
1. Where are John and Tom?
[     ]
A. In the cinema.
B. On their way to the cinema.
C. At the cinema booking office.
2. What do they want to do?
 [     ]
A. To know about the film.
B. To see a new film.
C. To tell their age.
3. What are they talking about?
[     ]
A. A picnic.
B. Healthy food.
C. Drinks.
4. What are they doing while they're talking?
[     ]
A. They are having breakfast.
B. They are drinking orange juice.
C. They are getting things ready.
5. What did they eat before?
[     ]
A. Fast food, take-away food and ready-made food.
B. Meat or fish with vegetables or salad.
C. Indian, Chinese, Thai food.
6. How is the British diet (饮食) changing?
[     ]
A. They eat many more vegetables.
B. They eat neither Chinese food nor Indian food.
C. They eat fast food, take-away food and ready-made meals.
7. What's the passage talking about?
[     ]
A. The healthy diet.
B. The British diet.
C. The Indian and Chinese.
1. C      2. B      3. A      4. C      5. B      6. C     7. B
A. A teacher.
B. A student.
C. A bookseller.
7. When will they use the computers?
[     ]
A. On Tuesdays.
B. On Wednesdays.
C. On Thursdays.