
“When you are sad, I will dry your tears. When you are worried, I will give you hope. Why? You may ask. Because you are my friend!”
A friend often listens to your problems, understands you and will not tell other people your secrets(秘密). How should you make your friendship(友谊) grow stronger? You can e-mail and call your friends often. And don’t forget to send cards to them on Friendship Day.
People started to celebrate Friendship Day in American in August, 1935. Today, people in many countries celebrate it. On the first Sunday in August every year, people from kids to old men meet their friends. They give cards, flowers or gifts to their friends. On Friendship Day, people also hold parties for their friends. Everybody is excited to wish their best friends in their own ways.
The passage starts w__【小题1】____ a short beautiful poem (诗歌). It tells us that we all need f___【小题2】____, because our friends can always g__【小题3】____ us a hand when we are in t___【小题4】____. In o___【小题5】____ to make our friendship stronger, we should always keep in touch with our friends. So the f______【小题6】__ Sunday in August was the F__【小题7】________ Day. On that day people b___【小题8】___ young and old meet their friends. They give all k___【小题9】_____ of gifts to their friends to w__【小题10】____ their best friends in their own ways.


【小题1】start with“以……开始”,故此处为介词with。句意:这篇短文是以一首优美的小诗开始的。
【小题2】根据A friend often listens to your problems, understands you and will not tell other people your secrets(秘密). 可知朋友帮助我们很多,因此我们需要朋友,故此处为friends。句意:这篇短文告诉我们,我们都需要朋友。
【小题3】give sb a hand “帮某人一把”,因位于情态动词can之后,故用动词原形give。句意:因为我们的朋友总是能帮我们一把。
【小题4】be in trouble“遇到困难、麻烦”,故此处为trouble。句意:当我们遇到麻烦时。
【小题5】in order to“为了……”故此处为order。句意:为了使我们的友谊更强大,我们应该一直和朋友保持联系。
【小题6】根据On the first Sunday in August every year, people from kids to old men meet their friends.可知在每年的八月的第一个星期天是友谊日。故此处为first。句意:所以在八月的第一个星期天是友谊日。
【小题7】the Friendship Day“友谊日”,故此处为Friendship。句意:友谊日是在八月的第一个星期天。
【小题8】根据young and old 可知此处指的是年轻人和老年人两种人,故用both。句意:在这一天年轻人和老年人都去见朋友。
【小题9】根据They give cards, flowers or gifts to their friends. 可知他们送给朋友卡片、鲜花或者礼物,这是各种各样的礼物,故用短语all kinds of “各种各样的”,故此处为kinds。句意:他们送给朋友各种各样的礼物。
【小题10】根据Everybody is excited to wish their best friends in their own ways.可知每个人用他们自己的方式来祝福他们最好的朋友。故此处为wish。句意:他们送给朋友各种各样的礼物,用自己的方式来祝福他们最好的朋友。


Paragraph 1: Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷物), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.
Paragraph 2: People in different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at 11 o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.
Paragraph 3: There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.
【小题1】From the first paragraph we know noodles belong to a kind of ______ food.

A.vegetable B.fruit C.meat D.cereal 
【小题2】According to the scientists, which of the following groups is the healthiest for your lunch?
A.chicken, apples, cereal, cabbages B.potatoes, rice, bread, carrots 
C.oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes D.beef, pork, fish, milk 
【小题3】People in different places of the world ______.
A.have the right kinds of food to eat B.cook their food in the same way 
C.have their meals at the same time D.eat food in different ways 
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People in some places don’t have enough to eat. 
B.There are too many people in the world. 
C.One of the problems is that no one is hungry. 
D.The scientists are trying to make people grow to be strong and healthy. 
【小题5】If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?
A.When people eat their meals. 
B.What to do with the two problems. 
C.How to cook food in different ways. 
D.Why people in different places eat different kinds of food. 

It was the last night of my summer camp .  _______ I didn’t want to leave , I had to go back home the next day . I didn’t want to pack . I just wanted to make the night go ______ . How I wished that I could make time ________ at the moment ! However , it seemed that time flew more quickly than before . I lay on the bed , But I wasn’t ________ at all . I just closed my eyes , thinking the every minute I had ______ with the friends I met during the camp .
Just then , someone ______ the door, “ Open the door ,” said a soft _________ . I thought it was my friend , Elle . So I replied , “It’s open ” .  I was __________ .  There stood all my friends , Elle ,Lily , Sally and Alice . Together they walked over to my bed and then each of them gave me a big hug 拥抱. We hugged each other . We _______ our phone numbers and e-mail addresses . We said that no matter how far we would be away from each other and no matter how many other friends we had , we would ________ forget each other .
Just then , a tear 眼泪slowly rolled down my face . As I looked up , I noticed all of my friends’ eyes were filled with充满tears .

A. Until B. Unless C.Because D.Although
A. clearly B.quickly C.slowly D.easily
A. fly B.cross C.stop D.finish
A. sleepy B.healthy C.excited D.gentle
A. wasted B.missed C.spent D.talked
A. fixed up修理 B.looked at C.cleaned up D.knocked at 敲
A. noise B.sound C.voice D.cry
A.afraid B.nervous C. crazy D. surprised
A. changed B. forgot C. exchanged D.remembered
A.ever B.never C.seldom D.often

We sometimes have to meet some difficulties that we never expect, but we should develop a positive attitude to life. Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, especially when we are going through a difficult time in our life. However, we know, only when we take a positive attitude, can we overcome the difficulties.
On July 23rd, 1993, Wang Jiapeng lost his legs when his plane crashed. Wang was only 12 years old. He felt he was the unluckiest person in the world. When he saw students with their schoolbags on their backs, the sound of his wheelchair made him sick. Wang’s mother took him to a special hospital in Beijing. She looked after him in the daytime and worked at night to make money. But after two years,
Wang was still not able to leave the hospital. Wang’s mother became too tired to go on and one day she herself became a hospital patient! One morning she woke up and saw her son holding breakfast for her. Wang’s trip to the food shop was his first time outside the hospital in two years. The five-minute walk took him thirty minutes.
But he was finally able to make an important decision. He didn’t care how other people looked at him. He had to learn to do things himself.
For the next few years, Wang taught himself all his middle school subjects in the hospital and five years after the accident, he won a chance to study in a college in Norway. Wang learned to drive, go rock climbing and ski. He even won two gold medals for skiing in an international skiing competition.
“You are what you think you are,” said Wang. “If you think you’re disabled, you are. If you don’t think so, you aren’t.”
So we know that if you can keep a positive attitude, even when things aren't going well in your life, you are the true winner of life.
【小题1】Wang Jiapeng, born on July 23rd, 1993, lost his legs because of a plane crash.
【小题2】At first he felt very unlucky when seeing others going to school.
【小题3】In order to look after him, his mother had to stop work and she finally fell ill.
【小题4】He finished the middle school by himself and got a chance to go to college.
【小题5】Positive thinking benefited Wang Jiapeng and he became good at skating.

A person's nose is important for breathing and smelling. The nose is also used in many popular expressions.
Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do.
Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions easily. And many people will never pay through the nose, that is, they will not pay too much money for something.
It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people's business.The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. This kind of person is interested in other people's private matters. He is considered nosy.
And my teacher often says, "If you put your heart into it, the answers should be right under your nose. " It means something can be found or seen easily.
As for ear, there are also some expressions.
When I want to say something to you, I hope you are all ears and listen carefully. I also advise you to keep your ear to the ground. This means to be interested in what is happening around you and what people are thinking.
Another expression about ear is to play it by ear. Someone is able to play a song or a piece of music by remembering the tune(旋律) and not by reading the music.
There are many other expressions about different parts of our body.
For example, if someone is playing a joke on you, you can say, "You are pulling my leg. " And to turn your hand to something means to begin to do something. If a child does something wrong, we say he will get it in the neck, or he will be punished.
【小题1】If a person always wants to lead others by the nose, that means     .

A.he always tells others what to do
B.he works harder than others
C.he cares about others instead of himself
D.he listens to his wife all the time
【小题2】If someone is hard-nosed,    .
A.he will be too interested in others' business
B.he will spend much money for daily things
C.he will find the answers to his problems soon
D.he will not change his mind easily
【小题3】When our parents or teachers are talking to us, what should we do?
A.We should be all ears.
B.We should keep our nose out of their business.
C.We should play it by ear.
D.We should pay through the nose.
【小题4】On April Fools'Day, what may some people try to do?
A.They may turn their hand to us.
B.They may think of ways to pull our legs.
C.They will get it in the neck.
D.They will nose around all the time.

A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but failed.
So he put a notice on the gate of the farm: whoever finds the gold watch will be rewarded 100 dollars.
People tried their best to look for the watch in order to get the reward. However, the barn was too large and the straw in the barn was too thick,it was getting dark they were still unable to find it. So they give up the reward of 100 dollars one by one.
But only a small boy was still not discouraged but kept looking for it .He had nothing to eat throughout the day.In order to solve the family problem, he looked forward to finding the gold watch and let his parents,brothers and sisters have a full meal.
The night was already getting late,the boy was also tired. He was lying in the straw to have a rest when he heard a strange “tick--tock ”.
He immediately held his breath and listened carefully,and followed the sound. He found the watch and got the 100 dollars.
Like the gold watch in the barn,success has been around us and spread in every corner of life. Only when we are calm and firmly look for it ,we can find it.
【小题1】If someone found the gold watch, what would the farmer offer him?

A.100 yuanB.100 dollars
C.100 poundsD.100 pence
【小题2】Why did the boy insist on looking for the gold watch?
A.Because he liked the gold watch..
B.Because he wanted to own the watch.
C.Because he was silly
D.Because he wanted to get the reward
【小题3】The passage above is probably taken from_________.
A.A newspaperB.a science book
C.an advertisementD.a notice
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The boy had no brothers or sisters.
B.The boy’s family had a hard life.
C.It was easy for the boy to find the watch.
D.The farmer didn’t look for the watch for himself
【小题5】 Of the following,which order is right according to the story?
① The boy succeeded in finding the gold watch
② The farmer offered the boy a reward of 100 dollars
③ A farmer lost a gold watch carelessly
④ Many people tried to find the watch,but they failed.

This is the true story of a great woman. Her name was Helen Keller. She was born in 1880 in Alabama in the USA. When Helen was one year and a half, she got ill and then she became blind(瞎的) and deaf(聋的).
Her parents tried to do their best for their daughter and they asked a young teacher called Anne Sullivan to their home to teach Helen. Anne herself was almost blind in her youth. Helen was a smart girl but she couldn’t hear or talk. She was angry at this. So she was always crying and shouting. Then Anne often went for walks with Helen in the country near her home. After two weeks, Helen became quiet. Anne began to teach her how to spell and Helen learned to write. Boards(木板) with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight. Soon her talents were famous all over the world. There were her stories in newspapers and magazines. By the time she was 17, she was studying French, German, Latin, physics and many other subjects. She was still blind and deaf. In 1902, she wrote a book The Story of my life. It became well-known all over the world.
【小题1】 Helen became blind and deaf when she was ___________.
A. one year old                     B. half a year old      
C. one year and a half old           C. two years old
【小题2】 Why was Helen always crying and shouting?
A. Because she couldn’t hear and talk.    
B. Because she felt lonely.
C. Because she was angry with Anne.    
C. Because Anne always went out with her.
【小题3】 Anne taught Helen how to __________.

A.run B.speak and write
C.play football D.swim
【小题4】 Why did Helen need to use special boards to write on?
A.Because she didn’t like desks.
B.Because she didn’t have desks.
C.Because boards with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight.
D.Because she liked to use them.
【小题5】 How old was Helen when she finished the book The Story of my life?
A.51. B.42.
C.22. D.17.

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