Can you remember a time when somebody was king to you? Perhaps a person let you go in front of them in a queue. Maybe your sister phoned you to ask how your week was going. Or perhaps a stranger or a friend gave you a hand in a much deeper way. There are a thousand ways to offer kindness. And at a time when the world seems to have so many problem, some people have started to take the issue of kindness very seriously indeed.

Being kind is a win-win situation. It brings happiness to the receiver as well as the person who does the action. As a simple example, let’s imagine you have a workmate who always does a very good job. How about taking a moment to mention this to him? Your workmate will be happy to receive some praise, and you will probably feel good about yourself for having spread a little joy.

Many organizations try to encourage people to do kind acts, wherever and whenever they can. The idea behind this is that it doesn’t take any major plan to be kind. Perhaps the stronger supporters of this idea are the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Foundation, who work with schools and companies to teach people kindness skills. They operate under the beliefs that kindness can be taught and that it is contagious(有感染力的). Their activities range from suggesting kind acts to allowing their website-users to become “RAKtivists” (people who officially register themselves as activists of kindness.)

Apart fro musing your own common sense, the RAK website suggests some more imaginative ways to show kindness. Generally, these fall into three types. The first is interpersonal kindness. Some examples are donating(捐赠)old clothes to charity or writing an advantageous online idea about a restaurant that you like. The second is environmental kindness, which could mean simply recycling or organizing a group event to tidy up a local park or beach. The third type is less clear: personal kindness, which means treating yourself kindly, such as taking a walk in parks, inviting yourself to a big meal or setting yourself a goal to complain less. By being kind to yourself, _______.

1.Are there a thousand ways to offer kindness?

2.Why is being kind a win-win situation?

3.What do many organizations encourage people to do?

4.What does RAK believe?

5.How can a website - user become “RAK tivists”?

6.Please finish the last sentence within 15 words.

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