
We’ve learned from a very young age that reading as much as possible is the way to success. If you look at the smartest, most hard-working person around you, you will find they have something in common. There is much we can learn from their reading.Successful people put their heart into one task for a time. Reading isn’t a quick thing. Naturally, some readers may take some breaks or drink a cup of tea ,but many readers simply cannot put a book down and keep it lying there for longer than a day after they’ve been interested in it. Successful people feel the same way. Once they have a task they set out to do it.

Successful people set goals(目标) for themselves whenever they sit down with a good book. They may read a number of pages before doing another activity. They really try to finish something whenever they open a text. They set goals for just about every moment of their life, and continue working towards the goal until they have reached it.

Successful people are usually clever readers. They spend time wisely. They might only have 20 minutes before they have to be somewhere. Many people may think only 20 minutes is not enough to do anything. However, clever readers would spend the 20 minutes in reading. Successful people regard their time as pretty valuable. They spend every minute learning something new, or achieving a goal.

1.What is the way to success according to the passage?

A.Communicating much B.Reading more books.

C.Buying more books D.Visiting more writers

2.According to the passage,successful people _______.

A.never take breaks when reading B.won’t stop reading a book for too long.

C.read some books without any goals D.often do several activities at the same time

3.What would successful people do when they sit down to read?

A.They count the number of the pages. B.They drink a cup of tea.

C.They check the writer D.They set a certain goal

4.What can you know from the last paragraph?

A.Twenty minutes is not enough for doing anything. B.Twenty minutes isn’t very valuable for us.

C.We should make use of time cleverly. D.We should try to finish a task in twenty minutes.


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