to know how to give your speech. Also, you will learn how to attract your audience during the speech.

The book offers healthy and delicious food. These dishes can all be completed in less than half an hour, and in many cases, in just a few minutes. Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick, delicious meals using local materials, meats, healthy fats (yes, and real butter) and common herbs and spices.
【小题1】Which of the following will help to improve your speech? 
A.IELTS Listening .B.Car and Driver.
C.Quick & Easy Meals.D.Designing Effective Speech Interfaces.
【小题2】 Who will probably be interested in Quick & Easy Meals?
A.Car fans.B.English speakers.
【小题3】How many of the four short passages are introductions of magazines?

As space science develops, man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.

Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射) is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. The harm of the radiation won’t be found until their children even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective medicine has been found so far.
Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen. It’s reported that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion(爆炸)in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size. A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).
Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish. Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something to help improve the space environment.
【小题1】 ______ shows the man-made things in space in the correct way.

【小题2】The radiation from the sun and other stars is ______ to spacemen.
【小题3】 The underlined word “fragments”means “______”.
【小题4】 The passage talks about _________ kinds of danger in space.
【小题5】 Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Scientists have found out ways to solve any problem in space.
B.Every one of us can have a travel to space in ten years.
C.The harm of the radiation may be found in the spacemen’s children.
D.Space is really dangerous, so it doesn’t interest anyone on the earth.

When the Audet family turns on the lights at Blue Farm, they are using electricity that comes from cows—cow manure (粪肥), to be specific.
Cows produce a lot of wastes. One cow can create 30 gallons of wastes each day. Now imagine the output of over 1,000 cows at Blue Farm. That’s really a big amount.
When farmers clean their barns, they put the wastes in a big heap, and spread some of them on their fields for fertilizer(肥料). But now places like Blue Spruce Farm have a new way of using cow wastes. They use them to produce electricity.
Here’s how it works: A big machine moves back and forth cleaning the barn floor. “The cows aren’t bothered,” says Marie Audet. “They are animals of habit; they get used to it, and just lift one foot and then another to let it go by.”
The machine pushes the manure into a big 600-gallon tank like a small swimming pool. The tank is called a digester (化粪池) because what happens there is just like what happens inside a cow: Bacteria(细菌) get to work and continue to digest the manure.
Methane gas (甲烷、沼气)in the atmosphere is known as a “greenhouse” gas because it keeps heat just like a greenhouse does, causing our planet to warm up. That’s an environmental concern. But the digester has a good result. Its gas is kept and used to power electric generators (发电机).
At Blue Farm, the generators make enough electricity to power 400 homes. The Audet family sells the extra electricity they can’t use themselves.
【小题1】We learn from the text that the Audet family is using cow wastes to ______.

A.make electricity B.produce fertilizerC.build their farm D.feed the cows
【小题2】How are the cow wastes collected into the digester at Blue Farm?
A.Marie Audet does the workB.The job is done by machine
C.The cows lift the cow wastesD.Bacteria get to work on them
【小题3】 According to the passage, which of the following is changed into electricity?
A.The power of moving water. B.The heat of burning coal.
C.The power of sunlight.D.The heat of the methane gas
【小题4】The new way of using cow wastes at Blue Farm might be best described as ______.
【小题5】 What is the main purpose for writing the passage?
A.To introduce a new way of making electricityB.To explain how a new energy works better
C.To show a new rebuilding plan for a big farmD.To explain the reasons for green house effect

Many places in the world need more fresh water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh. Why aren’t there many factories like the Symi factory?
In some places the sun is not hot enough. Or it does not shine every day.
In such places other ways of heating sea water can be used. These ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun. By boiling sea water with high heat a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.
But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water. Other ways are tried.
One way is freezing. The fresh part of salt water freezes first. To get fresh water, the bits of ice are taken out.
Which way is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least money. It may be a different way for each place.
Symi’s way seems very good for small, hot places. It does not make much water at a time. But the factory is easy to build and costs little.
That is why people in many dry places talk about Symi. 
【小题1】From the passage we know that fresh water _____________.

A.is needed in many countriesB.is needed in every country
C.can be used in many waysD.is very important for factories
【小题2】The Symi factory __________.
A.turns salt water into freshB.can be built everywhere
C.can make much fresh water at a timeD.doesn’t need sunshine every day
【小题3】Which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water?
A.Boiling the sea water.B.Heating the sea water.
C.The Symi’s way.D.Freezing the sea water.
【小题4】What fact doesn’t the passage mention (提到)?
A.New ways of getting fresh water.
B.A lot of fresh water can be made quickly by heating.
C.The best way is to get the freshest water with the least money.
D.The Symi’s way doesn’t work in dry places.
【小题5】The Symi’s way is not suitable for _________ places according to the passage.

完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People _1_forget the significance (意义) of the day.
In March 1980, I was 2at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had 3  to go to another university after graduation and had         application (申请)  forms to several 5  . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 6  came.
On April 1st, as I was eating my 7 , Huang came in , with a toothbrush(牙刷) 8  in his hand.  9 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the 10 . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it 11 possible.” I jumped with 12 .
I even didn’t 13 my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s office but he wasn’t  14  . I then went to the secretary’s room and  15 everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in  16 or simply left it to me.”
Greatly 17 , I walked out of the room and 18 the secretary lock it. 19 the secretary’s eyes 20  . “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”
【小题1】A sometimes        B. never            C. always       D. seldom

A.Because ofB.As ifC.AfterD.While
A.ifB.as soon asC.whenD.as fast as
A.the newsB.the letterC.joyD.luck
A.asked B.tellsC.explainedD.answered
A.the officeB.his deskC.the roomD.an obvious(明显的) place

What day is __61___ day of the week? We Chinese may say Monday, because Monday is the first working day in the week. But__62___people have different ideas. They say__ 63___ is the first day of the week. Also, they work only five days a week and have a long __64___: Saturday and Sunday. People are different __65___ many other ways, too. We Chinese put our last names first and our first name last .British and American people put them in the other way. Chinese people speak Chinese, but British and American people speak English. Chinese eat a lot of__ 66___ . British and American people have a lot of bread and potatoes. Most Chinese ride bicycles, but most British and American people drive __67___. People write __68___ in different ways, too. We Chinese write “November 10, 2005” as “05 / 11 / 10”, in big -to - small order. But British put it as “___6 9__”, in small - to - big order, and the Americans even write it as “10/ 11 / 05”. What a difference!
Do you know any other __70___ between us Chinese speaking people and English speaking people.

A.one B.firstC.the first D.a first
A.speaking EnglishB.English speakingC.English spokenD.spoken English
A.05 / 10 / 11B.10 / 11 / 05 C.05 / 11 / 10D.11 / 10 / 05
A.different B.more different C.differences D.difference

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