A Poetic Visitor

“Class, I'd like to introduce Kerry Donnelly," said Ms. Jorge. “Ms. Donnelly has written four books of children's poetry. Two of her books are award winners. We are _______ she was able to take the time to speak with us today.”

Ms. Donnelly smiled at the class. “Thanks for having me,” she said. She leaned against the edge of Ms. Jorge's desk. “Did you all know I went to primary school here? I actually wrote my first poem in Mr. Wen's class, right across the hall. My best friend Madelyn was moving to Washington, and I couldn't _______ life without her," continued Ms. Donnelly. “Mr.Wen asked us to write a _______ about something we felt passionate (热烈的) about. I passionately didn't want Madelyn to_________to Washington, so I wrote about her and our friendship and all the things I missed. For some reason, that poem actually made me feel better.”

“The day before Madelyn moved, I gave her the poem I'd written. She said it made her feel better, too, because she knew at least one other person in the world understood how she was feeling. I think that's one of the most_______ things about poetry.”

Ms. Donnelly stood up and _______her hands. “I'd like to hear your questions," she said. “You can ask me anything you like about poetry and writing, and I'll do my best to answer your questions."

Maurice raised his hand. “Do you know what you are going to say when you sit down to write?" he asked.

Ms. Donnelly _______ her head. “Usually, I don't know what I want to say until I actually see the words appearing on the page. I just have to make sure that I sit down and write something every single day. That way, I'm sure to catch the good stuff when it's ready to be written.”

“Where do you get your ideas?" asked Maya.

“That's a good question," said Ms. Donnelly, “I have twin sons who are in the sixth grade. They and their friends and classmates have been the source (来源) of many ideas. I also grew up in a family of five kids, so my family members appear pretty regularly in my_________.”

“What would you be if you couldn't be a poet?" asked Ana.

Ms. Donnelly smiled but didn't say anything for a minute. “That's a very_________question. There are many other things I'd like to be, but they are all in addition to being a poet. I can't think of a single__________ I'd rather have instead.”

“And that," said Ms. Jorge to the class, “is the very best kind of job."

1.A.careful B.sorry C.kind D.lucky

2.A.live B.imagine C.believe D.save

3.A.article B.poem C.story D.book

4.A.move B.travel C.fly D.ride

5.A.skillful B.funny C.valuable D.thoughtful

6.A.put down B.put up C.put away D.put out

7.A.nodded B.shook C.touched D.cleared

8.A.work B.home C.life D.study

9.A.strange B.easy C.hard D.amazing

10.A.job B.hobby C.day D.family

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