
The wolves (狼) are very hungry饿. They go out to look for food. There are many sheep ( 羊 ) near the hill( 山). There are also a few sheepdogs with them. The wolves think of an idea. They speak to the sheepdogs,“ You are like us and we are brothers. But we have a very different life. We do what we like, and you must work for man. They make you look after照看 their sheep. They eat meat and give you the bones (骨头). If you listen to us and give  us the sheep, we can eat them together. All of us will be happy,right?”The dogs are happy and do like this. The wolves ask the dogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves’ home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.
小题1:The wolves go out for food because           .
A.they see the sheep near the mountain
B.they see the sheepdogs
C.they are hungry
D.they want to go out
小题2:The sheepdogs work for                    .
小题3:Why do the wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home?
A.Because they want to eat them.
B.Because they want to be sheepdogs ’ friends.
C.Because they want to help sheepdogs to get freedom( 自由).
D.Because their home is near this mountain.
小题4:What do the sheepdogs do?
A.Play with the sheep.B.Look after the sheep.
C.Work with man.D.Eat the bones.
小题5:What do you think of the wolves?
A.Shy. B.Lazy.C.Kind.D.Sly(狡猾).


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文的开头The wolves are very hungry. They go out to look for food.可知,狼非常到饿,他们外出寻找食物。故狼出去找食物是因为他们饿了。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文中There are also a few sheepdogs with them......以及狼对牧羊犬说的话you must work for man.可知,这些牧羊犬是为人工作的。故选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据故事的结尾The wolves ask the dogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves’ home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.可知,狼让狗去了他们家,当牧羊犬进到狼到家的时候,狼把狗和羊都吃掉了。故狼让狗去他们家是为了吃掉他们。故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文中狼对狗说的话中They make you look after their sheep可知,人们让牧羊犬照看他们的羊。故选B。
Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a boy he was not happy in school. He seemed to be slower than others and he often failed in his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. His parents, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, “Albert is a bright boy. He failed in some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects.” They believed their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the riverside. Someone said, “See how the other children play and laugh, but not Albert. He just sits and looks off across the river.” Albert’s mother heard this and said, “Albert is quiet, because he’s thinking. Let’s wait and see. He’ll become a great scientist, I believe.”
She was right. Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.
小题1:Albert Einstein was _________.
A. an artist        B. a journalist    C. a scientist    
小题2:He won the Nobel Prize for _______in 1921.
A. medicine       B. physics       C. chemistry    
小题3:Einstein often failed in some exams because___________.
A. he was quiet               
B. he wasn’t interested in those subjects  
C. he was not clever               
小题4:Einstein’s mother ________.
A. understood her son               
B. complained about her friend
C. was pleased with the teachers     
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Einstein enjoyed playing with others.        
B. Einstein was happy at school.
C. Einstein was born in Germany.
Last week, the manager of an old jeweler’s shop received a letter marked “personal”. As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime. When he opened it, a $10 note fell out onto his desk. With the note was a short letter. This is what it said:
Dear sir,
I got engaged (订婚的) forty years ago. Unfortunately at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I lost my job. I was out of work for about six months before I got another one. Of course I was very short of money.

I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring one day. The assistant brought some rings for me to have a look, later she was called away, and then I put one of the rings into my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend’s finger. So I left the shop without paying for the ring. My wife died a month ago, and the fact that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience (让我良心不安) all these years. I always feel guilty about that. At that time the ring cost $2, and I think that is about five times -- $10 at today’s price.
Now I am sending you that amount.
Yours truly,
A customer
After reading the letter, the manager said, “Well, well, well, life is full of surprise!”
小题1:The ring that the customer put into his pocket was ____ at that time.
小题2:The underlined word “unemployment” means “____” in Chinese.
小题3:How long has the customer’s wife been dead?
A.A week. B.A month.C.A year.D.Two months.
小题4:The customer wrote to the manager in order to ________.
A.return the ringB.say thanks to him
C.ask him for some adviceD.send the money for the ring
小题5:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The manager opened the letter by himself.
B.The manager thought life was full of surprise.
C.When the customer’s wife knew the fact, she was impatient.
D.The customer always feels sad for not paying for the ring years ago.
An old friend from the US whom I was looking forward to staying with , telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived . I was still at the    at that time , but I had got everything ready for his arrival . After letting him know where my house was,I told him that I had left the     under the door--mat(门垫).    I was likely to be home rather late , I told him to go into the     and help himself to food and drink .
Two hours later my friend    me from the house . At the moment , he said , he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful    . He had found a cooker and     two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the ice box . Now , he said , he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would    him . When I asked him if he had reached the house without difficulty , he answered , “I was not able to find the key ,    luckily the living-room windows just by the apple tree were left open and you know what I could do .”
I listened to all this in    .In front of my living-room there was no apple tree at all .
A.1iving—room B.office C.airport D.house
A.addressB.telephone number C.key D.traveling plan
A.As B.When C.If D.Though
A.store B.restaurant C.fridge D.kitchen
A.invited B.asked C.answered D.telephoned
A.mealB.rest C.time D.picnic
A.got B.broke C.fried D.bought
A.visit B.join C.thank D.remember
A.but B.so C.or D.and
A.interest B.angerC.surprise D.Excitement
Do you want to make friends with a special man? Here is some information about him.
He is quiet and shy. He likes to hide his eyes behind his hair. He doesn't smile very often. However, if you talk to him about music, he'll have a lot to say. 
This is Jay Chou, the 34-year-old Taiwanese pop king(天王). His fans are so excited because he will have a singing party next month. Many pop stars will come, too. 
Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects.  His mother noticed the boy's special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing. 
Chou is not very handsome. He does not speak clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has a lot of fans. "He is really good at music. It makes him attractive(有魅力的) to me, " said Liu Jiajun, a Junior 2 student in No. 101 Middle School in Beijing.  "He is true to himself. He never follows others, "said Zhang Yujie, a Junior 1 girl at No.23 Middle School in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. 
小题1:How old is Jay Chou now?
小题2:From this passage, we know that Jay Chou_________. 
A.is very handsomeB.has a bright smile
C.often makes too much noiseD.is a pop music star
小题3:When he was a little child, he_________. 
A.talked a lot every day
B.did well in his study at school
C.started to like music
D.had a lot of fans
小题4:According to one of his fans, Jay_________. 
A.is a good studentB.has long and beautiful hair
C.is a famous pianistD.is very attractive to them
小题5:The sentence "He never follows others" in the last paragraph means_________. 
A.he always has his own style
B.he likes to walk alone
C.he doesn't like other people's songs at all
D.no one can catch up with him
Legend has it that an apple which fell from its branches was the inspiration for Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity(引力). But now history’s famous fruit tree is paying the price of fame.                            
The thousands of visitors drawn to Sir Isaac’s childhood home each year could be damaging the tree. A willow barrier(围栏)has been put around the tree. It means visitors to the 17th century Woolsthorpe Manor, near Grantham, Lincolnshire, will no longer be able to sit under its branches as Newton was said to have been doing in 1665 when “the notion of gravitation came to mind.”
The National Trust, which owns the small manor(庄园)where Newton was born in 1642, said the 2ft-high barrier was designed to preserve the tree. Official Ann Moynihan said there had been no damage so far but warned that there could soon be a problem.“Visitor numbers have gone up by around 50 percent, to 33,000 a year in three years. The more people who visit, the more the earth will become compacted(压实) around the tree and over the roots. We just want to preserve the tree for another 400 years if we can.”She said visitors will still be able to take apples from the tree.
Visitor Chris Gwyther,37,said,“I suppose it is a pity that you can’t sit under the tree like Newton. But you can still see it and the tree is 400 years old, it needs saving for the future.”
Newton left no information saying he had been inspired by a falling apple. The story appeared in a book by French philosopher Voltaire published in 1727, the year Newton died at the age of 84.
小题1:Why do people go to Woolsthorpe Manor to see the apple tree?
A.Because of the story about the apple tree.
B.Because of the long history of the apple tree.
C.Because of the sweetness of the apple.
D.Because of the unusual flower of the apple tree.
小题2:What is the reason that people can’t sit under the tree like Newton?
A.The manor is too crowded to sit around.
B.Their heads will be hit by the apples.
C.A willow barrier has been put around the tree.
D.There is something wrong with the apple tree.
小题3:The underlined word preserve means “_____”.
A.keep something safeB.make something grow
C.leave something as it isD.let something be
小题4:When did Newton have the inspiration for the discovery of gravity?
A.In 1642. B.In 1665. C.In 1820.D.In 1727.
小题5:Which of the following sentences is true?
A.Newton himself wrote a letter about the story of the apple tree.
B.Newton’s family owes Woolsthorpe Manor and tells the story.
C.Visitor numbers have gone up to 32,000 every year.
D.A French philosopher wrote the apple tree story in a book.
Can you write down a Chinese word being read to you? Sometimes it can be difficult when you find the word is not included in most dictionaries.
Lu Jialei, 14, from Hangzhou Foreign Language School, won the CCTV Chinese Character (汉字) Spelling Contest on Oct 18th, 2013. About 160 people competed. The host read a word to the contestant, explained its meaning and gave sample sentences. The contestant was required to write down the word.
Winning the contest was a “surprise” to Lu. “I was not the smartest one,” she said. “But I paid attention to details.” To prepare for the contest, she and her teammates studied the Modern Chinese Dictionary for 10 days. There are more than 56,000 entries (词条) including characters, words and phrases in it. She also had a secret weapon. She studied how Chinese characters were formed.
“When others paid attention to the plot of a story, she looked at how authors use words and sentences to express themselves,” said Su Yunsheng, Lu’s Chinese teacher. Su is happy to see students like Lu find the beauty of Chinese language.
“Besides using something Chinese and having Chinese traditional festivals, learning to write Chinese characters is also an important part of inheriting (传承) Chinese culture,” said Su.
小题1:Lu Jialei was born in ________.
小题2: Lu Jialei studied the Modern Chinese Dictionary ________ for the contest.
A.for more than one weekB.as long as one week
C.for more than half a monthD.as long as half a month
小题3:The contestant was required to write down the word ________.
A.after the contestant read the word to the host
B.before the host read the word to the contestant
C.after the host explained its meaning and gave sample sentences
D.before the contestant explained its meaning and gave sample sentences
小题4:Lu Jialei’s secret weapon was that ________.
A.she paid attention to details
B.she was the smartest contestant
C.she found the beauty of Chinese language
D.she studied how Chinese characters were formed
小题5:From the passage we can infer ________ isn’t an important part of inheriting Chinese culture.
A.trying to write Chinese characters
B.using chopsticks when having meals
C.giving and receiving presents at Christmas
D.spending the Spring Festival with families

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