
As my friend was passing some elephants,he suddenly stopped.He was confused by the fact that these huge animals were being held by nothing but a small rope.The rope was tied to their front legs. It was       that the elephants could break away from the ropes at any time.But for some         ,they did not.
My friend saw a trainer nearby and asked why these elephants just stood there and didn't        to get away.
“Well,” he said,“when they are very           and much smaller,we use the same size rope to tie them.At that age,it's enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are used to         that they cannot break away.They believe the rope can       hold them,so they never try to break free.”
My friend was amazed.These animals could at any time break free,      because they believed they couldn't,they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants,how many of us go       life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something,simply because we      at it once before? How many of us are being held back by old,outdated        that no longer serve us?


小题1:A考查形容词辨析及语境理解。A.clear清楚的;B.necessary必要的;C.interesting有趣的;D.important重要的;句意:大象能摆脱绳子,这是很明显的,根据上文提到 He was confused by the fact that these huge animals were being held by nothing but a small rope. 一头大象用一根绳子绑着,这让我的朋友很困惑,所以显然是绑不住的,故选A项。
小题2:D考查名词辨析及语境理解 A.business生意;B.time时间;C.duty责任;D.reason原因。句意:但是因为一些原因,他们不能。根据下方提到My friend saw a trainer nearby and asked why these elephants just stood there and didn't       to get away 故选D项。
小题3:A 考查动词辨析及语境理解 A.try尝试;B.continue继续;C.remember记得;D.refuse 拒绝;句意:我的看到附近的一个训练者,问他为什么大象这样站着,不试着挣脱。根据下方提到小时候大象就被绑着,他习惯了,认为不能挣脱,故选A项。
小题4:C 考查形容词辨析及语境理解 A.strong强壮 的;B.sleepy困的;C.young 年轻的;D.tired累的;句意:当他们小时候甚至更小时,我们就用同样尺寸的绳子绑着他。根据下方提到As they grow up,they are used to        that they cannot break away当他们长大时,可知故选C项。
小题5:B 考查动词辨析及语境理解 A.guessing认为;B.believing相信;C.proving证明;D.regretting后悔遗憾。 句意:当他们长大时,他们习惯于相信不能挣脱绳子。Be used to doing 习惯于做某事,故选B项。
小题6:D 考查副词辨析及语境理解 A.ever曾经;B.even甚至;C.never从不;D.still仍然; 句意:他们认为这绳子仍然能困住他们,因此他们不会挣脱,故D项。
小题7:A 考查连词辨析及语境理解A.but但是;B.and并且;C.or否则;D.so因此。 句意:这些动物任何时候能挣脱这些绳子,但因为他们相信不能,所以他们就被困以原地。根据句意,两个句子之间是转折关系,故选A项。
小题8:C 考查介词辨析及语境理解 句意:跟大象一样,许多认为有些事我们不能做,把这做为自己坚定的信念。Go across 通过,故选C项。
小题9:A 考查动词辨析及语境理解A.failed失败;B.laughed笑;C.aimed目的旨在;D.looked看;句意:仅仅就因为我们失败过?fail at it 在此处失败过,故选A项。
Once there were two brothers. They were very good to each other. They were half brothers because the elder brother’s mother was dead, and then his father married again. The stepmother (继母)was not kind to the elder brother, but the younger brother loved him and often helped him.
One day, the mother gave each of the brothers a box of seeds(种子) and enough food for a few days. She said to them, “Take them. Go and plant them. One of you must plant them on the east hill, and the other on the west hill. Don’t come back if the seeds don’t come out. ” The mother gave very bad seeds to the elder brother, but the two brothers didn’t know this, and set out the next morning.
When they came to a bridge, they sat down to rest. After that, they got up to say good-bye to each other, but they took the wrong boxes of seeds!
Ten days later, the elder brother’s seeds began to grow and he came back. But the younger brother did not return home because his seeds didn’t grow. At last, he died on the hill.
小题1:One day, the mother gave two boxes of seeds _________
A.only to the elder sonB.only to the younger son
C.to their fatherD.to the two sons
小题2:The mother asked the two brothers to _________.
A.plant the seeds on the west hillB.come back soon after they planted the seeds
C.plant the seeds on two hillsD.take the trees and plant them.
小题3: In fact the mother wanted __________      
A.the two brothers to plant treesB.the two brothers to work hard
C.the elder brother to dieD.the younger brother to die
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?     
A.The mother was not kind to the elder brother
B.The younger brother loved the elder brother
C.The younger brother had two mothers
D.The elder brother had two mothers
小题5:The story tells us that ________.     
A.one mustn’t do bad thingsB.one mustn’t take the wrong box
C.one must help othersD.one must use good seeds
Mr .Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. It was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didn't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?"
"l'm sorry ,sir," said Mr.brown, "l didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine(酒) and gave it to the old man.
"It's cold today, sir," said Mr.Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm."
The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "l'm felling much better now. Why don't you drink any?"
"l can't drink anything now ,sir , "answered Mr.Brown "l'm waiting for the policeman .Only drunkards (酒鬼)cause(发生) accidents(事故) ,you know.
小题1:When did the story happen?
A.In the morningB.In the afternoonC.In the eveningD.At night
小题2:Why did Mr.Brown drive so fast?
A.He was happy that day
B.He was good at driving
C.There were few cars in the street
D.He was afraid to be late
小题3:Mr.Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that ____.
A.he didn't see the red lights
B.he drove fast
C.he couldn't drive at all
D.it was raining hard
小题4:Why did Mr.Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man?
A.To make him happy
B.To make him drunk (醉的)
C.To make him warm
D.To make friends with him
小题5:We can know that _____ at last.
A.Mr.Brown was not late for work
B.the old man Mr.Brown became good friends
C.Mr.Brown drank some wine
D.Mr.Brown fooled the old man
Andy was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found many differences between Chinese and Americans:
About money
Americans like to spend more than they have, so many of them are always in debt(欠债). But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank.
The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money.
About education
Many American students have less homework to do while many Chinese students have much.Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups.
Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive school. It’s different in China. Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive schools though their family isn’t rich enough.
About friends
Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their children’s friends in many different ways, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.
小题1:between Chinese and Americans
Chinese usually have some money in the bank小题2:  they spend less money than they have.
Many Americans usually 小题3:  
money from the banks because they spend more than they have.
Chinese children get money from their 小题4:
Children usually make money by 小题5:
Parents usually do their小题6:    
to send their children to study in expensive schools.
Many parents think it isn’t 小题7:     
to send their children to an expensive schools.
Chinese girls join in 小题8:
Many girls exercise, dance and sing together.
Parents are usually 小题9: in knowing more about their children’s friends.
Most American parents pay 小题10:         
attention to their children’s friends. 
Ma Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book that has moved many people around the world. “Ma Yan’s Diary” tells us about Ma’s life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin, Ningxia, and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a strong desire(欲望)to go to school.
Her mother gave her diary to a French reporter, Pierre Haski when he went to Zhangjisshu in 2001. Now, it has been published(出版) in France Italy, Germany, Japan and China.
Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. Before this, she had to leave school twice. When she had to stop going to school the first time, her mum told her there was no money for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money, she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school but her two brothers could stay.
“I want to study,” Ma wrote in her diary. “Why can boys study but girls can’t? It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.”
Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.
“My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married young. I don’t want that kind of life,” Ma said.
After her story became known, many French student sent money to her. Ma’s dream is the same as ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. “Then , I can find poor kids like me and help them, ” she said.
小题1:Which of the following can describe Ma Yan’s character(性格)best?
小题2:Now you can find “Ma Yan’s Diary” in all the following countries except (除了)_____.
小题3:Which of the following is the main(主要的) reason for Ma Yan’s Diary to be published?
A.Her mother gave her enough money to publish the book.
B.She wrote about the poor life in her village.
C.She is very good at writing.
D.Her diary was read by a French reporter.
小题4:Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?
A.She had to help her mother do some housework.
B.Her brothers studied better than she did.
C.Girls were not equally treated(平等对待)in their village.
D.She didn’t study hard.
小题5:Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to __________.
A.teach her parents knowledge
B.get more money for her study in Tsinghua University
C.become more famous
D.get more knowledge to change her own life
Bob Harris was a weatherman at a small television station. He worked for twenty years and during those twenty years, he felt that his life was boring. Every day, he studied the weather and tried to predict(预报)the next day’s weather. Then, he stood in front of the camera and read his report. Some days it was cloudy, some days it was sunny; sometimes rainy, while sometimes snowy. The weather changed each day, but Bob still felt that his job was always the same. His boss often told him to be happier and smile more in front of the camera, but Bob rarely smiled. He thought that most people did not watch his weather report and his job did not matter much to anyone. One day, he arrived at work and began to study the weather as usual. He noticed that something was different that day.
Everything he studied told him that there was going to be a very big storm very soon, though he was not completely sure. Suddenly, Bob felt excited. He ran to his boss’s office and asked to do a special weather report. The boss agreed and Bob gave a special report that afternoon, warning people of the coming storm. Because of this report, many people were safe during the storm.
Bob realized(意识到) that his job was actually very important.
小题1:Why did Bob feel that his life was boring?
A.Because the weather changed each day.
B.Because he did not want to work for a small television station.
C.Because he did not like to stand in front of the camera.
D.Because he felt that his job was always the same.
小题2:Why did Bob rarely smile when he was in front of the camera?
A.Because he thought that his job did not matter much to anyone.
B.Because he only worked for a small televison station.
C.Because he did not like his boss.
D.Because the weather report was boring.
小题3:Why did Bob ask to do a special weather report?
A.Because he felt excited.
B.Because he wanted to warn people of the coming storm.
C.Because he realized that his job was actually very important.
D.Because he wanted to smile in front of the camera.
小题4:Why did Bob feel excited?
A.Because he wanted to do a special weather report.
B.Because he wanted to ask his boss for more money.
C.Because he knew there was going to be a big storm soon.
D.Because he was going to stand in front of the camera.
小题5:How did Bob realize that his job was actually very important?
A.People were safe from the storm because of his weather report.
B.He got better pay after he did the weather report.
C.People liked him very much.
D.He did a special report every day.

We all have dreams. Do you still remember your dream when you were still a middle school student. As teenagers, you may have many dreams. Maybe you wanted to be a scientist, a teacher or a doctor. These dreams can be very big, such as winning a Nobel Prize, or very small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.
If you have a dream, what do you do with it? Do you try to make your dream come true? Andrew Matthews wrote a book called Follow Your Heart. It tells us it’s the biggest challenge(挑战) to make our dreams come true.
There will be many difficulties on the road to your dreams. But you must never give up your dream. Because the biggest difficulty comes from you yourself. 
Everyone can make his/her dream come true. The first thing to do is to remember your dream. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want and keep working hard. Do this step by step and your dream will come true one day.
小题1:Follow Your Heart is the name of           .
A.Andrew Matthews B.a book about hearts
C.a book by Andrew Matthews D.a dream
小题2:Which of the following may be a small dream for teenagers?
A.To be a man like Nobel.
B.To win a Nobel Prize.
C.To be the best student in the class.
D.To be a scientist.
小题3:If you want to make your dream come true, the biggest difficulty is from           .
A.the book B.your school C.your dream D.you yourself
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Different people have the same dream.
B.If you keep on, you can make your dream come true.
C.There are few difficulties on the road to everyone's dream.
D.When you give up your dream, it will come true soon.

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