
My uncle likes sports very much. He loves soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, baseball and more.He plays baseball and basketball very well. He likes to watch the sports games on TV. He plays sports every day. He has a small sports collection.There are 12 tennis rackets, 10 baseballs, 3 volleyballs and a soccer ball.
小题1:My        likes sports.
小题2:He plays           very well.
小题3:He likes to                     games on TV.
小题4:He                     every day.
小题5:Who(谁) has a small sports collection?          .

小题2:baseball and basketball 
小题3:watch the sports 
小题4:plays sports 
小题5: My uncle

小题1:细节理解题,根据短文第一句My uncle likes sports very much.的理解可知我叔叔喜欢运动
小题2:细节理解题,根据对文中语句He plays baseball and basketball very well可知他的棒球和篮球打得很好
小题3:细节理解题,根据短文语句He likes to watch the sports games on TV的理解可知他喜欢在电视上看比赛
小题4:细节理解题,根据短文语句He plays sports every day可知他每天都做运动
Dear Fang,
How are you these days? I have been in England for two months. It’s not a long time for a newcomer, and there are still a lot of things to do. Sorry for not being able to write to you soon.
London is an old but beautiful city. There are lots of places of interest to visit. Last weekend I went along Thames River with some friends from Japan, Korea and some other countries. The modern skyscrapers(摩天大楼) among the old buildings impressed(给…留下印象) us deeply. The classes started two weeks after I arrived here alone. Besides the language, I’m trying to learn about the culture as well. British people are quite different from the Chinese. Do you know the people here do not shake hands as much as we do in China? And it’s never a good habit to make noise when you eat. They think it’s impolite.
There is so much to say, but I have to stop.
I will write to you soon again.
小题1:Harry came to London from ________.
小题2: Two months ago Harry came to London _________.
A.with FangB.with his friends
C.with his parents D.alone
小题3: Harry has studied in London _______.
A.for about two weeksB.for about two months
C.for about one and a half monthsD.for about a month
小题4: Last weekend Harry was impressed by _____________.
A.London’s long history
B.the modern skyscrapers
C.London’s old buildings
D.the English culture
小题5: English people _______________.
A.do not often shake hands with their friends when they meet
B.often shake hands when they meet their friends
C.talk aloud when they have dinner
D.usually make noise when they eat

Billiards(台球) is my favorite ball sport. The English player Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chinese player Ding Junhui are   46  my favorite players. They play it very well. I hope I’ll be   47  to play it well, too. Of course, it is only a dream. Of the two players, I  48  O’Sullivan, because he played it so quickly in the races.
When I was nine, I   49_  this ball sport for the first time. My PE teacher, Mr. Xu, and I became good   50  because of billiards. I still remember that one day Mr. Xu and I played billiards   51  class. We were so excited that we both  52  the lunchtime. Suddenly, my father showed up, he was very angry with me.
Well, it is   53 to know the rules, but it is not easy to get a good  54  in the game. Now billiards is becoming more and more  55  in China, and more and more Chinese are enjoying it.
小题1:A.two            B.both             C.all
小题2:A.able           B.free             C.glad
小题3:A.love           B.like             C.prefer
小题4:A.hit            B.joined           C.played
小题5:A.athletes       B.friends          C.teachers
小题6:A.after          B.before           C.in
小题7:A.knew           B.forgot           C.remembered
小题8:A.easy           B.hard             C.difficult
小题9:.A.rule          B.score            C.player
小题10:A.boring        B.famous           C.popular
Once upon a time , there was a child ready to be born. So    16  he asked God, “They tell me you are sending to    17 , but being so small and helpless,    18  am I going to live there?”
   19   the many angels(天使), I chose the best one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you. ” God replied.
“But here in heaven(天堂), I do    20    else but sing and smile! That’s enough for me to be happy.”
God said, “Your angel will sing and smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel’s love and you’ll be   21 .”
The child said, “And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me   22   I don’t know the language that men speak?”
God told the child, “ Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear, and with     23   patience(耐心) and care, your angel will teach you   24  .
The child said, “I’ve    25   that on the earth there are bad men, who will protect me?”
God said, “Your angel will protect you  26  it means risking her life(冒生命危险).”
“But I will always be sad because I will not see you any more.”
“Your angel will always talk to you about    27  and in face, I will always be next to you.”
At the momen0t there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from the earth could already be heard, and the child, in a hurry, asked, “ Oh , God, since I am about to    28  now, please tell me my angel’s    29   !”
“It is not hard to remember,” God replied    30 . “You will call your angel Mommy.”
A.every dayB.any dayC.one dayD.some day
A.the earthB.the moonC.the countryD.the sea
小题6:A. lonely          B happy        C. excited       D. surprised
A.where to goB.how to speakC.what to sayD.Which to choose
小题11:A. when          B as soon as      C. since        D. even if

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