Sally was fourteen.She studied in a middle school.She liked dancing and singing and 1 a lot of time on them.But she hated math and even decided to 2.Her father was worried about it.
It was Sunday. Sally’s father gave a call to his sister who 3 math in another school. He hoped she would come and tell his daughter 4 to learn math.The woman came and said,“You are a 5 girl.Sally.I’m sure you will soon learn math well if you do your 6.”
“I’m afraid I can’t,Aunt,”said Sally.“Girls 7 be good at math.”
“I don’t think so,”said the woman.“1 was good at it when 1 was a 8.You must do more 9 and try different Ways to solve(解决)math problems until you work them out,or at least 10 them better. Here is a math 11.Please think it over and see if you can work it out.
“OK,” said the girl. “Let me   12 ”
About an hour later Sally   13 the exercise book to her aunt and said, “I’ve tried many times and worked out the problem at last!”
“Well done!” her aunt looked at her answer and said 14 , “Now you see, math is not as difficult as you   15  ”

A.put it awayB.give it upC.give it awayD.put it up

When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. l can't   31   what it was about, but I have never forgotten the   32   I learned that day.

     I was sure that I was right and he was wrong.   33  , he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She   34   a good idea. She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on   35     In the middle of the desk was a large, round object.  It was   36   for me to see that it was black.  She asked the boy what color the object was.  "  37," he answered in a loud voice.

     I couldn't   38   that the object was whites considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me, this time   39   the color of the object.

     The teacher told me to go stand where the key was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed   40  , and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I  41   answer, "White. " It was then that I knew what was wrong. It was an object with two   42   colored sides, and from .his side it was white.   43   from my side was it black.

     My teacher taught 'me a very important 1.esson that day: You must "  44   in other person's position (λ??) and look at the  45   through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.

1.A. understand              B. remember              C. explain

2.A. class                   B. subject                C. lesson

3.A. Therefore               B. Also                  C. However

4.A. came up with            B. went on with           C. got along with

5.A. another                 B. other                  C. the other

6.A. hard                    B. clear                  C. lucky

7.A. Black                   B. White                 C. Grey

8.A. realize                  B. describe                C. believe

9.A. like                    B. against                  C. about

10.A. places                  B. objects                  C. opinions

11.A. could                   B. should                  C. had to

12.A. similarly                B. differently               C. brightly

13.A, But                    B. Still                     C..Only

14.A. appear                  B. stand                   C, hide       

15.A. situation                 B. discussion               C. solution


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