Canberra is the capital of Austrlia. It is a modern and lively city with a pupulation of over 345,000.

Canberra is the eighth largest city in Australia It is 238 km from Sydney and 507 km from Melboume. Melbourne was once the capital of Australia. Sydney people also wanted to make their city the capital. It was difficult for the govement to make the decision. Then n 1911, the government chose a pl.ace to build the new apital. It between Sydney and Melbourne, the two
Argest cities in Australia. Jt took more than 14 years to build the city, In 1927, the city was set up.It became the apital and was named Canberra. “Canberra” means “a place for friends to get together”.
Canberra is a beautiful city with trees and  flowers everywhere. There’s a Flower Festival in Septem ber each year. People can enjoy aii kinds of beautiful flowers and welcome the spring to amve. A man-made lake –Lake Burley Griffin is in the centerof the city, It’s about 25 km fong. People like to ride bikes, walk or run around the lake. In Canberra, there’re many famous universities like the Australian Nationa/ University and the University of Canberra. The National Library and the National Museum of Australia are also famous places that people like to visit.
【小题1】 How far is Canberra from Sydneyt?
A.25 knLB.238 km.C.345 km. .D.507 km.
【小题2】Tboword “Canbena  means ______.
A.the largest cityB.beautiful man-made lake
C.the old capital cityD.a place for friends to get together
【小题3】  Canberra Flower Festival is a festival to        .
A.ride bikesB.visit universities
C.welcome the springD. walk around the lake .

Many years ago, there was an old man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge(判断) things too quickly. So he told them to go and look at a pear tree. It was far away from his home. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in autumn.
When the sons came back, the old man asked them to say what they had seen.
The first son complained the tree was ugly. The second son said the tree was covered with buds and full of hope. The third son said the tree was full of green leaves. They looked so beautiful, and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The youngest son said that the tree was bowed down with heavy fruits. It was full of life and fulfillment(收获).
The man explained that all of his sons were right, but each of them had seen just one season of the tree. He told them that they couldn’t judge a tree or a person by only one season. "If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the hope of your spring, the beauty of your summer, and the fulfillment of your autumn." said the old man
It is true that we shouldn’t let the hard season break the happiness of the other seasons. Never give up during the difficult days and better times are sure to come some day.
【小题1】Why did the old man ask his sons to look at the pear tree?         

A.Because he liked. eating pears.
B.Because the tree was important to his family.
C.Because he wanted to teach them not to judge things too quickly.
D.Because his sons didn’t judge things quickly.
【小题2】The fourth son went to see the tree in          .                     
【小题3】The underlined word "buds" probably means        in Chinese.        
【小题4】Which of the following is true?                                     
A.The pear tree was near his home.
B.The third son said the tree was beautiful.
C.The four sons all liked the tree.
D.Even you give up in winter, you can still get hope in other seasons
【小题5】What’s the main idea of this passage?                              
A.Don’t judge a life by one difficult season.
B.Father’s love is great.
C.Every tree has four seasons.
D.Life is different for everyone.

Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. After I was born, I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days: some days the sun shone, and some days it didn’t.
In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married and had a child. In those days, I didn’t have much time to think. Every day I was busy and worked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly.
Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking more slowly. One day I stopped working. I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us delicious fruits.
But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come. I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left, but I will enjoy them to the end.
【小题1】The writer started walking more slowly in the _______ of his life.

【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the summer of his life?
A.15. B.33. C.62. D.87.
【小题3】What does the word “sorrowful” in the first part mean in this passage?
A.Sad. B.Exciting. C.Wonderful. D.Pleasant.
【小题4】The best title of the passage can be _______.
A.Four SeasonsB.My Life
C.Four Seasons in a YearD.Four Seasons in My Life

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