
It was a cold morning, and Eduardo Ortega received a large envelope (信封). In it was his dream. But he was too nervous to _______ it. He put the envelope into his pocket and caught the school bus. Eduardo arrived at school, walked past his classmates and sat down in the school library. He took a deep breath,_______ the envelope out of his pocket and carefully opened it. As he read the _______,"Congratulations…you have been accepted," he was already in tears. He remembered the long hours working in the fields, picking strawberries and beans. During those years, Eduardo was much more than a child _______. After work every day, his tired friends drank coffee or slept. Eduardo went to the evening school. He studied, read, and wrote poems and short stories. Although he _______ some classes, he became the best student.

When he was thirteen, Eduardo _______ one of his dreams-to fly on an airplane for the first time. He wrote a poem that won a prize-a trip to San Francisco. _______ he flew, he promised himself to become a pilot. He loved to fly.

Even though Eduardo worked to help his family, his father _______ encouraged him to go to school. So, while he worked, he also studied. Many days, he thought it was _______, too tired to read his books. But his father just smiled and told him he could ________ it.

So, now, Eduardo knew his dream of becoming a pilot was not ________. He knew that it was his father's ________, too. He would soon become a pilot, flying every day to all the exciting areas in the world.

1.A.open B.know C.answer D.write

2.A.placed B.drew C.reached D.made

3.A.story B.words C.sentence D.book

4.A.writer B.waiter C.poet D.worker

5.A.watched B.missed C.left D.chose

6.A.realized B.found C.thought D.wanted

7.A.Because B.As C.While D.Before

8.A.sometimes B.never C.seldom D.always

9.A.careless B.hopeless C.uninteresting D.unimportant

10.A.stop B.take C.make D.work

11.A.lost B.planned C.needed D.done

12.A.job B.way C.advice D.dream


Hollywood is a shiny, bright place. It is the movie capital of the world. And it is also one of the tourist destinations (目的地) in America.

In 1911, the small, peaceful village of Hollywood in California was vote to become part of Los Angeles. Today, over 100 years later, this village has grown into the home of one of the most well-known industries in the world-the American film industry.

With this growth came many well-known symbols. There is the famous Hollywood sign which stands above the hills of the town. The first sign was built in 1923. Then there is the Hollywood Hall of Fame (名人堂), where great actresses, actors and directors leave their footprints or handprints, Norma Talmadge was the first actress to do this in 1927. But the most famous of all is the Oscar Academy Awards. Every spring, a large number of actresses, actors and directors wait excitedly and nervously to find out if they have won an "Oscar". Last year was the 91th Oscar Academy Awards. It was held on February 25 in Los Angeles, Ang Lee, a Chinese director, won the Award for Best Director again. It was the second time he had won the award.

Nowadays it is the home of films, and thousands of hopeful young actresses, actors, writers and directors still come to "the Dream Factory" every year. But not all Hollywood dreams have been happy ones-as one actress, who later died tragically (悲惨地),said, "Hollywood is a place where they will pay you 500 dollars for a kiss, and 50 cents for your soul(灵魂)."

A brief introduction to Hollywood

It's the home of the American film industry.

It's a famous tourist destination in America.

It used to be a 1..

2. of Hollywood

Standing above the hills of the town is the famous Hollywood sign.

The Hollywood Hall of Fame.

The Oscar Academy Awards.

Details of the Oscar

Academy Awards

Actresses, actors and directors are 3. and nervous to wait before it begins.

Ang Lee has won the Oscar for Best Director 4..

The Dream Factory

Thousands of actresses, actors, writers and directors go there every year with hope.

But some Hollywood dreams have been 5. ones, One actress even died tragically.

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